(A/N): This is my first time venturing in the SM universe, so don't shoot me! 'cowers in fear'

Just kidding. Anyway, this is a four part fluff idea that came to me. It's between Makoto-chan and Nephrite.

The first part is a dub based, using the names Nikolas and Lita. This is a "welcome home" idea.

The next four will be a Japanese manga-based AU, a Silver Millennium shot, and finally, a Dark Universe shot.

So please enjoy!

Disclaimer – Sailor Moon and Co. belong to Naoko Takeuchi.

Home Sweet Home

Nikolas sighed as he trudged out of the elevator. He was almost there.


The door opened and Nikolas fell inside his haven, his apartment. First things first, he kicked off his shoes and walked deeper into the apartment. Dropping his bag and coat on the leather couch, he threw off his jacket and began to loosen his tie. He sniffed the air and smiled then. A heavy aroma of cinnamon, bread, meat, and cilantro filled the air. His fiancée had a field day.


Nikolas cursed as the foil covering the dish ripped at the corner. He then carefully peeked in to see cinnamon rolls. Grinning, he opened the next one to find steak and what a steak it was! Wiping the drool of his face, Nikolas then noticed that his fiancée was no where in sight. Straightening up, he strolled over to the master bedroom.


Nikolas smiled as he stared at his fiancée slept peacefully, her chocolate tresses cascading over the pillow. He carefully sat on the bed, making sure not to wake the former amazon. He carefully leaned over, his knees on either side of her.


She was breathtaking. A long and lean physique, the remnants of fighting youmas and everything else that went bump in the night. And then there was the line of her sweeping curves. There was no doubt about it. She was all woman, right down to her hot-pink manicured toe nails. Then barely, leaning down, Nikolas brushed his lips over hers. She sighed and slowly, but surely, those emerald eyes of hers opened.

"You're home." Her voice came out husky and deep, caressing him.

"How was your day?" He asked. She smiled, those rosebuds lips curving up appreciatively.

"Empty. I needed someone to eat out of the mixing bowl." Nikolas couldn't help but smile at that.

"Well Lita-doll, aren't you glad I'm back?"

(A/N): Well, please tell if you like it or not! Until next time!