Smitty: Hey guys! I thought I would post up a new story I have been thinking about for a while. Here is the prolouge. I hope you like it!
Sibil:ooOOOooo! STORY!
Kristy: Crap I thought this was a phrase just one stories and she would be happy, but NNooooOOOooo.
Smitty: Oh put a sock in it.
Sibil: (puts a sock in Kritsy's mouth)
DISCLAImer: I do not own Yu-gi-oh, I am just using them for this fic..please dont sue. O.o;
In the beginning of duel monsters, there was a keeper of the cards, he was none other than the pharaoh of Egypt, and called the King of Games; however, how did the games even begin? If the pharaoh was only the keeper then who was the real creator of these magical monsters that roamed in ancient Egypt so long ago?
The story or belief is that a half mortal son of Ra mysteriously appeared on day as a regular guard of the palace and told the bored pharaoh a game that would entice him like no other. The son of Ra gave the pharaoh a game to play which he created. The game consisted of weak and powerful monsters of all kinds and placed within magical stones cards. You not only had to use strength, but intelligence in order to defeat your opponent. The pharaoh and his high priest were taught the game in secret, and soon became obsessed. The pharaoh with the game, and the priest obsessed with the mysterious guard.
The son of Ra only made one request, and that was to have his monsters returned to him on suneksut, the day of challenge and rebirth (1). The pharaoh told the guard of his worries about a prophecy, which is to conceive on that very day, and if the monsters can defend against such evil. The son of Ra replied, "Only to me will the monsters truly obey, for I am their creator and master."
During the two months in waiting the priest and "guard" were in love and secretly seeing one another in the priest's private chambers. The son of Ra could not resist the priest due to his mortal side that controlled his heart. A true bond was created between the two, which made them seem inseparable from one another. Yet when suneksut was finally upon them, the son of Ra requested what belong to him to be returned. The pharaoh denied him of his creation. The son of Ra asks the priest to help him retrieve his items from the pharaoh. The priest loved the son of Ra yet could not go against his pharaoh.
The son of Ra felt anguish and anger towards both, and left the palace never to return. On suneksut, the prophecy was fulfilled, and the evil swept over like a black blanket covering all of Egypt. When the pharaoh called open the mighty monsters in his hands they did not comply, which led to Egypt's demise. Through out time, Egypt rebuilds and the history was now turned into legend…until now.
The history of the event was documented by the high priest in a golden book made out of stone. On the front of the book it had a sun created from multiple shades of Amber, while rubies were placed on the outside ring as a border. The pages were made from a black stone, while the hieroglyphics chiseled in and finalized in twenty-four carat gold. On the front cover above the amber sun were hieroglyphics stating the title, "The key of light."
The book has been secretly hidden for over 7,000 years...until now. A major discovery was found in a pyramid outside the city of the dead. A tomb was dedicated to the priest mysterious lover. Within the tomb there were jewels, omens, prayers, and most of all the body and sarcophagus of the high priest. In a secret compartment close by found by archeologists, was the book itself. The artifacts were taken to Domino as an exhibition for the world to see.
The past was suppose to stay forgotten, and now it is unleashed once again. The secrets will be revealed in due course, yet what will be made of it. And what will the choices will be made this time? It all depends on the Pharaoh, the High Priest, and the Son of Ra to break the prophecy of destruction, and destroy the evil that will plague the land. Will the Son of Ra be up for the challenge...considering since it is after all….Joey Wheeler.
So what do you guys think? should I continue? what she I add or change? I know its really different but I think its kinda cool. let me know!