Disclaimer: Tamora Pierce owns almost everything, I own the plot and I think that I own Dom's family.

'How am I going to get Kel away from this place within 5 days?' Dom questioned himself. He then looked down at the sleeping form of his wife-to-be and knew that even if he had to tie her to her horse and lead it all the way to Masbolle, he would get her away from there.

Three days later, Kel had not yet awaken, and Dom told Neal that he was going to put her in a wagon or litter and take her back to Masbolle, as he didn't want her so near the fighting while she was in this condition. When Neal wanted a better answer, Dom told him about the vision that the Goddess had sent him. Neal immediately agreed to have a wagon prepared for them, and packed with provisions, leaving enough room for Kel inside it. The next morning they set off, Kel (who was still unconscious), Dom, Kel's parents, Tobe, Ella, and 5 soldiers, in case they were attacked on their way there. It would take them approximately 8 days to reach Masbolle, yet was closer than Mindelan, which would take 10 days to reach. Kel's parents would continue on to Mindelan once they had reached Masbolle. As for the wedding, it had been postponed until Kel was better.

Kel woke briefly on the 4th day and Dom explained what was happening, and rode in the wagon with Kel until she was asleep, at which time he mounted his horse again and rode.

When they reached Masbolle his parents greeted them, and, thankfully, Kel was awake to greet them as well. Dom's mother took Kel inside at once, along with Kel's mother and servant, to show them their rooms.

"Well Dom, looks like you've done well for yourself little brother," Dom's younger brother, Matthew, said to him. Matthew was only a few years younger then him, and was about Ella's age.

"Yes, I have done quite well haven't I?" he asked. "I mean, I'm marrying a lady knight, who's carrying my child," he told an astonished brother.

"You already knocked her up?" Matthew (who will now be known as Matt) asked Dom.

"Matt, really I didn't know that you were so crude," Dom's older brother, Cody, said as he walked up to his brothers. "Well, actually, I did, since I'm stuck with you here."

"Who said you were stuck?" a booming voice asked from behind the three young men. They turned around to see a giant of a man, whose sandy hair and beard was starting to grey. "You can leave any time you want, and on certain days my boot would help you out the door," Lord Michael of Masbolle told his eldest (oldest) son.

"Father," Dom yelled and grabbed the huge man in a bear hug.

"Domitan, good to have you back with us. Now where is your fiancé? I would like to know what my future daughter-in-law looks like," Michael told his son.

"Actually, mother led her and her mother away, a few minutes before you got here, and I don't know where mother has sneaked them off to. But I'll make sure Kel is at dinner so that you can meet her," Dom told his father. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go see if I can find her."

"Of course, we wouldn't want to wither from being away from her too long," Matt jested with him.

Dom walked into the keep and tried to find Kel. He asked servants if they knew where his mother was and they directed him to the room she was in. When he finally came to the door his mother was just coming out.

"Hello, mother, is this Kel's room," he asked of her.

His mother gave him and amused look and said "Yes, and I suppose that you can go in."

After Dom had said goodbye to his mother he quietly opened the door and locked it behind him. Kel wasn't in the sleeping chamber and he guessed that she would be taking a hot bath. He guessed correctly, and was rewarded by having a brush thrown at him.

"What are you doing in here?" she screamed at him.

"Oh, so that's how you greet me is it?" he asked, feigning a hurt look.

"Well what did you expect? Walking in on me when I was having a bath," she said with quiet fury.

"Actually, I was hoping that you would invite me to join you," he replied hopefully.

She laughed at that, told him "Not a chance," and splashed water at him.

In the end he did join her, despite her weak protests. They got out of the bath and donned the clothes that they would wear to dinner. For Kel, the Lady of Masbolle had sent up a beautiful dress that almost hid the fact that she was pregnant. Dom had a shirt and breeches that Kel threatened to shred if he didn't stop picking on her about the dress.

"Yes, but if you were to shred my clothes what would I wear?" Dom asked as her stepped closer to her.

"I don't know. We could just hide in here and hope no one notices that were not there," she answered.

"Then we would have to do something to keep ourselves entertained, wouldn't we?" he asked, while taking another step towards her. Their lips met and the wrapped their arms around each other.

They had been kissing for about 10 minutes, when the door banged open and a giant man stepped in. "Are ye rea…" the man trailed off as he took in the scene before him. The two broke apart as the man started to laugh and Kel blushed.

"Father," Dom said collecting his composure, "may I introduce my fiancé, Keladry of Mindelan?" Dom told his father as Kel curtsied, looked at his face then almost burst out laughing.

"Just because I'm a lady knight doesn't mean that I don't know how to curtsy, or that I don't like dresses," she told the man in front of her.

"Well, I never said you couldn't," he told her.

"Let's go down to dinner," Dom suggested to the two of them.

"That's a wonderful idea Dom. I'm quite hungry," and with that she swept past Dom's father with a haughty look on her face.

The Lord turned to face his son with an astonished look on his face.

"Yes, she's something isn't she?" he asked of his father with a proud look on his face.

"I'll say!" he boomed. "Now let's go to dinner. What will your mother say when Kel turns up alone?" he wondered aloud.

"Well, Kel will probably tell her that we walked in on her dressing, and now a servant should go clean up our bodies, and prepare a proper funeral," Dom told his father.

"She wouldn't, would she?" he asked fearfully.

"She's Kel," was all he could answer and laugh as his father practically ran out of the room in the hope of getting to the dinning hall before Kel.

"This is going to be an interesting meal," Dom said aloud, as he quickly followed his father.