Disclaimer: I do not own Witch Hunter Robin...but if I did, I would make more episodes. Aha...
This is my first fanfic and the first time I've written anything. I don't know where this is going or how long it will be but I'm determined to stick it out until I get an end. Please read and review as I need something to go on but please be kind and constructive if you choose to give me any tips. Thank you. :)

They had made it. They survived. Amon knew the Factory would come down but he wasn't worried. He knew he could get himself and Robin out, his main concern was what came next.

After everything they had learned, he knew...knew there was no going back. Whether he could go back to hunting witches or not wasn't clear to him. He couldn't fully accept the existence of witches but he couldn't fully accept being a hunter anymore either, especially not now that Robin was a permanent fixture in his life. Something told him that having her with him was enough to prevent him from hunting again despite orbo not being used anymore.

Orbo. Taken from witches...witches he had hunted. It was disgusting. No matter how cold he appeared to be, no matter how he felt about witches...he never would have done such a thing knowing what the result would be. He wasn't that cold...even he saw how twisted that was.

His mother was a seed and his father was a witch. That was all he knew of his father and all that seemed to matter about his mother most days. His father had left before he was born...afterall, it wasn't unlike him, he had done the same thing to his older half brother, Nagira. Nagira, however, had turned out alright and Amon figured that was due to him having at least one normal parent in his life.

Now, don't get him wrong, Amon loved his mother, he just didn't know if he could cope with her being a witch even now that years had passed. She had awakened right in front of his eyes, a witch, not a craft user. Things had gotten to be too much for her, something Amon realized later in life. Raising Amon alone had placed so much stress on her that finally, she snapped. Up until then, she had always treated him well...but after...it was like she was gone.

But now he had to deal with Robin. He didn't know how he was going to do it but he knew he would have to. Up until her, he was alone...how was he going to adjust to living with someone day in and day out, let alone her? She was 15, still a child and yet she was so mature but at the same time, pure and still curious.

She had changed him...in what way and how was still unknown to Amon but he could feel it. He had, afterall, disobeyed orders and interfered with her hunt twice. First, during the attack on her and Touko's apartment. He stopped her from running after those men...had he not, chances are, they would have gotten her and it would have been all over. He had paid for that one...Zaizen had beat him later that night, blow after blow...and he just took it. He felt he deserved it. Didn't he? Touko had been injured and that had been the hunt's only result...Robin got away because of him. Not quite what was planned.

The second time he interfered it was during the attack on the STNJ. He came in and found Robin on the floor, cornered by the men from Solomon...he had to act quick. He grabbed her hand and when he did, she looked up at him and they locked eyes. He saw such a strange combination of emotions in her eyes, anger, saddness, confusion, and fear were among them and he couldn't help but wonder for a split second if he had caused any of that fear...if she was afraid of him. "Follow me" was all he said and she was up off the floor tagging along behind him, her hand still in his.

On the way down she asked him about the hunt and Kate and...he answered. All the way down the stairwell he continued to talk like he never had before. Suddenly, he felt as though he had so much to say...and that if she were to ask him anything he would answer, his walls temporarily down.

He asked her to burn a whole through the wall, never intending to use it. No, it was a trick...he had to find another way to get her out. There was no way they could simply run out of the building and get away before they caught up...they'd have to cross the lawn and get over the fence before they opened fire. He had a better idea, one he had planned as soon as he had learned of the hunt from Father Juliano's confusing letter of confession. He turned to the well, knowing that was her way out. As she turned the other way to do as she was told, he pressed a button revealing the secret passage he would soon send her down.

He turned to see her standing before the hole she had created and felt a pang in his chest. What that pang was, at the time, he didn't know...nor was he ready to explore it yet. She asked him if everything he had told her meant that he saw her as a friend. The word "friend" caught him off guard. He had never thought about friends before nor had he ever called someone a friend. He had friends, just not what normal people would view as friends. No, he had them alright...the people he worked with. Sure, he didn't know much about them nor did they know much about him but working as a witch hunter creates a bond...you are the only ones who know what it is like to be a witch hunter, to come to work every day only to do a job most of the world didn't even know existed, to be alone in life, never getting too close because you have to be ready to go on a hunt at any given time. Even the lighter hunters had no one outside of work...for example, Sakaki, young and so full of life, wasn't like normal teens but he gave off a feel of normal. You could almost see him in high school, dating, goofing off...but no. Every hunter there was alone, he just gave off more of a feeling of it since he chose to be that way for quite some time now. Her saying it though..."friend"...she was his closest friend and yet he never told her anything nor did she ask for anything. She took him as he was...another pang.

He didn't answer that question, instead he went on about her hunt...he could hear his voice softening. She desperately ran to him, grabbing onto him to pull him towards the hole. Instead of running, he grabbed her and redirected her towards the well and helped her down it. He jumped down onto the landing, explaining to her to go to the place written on the piece of paper he was slipping into her hair, allowing his hand to linger there a bit longer than he should have. Should have...what should he have done? Was there anything really wrong with what he had done? He didn't do anything, right? All he did was pull her a bit closer...just a bit...close enough to feel her breath on his face. He removed his hand and pulled back, jumping out leaving her alone. He watched as she struggled to get to him...so desperate...what was that flash of emotion in her eyes? Her eyes...there were tears in her eyes...why? Another pang...he pushed her hand away from the button as she had almost hit it and he, somewhere deep inside of him, wished she had...so he could go with her...wait. No. He had to stay and find out what was going on...

For some reason, he couldn't let it like that...he had to say one more thing...and as he started to say something the well closed stopping his words. He was going to tell her that next time they met...hell, he didn't know what he was going to say. He had started to talk inspired by the hightened emotions flowing through him, through her...but he didn't even know what he was going to say. It was probably for the best that the well had closed he thought as he sat in yet another hotel room, the witch who was in his thoughts almost constantly, in the bathroom, soaking...a ritual she enjoyed. His head hurt, he couldn't think anymore or he would drive himself crazy...or hit on something he had been trying to push back, to avoid...yes, he thought, as he heard water lightly splashing in the bathroom...thinking was getting a bit dangerous.