Chapter 15: The Ball Part II

Cloud hadn't responded until now.

Talk to him. Did you hear the whole conversation? You might be taking innocent words the wrong way.

"No, I didn't hear the whole thing, but there isn't much mistake in what I heard." Daine then suddenly remembered that she had a dress fitting to attend to, and saying her goodbyes, ran to the palace. Being out there with Cloud had made her determination spark up again – she wouldn't let anyone see that she was upset about something. Especially not Numair. If he didn't love her, well that was his loss.

She would, of course, still go to the ball with him, but only to be escorted. She sure as the stars in the sky wasn't going to spend the whole time clinging to his side! As far as she knew, Numair was done courting her. She was a free lady, so why shouldn't she have any fun!

Daine gasped as a pin pricked her skin, none the gentle. "Well," the short, plump lady sighed exasperatedly, "if you would just hold still, we wouldn't have this problem!" Daine glared at Alanna and Thayet as Alanna hid her grin behind her hand, Thayet hid hers behind her fan. The lady pricked her again, and this time Daine spun around with her hands on her hips, facing the lady.

"See now, I wasn't even moving that time! You're sticking pins into me like I was one of your pin cushions! Well, I'm not!" The dress mistress only pursed her lips and stuck her nose in the air. With a dignified sniff she waited for Daine to turn back around. By now Alanna and Thayet's shoulders were shaking with suppressed laughter. Sending another glare in their direction, Daine stiffly stood there and tolerated the rest of her fittings.

Daine walked out of that torture chamber some fifteen minutes later. Her dress was to consist of a buttery smooth light yellow silk material. It was absolutely beautiful; she had to admit, even if the fitting for it was a nightmare. The dress had an elegant floor-length cut, hugged her curves in all the right places, and cut just to the limit as to not abuse nature's abundance. It draped over one shoulder and left one bare. However much it revealed, however, it somehow didn't look inappropriate on her.

Lost in the thoughts of her dress, she didn't see the arm mysteriously reach out and grab her, pulling her into a niche in the stone walls.

She gasped, and started to struggle against the strong arms holding her. About to cry out, Daine felt a pair of lips cover hers. The lips were familiar, and any anger previously felt towards this person evaporated.

"Numair, don't you think this is a little inappropriate, especially when we are not married?" Daine huffed after her stomach settled down. Yes, he still did that to her. Even more especially when we're not even engaged She added as an afterthought to herself. Numair just smiled, pecked her on the lips once more, and left her leaning against the wall, pondering.

Numair certainly acted as if he loved her. It might only be for show, but then again why would he kiss her when no one was around, if it was only for show? Did he really still love her? Or maybe he was just wooing her like all men who courted ladies did. Try as she might, Daine couldn't stop thinking about that kiss…

Daine didn't know how she did it, but somehow she made it through that night and the next half of a day. She hadn't seen Numair much all day, which she was thankful for. By noon she needed to start dressing. Alanna was coming after she took a bath to dress her hair and gown.

Time passed quickly as she sat on her bed and pondered about her and Numair. Were they really meant to be together? She came back for him, back from the ROTG, and he was treating her like this. She became a goddess for him for goddess' sake!

There was a knock at the door. "Are you ready, Daine? We need to start now if we're to get you there in time." Daine let Alanna steer her to the wardrobe and closed out her words. Alanna was trying to tell Daine that 'it would be fun, even I was a bit nervous when a ball was first thrown in my honor'. She obviously misinterpreted Daine's feelings.

Two dreadful hours later Daine was finally dressed. Studying her reflection in the mirror, Daine saw a girl - no - a woman, standing there wearing a dazzling yellow evening gown; her hair pulled back into a knot, rogue curls cascading down her neck; and tanned arms folded in a vision of insecurity. At once Daine unfolded her arms, pushed her shoulders back, and changed that insecurity to a look of boldness, a look that said she could face anything. She was ready to face Numair, no matter if he did love her or not! She wasn't going to show anyone her worries, especially not on the night of her ball.

"You look beautiful," said an approving voice behind her left ear. Spinning, she saw Numair, looking handsome in a titanium-colored silk vest and trousers. Daine had to admit, he looked very nice. Masking her true emotions with a polite smile, she held out her hand for him to kiss. He did so and the two took their positions outside the royal oaken doors, waiting to be announced.

" – Veralidaine Sarrasri, Wildmage of Tortall, performer of many heroic and loyal deeds. Numair Salmalín, Black Robe mage of Tortall and tutor of many magical and non-magical subjects." At this Daine found her feet and walked into the grand ballroom, Numair at her arm. They bowed before the king and queen, then Daine turned left while Numair turned right. Once every announced took their places, they would form a half circle around the thrones.

Daine eyed the young men occupying the room. There was one she thought she could get to know well; straw blond hair that was fashionably cut at the shoulders and fastened into a horse tail was a nice touch. She tried to convince herself that there were so many more fish in the sea than Numair, but the spark wasn't there. She had no real emotion towards these men.

The last pair was announced, and everyone began to move at once before they noticed that the Jon was on his feet. Patiently waiting for everyone to settle down, he then began to speak.

"As most of you know, Veralidaine Sarrasri has had a rough past few weeks. She has been faced with the most terrifying of foes. However, she pulled through, and I know I'm not the only one overjoyed." With this he stepped aside and Numair stepped up, presumably out of nowhere. Gracefully he glided down to where Daine stood.

"You could count the stars, and that would not even begin to what I feel for you. In my darkest hour, you were there, an angel in all her glory. Now, I would like to express my love for you. Veralidaine Sarrasri, will you marry me?" He was down on one knee, pinching a small golden circle, an arrangement of diamonds crowning it. Daine's world spun.

All of a sudden memories came flooding back to her: she was thirteen, admiring the spells the mage had performed at Pirate's Swoop; at fourteen, she and Numair were sitting on the floor of a cave, shaggy wolves encircling them; she was fifteen when she had first began to really love Numair; finally, at sixteen, she and Numair were in a cave in the Realms of the Gods, cuddled together. She loved Numair, and he loved her!

A tear formed and brought her back to reality. Wiping it away quickly, she threw her arms around Numair's neck.

"Yes," she whispered in his ear. "Yes, yes, yes." A laugh tore from her love's throat, perhaps of joy and perhaps of relief. Numair stood up and spun her around, protective arms holding her tightly. One would have to have been a brute not to sigh at the romantic scene before them, and the members of the crowd were definitely not brutes. The ball soon began. Food and wine was served, the finest available; Numair and Daine found themselves laughing just to laugh. The music would be closed off in three hours' time...

And they danced.