Tasty Tatsy

Rating: R

Summary: Yuki picks up Shuichi's phone and notices that the person calling is listed under Tasty, when its actually Tatsy. He answers the phone and low and behold, it's his own brother. Misreadings can be funny.

Disclaimer: Nope, sorry, I dun own Gravitation.

Warnings: Uh non-descriptive lemon, so yea... and hints of previously done sex...

A/N: Just a little something a review from another story gave me the idea for. They were right... Misunderstandings are funny. Really short, just an idea in my head, so yea.


'In the Moonlight' played in the quiet room as Eiri read the newspaper. That damned phone was getting annoying to him so he finally picked it up. He looked and the caller ID, Tatsy. "Shuichi! Who's Tasty?" Yuki called out.

"You are, silly!" Shuichi called out from the kitchen. The novelist grumbled a bit at his lover's stupidity, but the vibration of the phone in his hand reminded him to pick it up, so he did.

"Who is this?" He asked in a not so pleasant voice.

"Heeey, Aniki!" Said the voice from the other side. Who could it be? Tatsuha, of course.

"Tatsuha, what have you and Shuichi been doing?" Eiri asked in a 'Why does my boyfriend have you under a very odd and suspicious name in his cell phone' voice.

"Hanging out," Was the younger Uesugi's simple response.

"Is that all?" Yuki asked, getting irritated.

"Yea," Tatsuha told his older brother. If they were doing something, do you think Tatusha would tell his brother? Uh, no.

"Fine," The blonde said and hung up the phone. He got up and walked over to the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Shuichi who was making him self tea. "So how tasty is Tatsuha?" Eiri whispered into Shuichi's ear.

"What the..? What are you talking about Yuki?" Shuichi raised an eyebrow and turned around.

"Don't play dumb with me," The taller man said and locked his lips with his lovers roughly.

"Yu-Yuki.. I swear, I have no idea what you're talking about..." Shuichi said as he pulled away and caught his breath.

"Your mine... remember that," The novelist said as he started to kiss the singer's neck.

"I know that..." Shuichi said as he wrapped his arms around Yuki's neck. Yuki stopped kissing him and looked down at his lover. Shuichi looked up, wide-eyed, at the blonde.

"Then why is my brother listed under Tasty in your phone?" Yuki asked and raised an eyebrow. Shuichi started giggling. "What's so funny, brat?" The blonde crossed his arms.

"You! It's not Tasty, its Tatsy!" Shuichi said and giggled more. Yuki closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"So you're not doing anything with my brother?" Yuki asked and let out the breath. Shuichi shook his head.

"Nope, just hanging out," He said innocently. The novelist smirked and began kissing the vocalist once more. Shuichi kissed him back and Yuki picked the smaller man up and carried him to the bedroom, not breaking the kiss. He laid Shuichi down on the bed and began undressing the teen as they were kissing. Shuichi did the same to Eiri. Soon, they were both without clothing. That night, Yuki showed Shuichi he was his, and only his, more than once. After Yuki had fallen asleep, Shuichi took out his journal and a pen. He began to write what had happened. The ending of his entry was very interesting,


Dear Journal,

...Thank God Yuki didn't really find out that Tatsuha really is tasty.

Love ya!


Hopefully, Yuki will never find that journal. Shuichi hid the journal again and cuddled up to Yuki, falling asleep immediately.