Disclaimers: Alanna and co. do not belong to me. They are all the creation of the wondrous author Tamora Pierce. Take a look at the title for this website! It is labeled FANFICTION dot net not myowncreation dot net. All the characters you don't recognize are mine and so is the plot (If you can call it that, LoL)

A/N: Ok, I decided to write an "Alanna goes to the convent" story. Except in this story she knows George, and is widely traveled. Roald is still king, and Lianne queen. Roger is still alive and up to a whole lot of...lets just say mischief. Man! This is the longest Author's note I've ever written!

In the Thick of Things: The Story of Lady Alanna of Trebond

A/N: I know it's a pretty lousy title, so if you have any better ideas, please feel free to e-mail me or tell me in a review. :

Ok, I'll shut up now and give you the story... –sighs of relief fill the room- lol-

"Alanna's coming" whispered the court beauties

"Alanna's coming" gossiped the servants

"Alanna's coming Delia of Elderdorne told Duke Roger

"Alanna's coming" said George Cooper, King of Thieves to his rogues.

"I'm coming" read the letter Thom, Lord of Trebond, held in his hand

"Yes, Alanna's finally coming home" King Roald told his son Prince Jonathan

Alanna of Trebond and Olau surveyed the city of Corus beneath her. She hadn't been here in so long…

She had left the convent at 15, not being able to stand it anymore. Not being old enough to be presented at court, she had traveled widely- researching the raka magic in the Copper Isles, helping negotiate the treaty with Tusaine, then traveling to Carthak to learn the ways of the Emperor Mages.

Next she had gone to the Bazhir Desert and destroyed the Ysandir of the Black City earning her the title of the "Burning Brightly One"

From there she had gone to Maren, and on to Sarain. There she had been the honored guest of the Jin Wilma, and had helped patch up the fight between the Lowlanders and the K'mir. It was on this trip that she had acquired the Dominion Jewel from Queen Kalasin as a reward.

And now, she was returning. Yes, it was mainly to give the Dominion Jewel to King Roald, but still, she was home.

She turned her horse towards the city and began the slow descent into the city.

A/N: Sorry it's so short... it's only the first chapter after all, and I have to get things started. The next chapter will be longer, I promise.

Please review:D
