Kassie: Hey. I don't know if you guys remember this story but it was once called,

Pain, Pain, Go Away.

It was deleted because of the lemon I wrote for it. So now this is a re-post of it since I have none of the chapters for it. So…wah. And it was almost done too.

So here's the remake for it. I hope you enjoy it.

This is also for the girl who emailed me and asked me to finish it. I told you I would for you but then my mom switch computers on me and I lost your email if you're reading this, and you know who you are, please enjoy. This is for you.

Summary: Running away to protect your love ones is never easy. Nor is trying to get rid of the scars of your heart. Can two lost souls help each other? While trying to work with one and other? Kik/Sess, Inu/Kag, San/Mir

Kassie: ( : ) ) HERE WE GO!

I've been walking in the mirror for so long,

That I've come to believe my soul's on the other side.

All the little pieces falling shattered.

Shards of me too sharp to put back together.

Too small to matter,

But big enough to cut me in to so many little pieces if I try to touch her.

'Right now he's gone…good…right now is the perfect time. He won't be back for at least a week by then we should be long gone…' A woman 24 years of age thought as she began to hurriedly back her precious belongings. Selling the shrine was no problem. Many people wanted it and she was selling it to the highest bidder. She needed the money because she needed to escape him…her sister's life depended on it…not to mention her own.

And I bleed. I bleed.

And I breathe. I breathe, no more

Once her blue bag was backed up of things that no matter what could be replaced she raced toward her younger sister's room and began to gently shake her.

" Kagome…" She said gently. Her younger sister stirred slightly but didn't wake up. Twitching the woman shook her harder.

" KAGOME!" She yelled. The girl jumped up and looked at her older sister. Her brown eyes were clouded over by drowsiness. Kagome had to blink over and over again until she could focus on her older sister Kikyou. Kikyou looked a her sister almost glaring because waking her up was taking too much of her time.

" Kikyou-nee?" She asked. Kikyou nodded.

" Yes! We have to go now! Get as little as possible, take things that you can't replace!' She told her as she then quickly walked away. Kikyou had to finish getting ready.

Kagome blinked. 'What's going on?' She asked herself in her mind. She looked at her alarm clock by her bed and saw that it read 3 AM. She blinked. She then began to think more clearly as she got up and began to change out of her PJ's. 'Are we really leaving? She wasn't kidding…?' A normal teenage girl would throw a huge fit but this was different. She understood what was happening to her sister. And she was more than glad to leave if that meant her sister would be safe.

Kikyou was on the phone calling her friends telling them of the plans that were taking place as of now. Naraku was gone and this was the perfect time to leave because he wouldn't be able to catch her. Kikyou barely could crack a smile at Kagome and her sister.

I take a breath and I try to turn off what my spirits will.

Yet how can you refuse to drink like a stubborn child.

Lie to me convince me that I've been sick forever.

And all of this will make sense when I get better.

But I know the difference between myself and my reflection.

I just can't help but to wonder which of us do you love.

As Kikyou passed by a body mirror she stopped and looked at herself. Someone had once told her that her skin was so pure that she must have been a goddess reborn. Now look at it, it was an yellowish color from all the old bruises that he had given her. Every person has scars on their bodies because when you're little you're bound to fall and get a small scratch or two but she had so many from so many different things…

Tears went to Kikyou's eyes, but now was not the time to cry. She had to hurry and leave, she needed to protect the only family she had now. She needed to protect her sister. That was the only thing that mattered to her anymore. She needed to protect Kagome. Grabbing everything she would need she then called,

" Kagome! Let's go!" Kagome ran to her carrying her Hello Kitty backpack and everything else that she could carry. Kikyou wanted to smile but her face still hurt from her last punishment that she could barely nodded.

" I'm ready…" Kagome said. Kikyou smiled.

" Good let's go then…" Grabbing their things Kikyou and Kagome headed out toward Kikyou's old car and put all of their things in it. Kagome got into the back and began to make a comfy bed in the back while Kikyou went to the house for one last look. Looking around as so many memories zoomed by her she let a lone tear run down her face and land on the floor. 'Mother…father…forgive me…' She thought as she then turned around walked out and closed the door. The only sound that was then heard in the house was the sound of Kikyou locking her childhood home for good.

So I bleed. I bleed.

And I breathe.

I breathe no,

Bleed. I bleed.

And I breathe. I breathe. I breathe. I breathe, no more.

Kassie; I know it short but this is the beginning any ideas any one wants to give me I'll be more than happy to take! Kay? Oh this song that I used for this chapter is by Evanescence, No More Breathe

Love you all and please R&R

Once the Princess of Darkness and me I am now TennyoAkana
