Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon, LIVE WITH IT!
Summary: AU Taito. Beaten and abused he did the only thing he could think of, he ran. Out into the storm, where someone found him, and took him home. But how can he ever learn to trust again after everything he's been through? Will his best friend be able to show him the meaning of friendship, or even love?
Warnings: TAITO! So Standard warnings apply there, SM (Self-Mutilation), Abuse, Rape, Suicidal Thoughts, and all round Nastiness caused by the hyperactive author.
A/N: This idea got stuck in my head and now I have to write it! Damn you over active imagination! Damn you overly boring science lessons! HeHeeeeeee… it's the sugar… 200g of mint imperials in less than 15 minutes… not good!
WHOOPT! Sorry…
His feet pounded on the road, he could feel the rhythm of the streets racing through his exhausted body. He couldn't stop running, running from his fear. Leaving it all behind in the rain. Water pouring down his back, silky hair plastered to his skull. Bruises were beginning to show on his face and arms as the rain washed away the blood that had covered them. Thunder rumbled overhead a few minutes after the last flash of lightning. The storm was coming closer. The boy wondered what would happen if he got caught outside when the storm reached the city.
Hopefully I'll die…he thought grimly, but realised he didn't care. Tears mixed with the rain on his cheeks as he ran, why? Why had this happened? And where could he run? His thoughts tumbled around and around, raising more questions than they answered. Instead he just kept running, letting the sharp pain in his feet distract him, running barefoot through the city street wasn't wise, but why did he care? Thinking there was no one there to hear him the boy tossed his head back and screamed. The sound was full of desolation and betrayal, and it echoed oddly in the water soaked night. But someone did hear the scream.
The other person ran straight towards the sound, but realised the first person had kept running. Racing after the retreating figure he called out. But instead of the other slowing they ran faster and faster from the second.
Shit! Why did He have to be there? Why can't you just leave me to find somewhere in this city to die? I don't want to live, not after that… not after that… these last thoughts slowed him, until he gave up altogether and fell to his knees. Breath pounded through his body, rattling his bruised ribs. Blood thundered in his ears and tears clouded his vision. He didn't see the other person running up beside him until they whispered his name and put a gentle hand on his shoulder. But even the light touch was enough to set the pain rocketing through his slender frame. He whimpered in pain, and hated himself for that admission of weakness. The hand didn't move from his shoulder and the boy wanted to scream in pain and frustration at his life, but most of all he wanted to curl up in the other's arms and break down. But he couldn't do that; it was bad enough to be kneeling here on the city streets and have tears running down his face, to break down completely would be to admit he was weak.
Just go away. Please… he begged silently, the other person had wrapped his thick, warm coat about the fallen boy's shoulders. Clutching at the comfort it offered he wished again for the other person to leave him and his misery alone.
"Come on. I'll take you home." Those word sent shivers of terror through the injured boy.
"…no…not home… please…" the words were only whispered but the boy beside him heard them and froze. Looking closely at the bruises on his friend's face the other boy tugged him to his feet.
"Then you'll come home with me." It wasn't a question, just a simple statement of what was. That's the way he does things, just assuming you'll do what ever he says. I suppose it's true, when have we other done otherwise? And what other choices do I have? Stay out here and freeze or go back… NO! I'm not going back. Please, don't call home. The other person wrapped a comforting arm around his shoulders and led him down the street.
A flash of lightning showed up the bruises on his face and the other boy gasped.
"What happened to you?" silence. I wish I could tell you, please just stop asking questions. You know I can't help but tell you things when you ask. The other boy seemed to get that he was going to stay silent. And anyway, it was part of their friendship; in exchange for their trust they didn't ask each other unwanted questions.
At one point the first boy stumbled and nearly fell, only to be caught up and carried the rest of the way, bridal style. The thought caused a little smile to tug the corners of his mouth. The warm, strong arms around him made all his fears seem childish and pointless. Until he shifted slightly and pain rocked through his body, making him realise the terror was all too real. Wrapping his arms tighter around his friend's neck he clung to the only solid thing in this shifting world of agony and rain.
They reached the second boy's home without further incident. The door was flung open and a strong male voice boomed out.
"Welcome home son! I thought you'd drowned in the rain!" good-nature laughter followed the statement and a woman appeared from somewhere else in the apartment. She placed her hands on her hips in mock-anger and glare at her son. But he just stared blankly at her and helped his friend to his feet. His parents' gasped and began to ask questions at the same time.
"Shut it!" his parents fell silent and waited for the answers to come, they were sadly disappointed. "I don't know what happened to him. I was walking home when I heard some shouting, I went to find out who it was and I found him. The only thing he said to me was that he didn't want to go home." The second boy's parents looked extremely worried, but knew better than to voice their concerns.
"Go get into some dry clothes, both of you. I'll get some extra blankets and pillows." His mother said as she walked off down the corridor, while his father swept his son's barely conscious friend up and carried him into the boy's room.
"I'll leave you in charge here son, I've got to try and salvage some of your mother's cooking." Stripping off his rain socked clothes and pulling on some dry ones from the dresser he turned to his best friend.
"Come on, change into these, you'll feel better if you're warm." Trying to avoid being noticed he watched the other boy change. (Pervert!) Stifling his gasp of shock was hard though; nearly every inch of the other's body was covered in bruises. The newer ones were deep blacks and blues but underneath those he could see the faint yellowish marks of previous injuries. When the other boy was dressed in his clothes, he came and sat on the edge of the bed and looked around the room wearily, as if someone might suddenly jump out and attack him.
"Honey, can I come in?"
"Yeah, door's open." his mother came in carrying a bundle of spare covers and pillows. She smiled at his friend who just watched her nervously. Feeling put out by this the woman dumped her armload at the other end of the bed and left the room as fast as she could. The too boys eyed each other guardedly, but then he watched in shock as his friend's eyes rolled upwards and he fell forward limply.
A/N: I know, another ficcy from me! But like I said the idea wouldn't leave me only so I just had to type it up. Sorry for any crappiness, BLAME IT ON THE MINTS! ;P
Anyhoo, I wonder if anyone can guess who's who, remember this is AU so trying to guess by the family won't get you anywhere! Next chappy is being written immediately! So hopefully should have it done by tomorrow. Lol Tami!