Author: Yami Neferbre
Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh, Blade, or Underworld, or any of the songs that I use
Paring: SetoxYami
Rating: R (just to be safe)
Warning: Violence, language, sexual content
Spoilers: None
Summary: It's a remake of my Half a Soul story, and jus for u Dragon, it's a SetoxYami yaoi story.
Status: Incomplete 8/?

A/N: So….I say sorry again, lol. I was working on this chappie while on vacation, and in my free time during the last couple of weeks while I have been packing and moving. I hope that it was worth the wait, and if not, I promise that the next one will be. I got sick a few weeks ago as well, had a really bad bacterial infection in my throat that had me on bedrest with a fever of 104 for well over a week. So..I'm, sorry.

As well, when I say working on it I mean I have been planning it out finally, lol. So, if this chapter is not fast enough for u in pace, the next three chapters are action packed. So, R and R please and I will be trying to update more frequently now, especially once we are done moving…hopefully.

I dedicate this..rather lengthy….chapter to my good friend Soularia Reed for the help that she gave me with the final scene and for simply being an amazing and wonderful companion.



He had run to the only room in the castle that he knew. Slamming the door he collapsed in the nearest corner, tearing the bloodied clothing from his frame with his nails. Tears, cold against his already icy flesh, trailed down his face and dripped from his chin coating his knees. Balling one of his hands he viciously slammed it against the wall, barely noticing it create a dent and damaging the wood paneling. Pulling his knees up to his torso he cried, his grief and fear overwhelming him as he curled up in the corner of the bedroom.

Hearing the door burst open he briefly lifted his gaze, only to growl at the newcomer and re-bury his head against his knees. "Leave me alone Bakura!"

Russet eyes peered at Yami from the door way, the owner grunting as he shoved the door closed. Removing his jacket Bakura tossed it towards his bed before turning to Yami, hiding the hurt from his brother's words. "I won't, you need the comfort and you know it," he stated.

"I need nothing!" Yami snapped, crimson eyes rising he glared at his brother through his tears.

Sighing Bakura strode towards him. Kneeling down he reached out cautiously, feeling his fingers pass over one of Yami's hands he gripped it tightly. Ignoring the resistance he met when he pulled the hand away from his brother's face, "Let me help you Yami…please."

"Let go!" Yami snapped, voice cracking from his tears. Feeling no strength in his arms he gave up trying to wrench himself free. Hanging his head in defeat he curled even further into himself, voice pleading and leaking his sorrow. "Please Bakura, leave me be."

"No," the slayer said firmly, lifting his free hand and gently cupping his brother's cheek, forcing him to look at him. "I am not leaving you, especially when you are in this condition."

He felt his control break, tears flowing freely down his cheeks as he surged forward, arms wrapping around Bakura's neck seeking out his brother's comfort. He clung to him, his human emotions controlling him, blocking out his vampiric side. Bakura held him tightly, his strength protective and warmth soothing him.

He did not know how long they had stayed there, nor did he care. Having stopped sobbing long before he merely remained in Bakura's embrace, savouring the sense of security and love that was emitting from his brother's body.

Sighing deeply he pulled back, wiping the remaining tears from his face he leaned against the wall, crimson eyes fixed upon Bakura's serene face. "Thank you."

Bakura smiled warmly, "You're welcome."

Using the wall as a brace Yami pushed himself to his feet. He could feel his knees shaking immensely, his lack of feeding becoming ever more apparent. Finally he stood on shaky legs, panting like a dog from the exertion. "I need to feed…I can barely stand."

Rising up Bakura peered at his brother through the darkness. He could see the shaking in his limbs, and the dramatic paleness in his flesh. Eyes narrowing he reached out and took hold of his brother's elbows, easing him away from the wall and into his firm hold, allowing him to wrap an arm around Yami's back to steady him.

"How long can vampires go without a proper feeding?" He questioned, voice even.

"Two months, if they have a random small animal or mixture of a drink and blood they can go longer. But, in my case, because Valick injured me I lost a lot of blood and the amount that I lost needs to be replenished," Yami explained, barely feeling Bakura easing him towards the nearest bed.

Scowling at that Bakura urged Yami down onto the bed, a single hand behind his head as to keep him from simply collapsing, "How badly did he injure you?"

Resting his head upon the pillow Yami peered up at him, relaxing into the plush mattress, "He ripped my back apart, along with my arms and legs… among other things," he murmured.

"Other things?"

"Things that will remain confidential until I am ready to release said information," Yami said forcefully, crimson eyes flashing in the moonlight. "All you need to know is that I was on bed rest for three weeks, Angel had to take care of me."

Immediately Bakura saw Yami's expression become dejected. Sighing deeply he gently ran his hand over his brother's shoulder, soothing him, "I'm sorry about Angel," he whispered. "I wish that we could have saved him."

Yami curled away from his hand, prompting himself up onto his elbows, face averted from him, "He should never have been involved…he has done nothing."

"Valick tried to use him," said Bakura, moving to rub his brother's heaving back.

"No," Yami murmured, head shaking slightly. "Valick knew that I would not surrender, he's just trying to play with me."

"Play with you?" Bakura questioned.

Crimson eyes lifted to him, dull and lifeless, "He has something else planned… something worse…he's trying to torture me into submission, its what he does."

"What else could he do?" Bakura pondered, russet eyes narrowing in thought.

"I do not know," said Yami.

"Well," Bakura murmured, rising to his feet and stretching his arms into the air with a groan. "I had better go get some blood, you're getting worse."

Glancing down at his shaking limbs Yami nodded in agreement.

Striding to the door Bakura peered back at him, "Are you going to be able to stay awake while I am gone?"


A boisterous knock to the door snapped the two out of their conversation. Quirking a brow Bakura opened the door, peering out into the hallway he was startled to see Seto standing before him. "Seto?"

Cerulean eyes peered at him through the darkness of the hallway, "May I come in?"

"It's your room too…I don't see why not," Bakura answered, stepping aside and watching the slayer stride into the room, soiled boots creating marks on the hardwood.

Removing his trench coat Seto draped it over the end of the middle bed before he moved on to taking off his boots and armour. Glancing towards Yami he narrowed his eyes absorbing the image of shaking limbs, pale flesh, and the amount of effort it took for the vampire to merely take a breath. Shaking his head he moved to the vampire's side, sitting down upon the bed, reaching out he pressed the back of his hand against Yami's brow, ignoring the stiffening of muscles from the contact. Averting his gaze to Bakura he stated, "He needs a lot of blood…he's becoming feverish."

Nodding Bakura stepped out into the hallway, "Keep him up, I'll be right back with all the bags of blood I can steal from the infirmary."

Bobbing his head in acknowledgment Seto turned back to Yami as soon as Bakura had closed the door. Deep cobalt eyes scanned over the vampire, ignoring the heated glare that he was receiving.

"Will you stop staring," Yami snarled, snapping Seto out of his trance. "It's unnerving."

"Sorry," blue eyes locking with crimson. "Just trying to assess how dehydrated you are."

"All you had to do was ask," Yami said, chest heaving, eyelids beginning to droop.

"Hmm," Seto murmured, hand lifting again and brushing over Yami's face. Feeling the start of perspiration he scowled. "Stop talking, you are over exerting yourself, save your strength."

"Whatever," Yami grunted, shifting his head away from Seto's hand, unsure of how to react to such gentle contact.

Standing up Seto moved to put his armour, boots, and coat to his wardrobe. Then, moving to his dresser removed a dark blue sweater and pulled it on over his thin sleeveless shirt. Feeling some warmth returning to him he moved back to Yami and sat down upon the bed again. Seeing that Yami was nearly unconscious he gently shook him, "Stay awake, Bakura should be back any moment."

Half open crimson eyes glared at him, a deep growl emitting from Yami's throat. Grunting Seto gripped the vampire's shoulders, his voice forceful, "Stay awake Yami."

"Don't touch me," Yami growled, hands reaching up to try and push Seto's hands away. But his strength left him, consciousness seeping from him in an instant. He gave out a small moan before his eyes closed, slackening entirely against the pillow.

Cursing Seto sat back, staring down at Yami's unconscious form, only for the door to open. Directing his attention towards it he sighed with relief, Bakura entered carrying a large box full of bagged blood, Ryder and Joey following closely behind him with needles and disinfectant.

"I thought you said you were going to keep him awake," Bakura grunted, dropping the box unceremoniously upon the floor.

"I tried," Seto protested, standing up as Ryder ushered him away.

Taking Seto's place Ryder ran his hands over Yami's face, shaking his head he thrust his hand towards Bakura, "Give me one of those bags, Joey bring the needles and disinfectant over here. Hurry up!"

Scrambling Joey brought the needles to his father, preparing one first before handing it to him. Opening the bottle of disinfectant he poured some over a cloth before giving that to Ryder as well.

Taking the bag from Bakura and the needle from Joey, Ryder filled it rapidly with blood. Then, placing it upon the bed took the cloth and scrubbed away the blood from Yami's neck. "He's waited too long to feed, he needs it now before he starves to death."

Eyes widening Bakura stammered, "Aren't you being a little dramatic there Uncle, he can't be that badly dehydrated."

"But he is," Ryder snapped, shaking the needle before shoving it into the side of Yami's neck, injecting the liquid. "Vampires have an amazing amount of stamina. They can handle starvation till they are almost dead. Thus, he has only become incredibly weak now because he's close. I'm going to have to do this for the day to keep him alive."

"What can we do Dad?" Joey questioned, feeling helpless.

"Nothing," Ryder said stiffly, moving to take more blood from the bag. "Rest up and save your strength. All three of you should sleep, I'll take care of him."

"But," Bakura tried to protest.

"No, you will sleep. Joey go to my office and sleep in there, Seto and Bakura sleep in your own beds. Take a sleeping draught, I wont have you distracting me."

Glancing at each other the three reluctantly did as told. Joey vacated the room, while Seto and Bakura moved to the other two beds in the room, taking some sleeping pills from their nightstands before lying down. They watched Ryder for a few minutes as they waited for the pills to kick in, eyes closing as Ryder moved to retrieve another bag from the box.


Downing the rest of his coffee Ryder rubbed his neck, trying to force himself to stay awake. Sighing he ran his hands through sweat dampened black hair, golden eyes staring blearily at his still unconscious nephew. He had regained some colour, his bronze flesh luminous again, glistening in the light from the lamps. Having had closed the black curtains Ryder had managed to keep the suns brilliant rays from the room, protecting the vampire from further damage.

Yawning he reached out and picked up the needle again, filling it he moved to push it into the constantly healing abrasion that he inflicted the first time. Yami flinched slightly, his hands convulsing and gripping the sheets, but he never awoke.

Finished, he put the needle aside again, gently rubbing the wound with the cloth. Glancing absently at the clock he grunted, it was nearly two, Bakura and Seto would wake probably within the hour.

Taking hold of a bowl that he had recently retrieved he placed it upon his lap, scowling as some of the cold water sloshed out of it and onto his leg. Ignoring it he took the cloth from within it and wringing it out began to gently dab the perspiration from Yami's face. The fever had lessened greatly, his skin was nearly back to the uncanny coolness of the un-dead. Satisfied that he had wiped all the sweat and what little blood remained there from the original neck wound Ryder dropped the cloth back in the bowl and placed it back upon the night table.

Blankets being thrust aside and the light pat of feet touching the floor caught his attention. Averting his attention toward the other two beds he gave a warm smile to Bakura as he rose from his bed and stretched, "Have a good sleep?"

"As good as forced sleep can get," Bakura grumbled, scratching his unruly snow coloured hair. Yawning he stumbled towards his wardrobe, pulling out a pair of dark jeans and a thick sweater before stepping behind a small screen in one of the corners, hiding him from Ryder's eyes as he dressed. "How's Yami?"

"Better," Ryder answered. "He should be rejuvenated enough to wake in about an hour or two. I have nearly fully replenished his blood level."

"Good," he yawned, hand covering his mouth slightly as he moved out from behind the screen now fully dressed. Stretching again he quickly made his bed, once finished he tossed his nightshirt upon it and moved to sit down beside Ryder. Receiving a playful pat from his uncle he gave a halfhearted snarl, not entirely willing to be awake, and not coherent enough yet to hit the man back.

Stiffly Ryder stood up, arching slightly in order to crack his aching back, "Hopefully nothing happens tonight, I don't think that he could handle anymore, never mind the rest of us. We still need to send a squad out to retrieve West's body from the city, if he was not completely maimed, Angel's ashes have to be buried, and all of us have to heal a little. We have all gained our bruises from this experience, some more than others."

Grunting in response Bakura reached out to his brother, digits brushing the stray blond bangs back before they gripped one of his limp hands, "That's an understatement."

"Hmm," Ryder murmured, hazel eyes locking with russet orbs. "He'll be fine in time, and so will the rest of us. You are right though Bakura, seeing your parents might overwhelm him, especially now that Valick has killed his only true friend over the last few years. He needs to regain his equilibrium and strength before he sees them, and before he does much else around here."

"I am doubting that he will be doing much for remaining inactive," rasped Seto's voice, gaining Bakura and Ryder's attention. "He does not seem the type."

Nodding in agreement Bakura relinquished his hold upon Yami's hand and strode towards his comrade, "He's related to me, how could he possibly be lazy."

Catching the pillow Seto glared at his friend, cerulean eyes staring up at him blearily, "Well, if you put it that way, then he could easily be lazy."

"Bastard," Bakura hissed, taking back the pillow and tossing it again, this time hitting Seto in the head. "I am not lazy, just inert at times that I wish not to move."

"Believe it as you will," Seto chuckled.

Shaking his head Ryder sat back down upon the bed, taking the cloth again he wrung it out, folded it, and placed it upon Yami's brow. "Hurry up and get dressed Seto, or both of you are going to be late for the preparations and the greeting."

Both peered at him in bewilderment before realization dawned upon them, groaning Bakura dropped down upon his bed, "The bloody Elders and their gala. Why do we have to throw something so extravagant every time they switch homes, they do it every six months for crying out loud."

"Enough Bakura," Ryder said warningly. "Though they may not be the best decision makers, they are still the leaders of the Slayers until the time that someone takes up full leadership, and I can promise you the one person that is supposed to is far from capable at this point."

"He would still be better than them," Bakura mumbled, wincing when Ryder rose and hit his shoulder.

"Not all of them are fools Bakura," Ryder snapped, inclining his head towards Seto. "Akunadin is one, along with West's father. Respect them at the very least."

"They are the only ones I will," grunted Bakura. "I will not forgive the other's for the decision that they made about Yami."

Sighing in frustration Ryder sat back down, a single hand running through his hair, "I have never forgiven them for that either, Bakura, but I still show my respect. Now shut up, get ready, and go downstairs to the dinning hall and help the other's prepare for the gala."

"And Yami," Seto questioned. "Will he be forced to come?"

"The Elders wish to see him," Ryder answered simply.

Seto shook his head, getting out of bed he retrieved some clothes before going behind the screen like Bakura had before. "He's not stable, nor ready."

Chuckling wryly Ryder peered at the screen, "And who says that they care whether or not he is ready. What they wish for must be granted. All I hope is that they do not treat him horribly."

"They damn well better not," snarled Bakura, a heated glare from his uncle silencing him.

Emerging from behind the screen Seto tossed his nightshirt non-chantingly upon his bed before striding towards the door, his steps heavy with resistance. "Come on Bakura!"

Grumbling Bakura stood up, stretching in an attempt to procrastinate before following, calling back briskly to Ryder, "Take care of him old man."

"Of course," Ryder responded, a slight affectionate smile gracing his lips, encouraging a reluctant Bakura out the door. Once the door was closed Ryder heaved a heavy sigh of exhaustion, golden eyes drooping and dark. Peering down at Yami he reached out and pulled the coverlet up tucking it firmly around the young vampire, stopping the slight shivering that had begun. Satisfied he sat back and allowed himself to slouch, eyes dropping shut.

Another three hours passed. The suns brilliance dimmed and Ryder was able to open the curtains and windows, allowing a fresh breeze and soft moonlight to filter through the room. With the staleness removed both he and Yami seemed to breathe easier. He relaxed in one of the chairs, absently watching Yami change position and sleep. Joey had come in not long before only for him to usher the young man out in much the same way he had Seto and Bakura.

A small groan suddenly emitted through the darkened room, snapping into alertness Ryder moved to the bed. Seeing Yami's features scrunched from somnolence and reluctance to wake he smiled in relief. Gently he rubbed warmth into his nephew's side, slowly forcing him awake. Deep crimson eyes finally shifting open illuminated in the candle light. Yami rolled upon his back, ruby orbs fixing upon his face. Smiling brightly he murmured, tone teasing, "Took you long enough."

Narrowing his eyes Yami sat up rapidly moving away from Ryder and glaring at him demanded, "Who are you?"

"Your Uncle," he responded simply, raising his hands and showing that he was weapon-less. "I am your mother's older brother, Ryder Wheeler."

Relaxing visibly Yami rubbed warmth into his bare arms, "I see."

"I'll grab you some warmer clothes," said the slayer, rising up and moving towards Bakura's dresser began to search the drawers. He could feel Yami's fierce gaze watching his every movement seemingly expecting him to try and harm him. Finding a thick pullover and a pair of sweat pants he rose and handed them to his nephew.

Yami took them, his face scowling slightly until he felt the warmth and purred at it.

Pointing at the screen Ryder expounded, "Change, I will call Mai and ask her to bring some tea."

"Thank you," Yami said voice barely above a whisper. Clambering out of the bed he strode behind the screen to change. He was shivering heavily from the coolness of the room, immediately thankful for the warm clothing, no longer caring how ridiculous they may have looked. Coming out from behind the screen he spotted Ryder re-entering the room, the man smiled kindly at him and signalled for him to return to the bed. Doing so he pulled the covers around him sighing blissfully at the heat, hissing almost angrily when Ryder's cold hands loosely gripped his neck and face turning him slightly so the side of his neck was viewable.

Running a finger over the dark bruise and small abrasion Ryder gave a grunt of satisfaction, it was healing and not infected. Sitting back he peered at Yami, gaze locking with dark crimson irises, "I've replenished your bloody supply, you should be nearly fully rejuvenated. How are you feeling?"


"There is no reason to be defensive Yami," Ryder murmured, seeing that Yami was still shielding himself. "I won't hurt you." Receiving no reply he sighed deeply and scratched his neck. "Yami, I promise I that I will not harm you. You are family."


Crossing his arms in exasperation Ryder peered at the vampire, "In the dinning hall. He's helping several other's prepare for tonight's gala."


"The Elders are arriving," Ryder explained. "They have been living at the other two bases for the last year. They heard about your arrival and are coming early. They wish to see you."

Yami leaned back against the wall, scowling, "And what if I wish not to see them."

"Unfortunately you have no choice. We have to abide by their commands, they are our current leaders and you are under our protection," Yami released a wry chuckle, stopping him briefly. "I understand that you are neither stable nor emotionally willing to do much. Angel's death hit you hard, I realize that as does Bakura, Joey, Seto, Mai, and Blade. But, they will not understand, nor will they care."

Snarling Yami crossed his arms, eyes darkening in fury, "Pleasant individuals aren't they," he snapped.

"A few of them are actually," Ryder said, leaning forward slightly. "Seto's father for one and there are two others. Though, they are not at the head so their views are generally overlooked."

"I see."

A brisk knock resounded upon the door, turning Ryder called out, "Come in."

The door opened and Mai strode in, blonde hair pulled back and a tray with a teapot and three cups in her strong hands. She smiled brightly at them, kicking the door shut before striding briskly over to them, "Sorry that took so long, the kitchen's really busy." Placing the tray upon the nightstand she plopped down upon the side of the bed, not catching Yami's slight scowl at being completely closed in. Pouring out the tea she handed out the other two cups before taking her own and gulping down a long sip groaned with satisfaction. "Hmm…warmth."

Sipping gingerly at his tea Ryder shook his head at her, vaguely watching Yami place himself just out of physical contact from both of them. Catching this too Mai peered at her cousin, "Am I making you uncomfortable hun?" she questioned, violet eyes watching him practically cradle his tea.

Yami nodded stiffly, "Yes."

"Want me to move to the end of the bed?" A curt nod was her answer, it was not rude just showing his discomfort. Shifting down she settled herself at the end of the bed using the footboard as a back brace. Glancing up at Yami she watched his shift further away from Ryder till he was nearly falling off the other side of the bed. She scowled, obviously Valick had made sure that he was deprived of the simple comforts of life. Feeling her father's gaze upon her she turned to him, an elegant brow lifting questionly. He shifted his head to Yami then back to her eyes asking a silent question. Understanding she nodded and beamed brightly at him in acquiescence.

Blowing at his tea Yami sighed softly as the hot steam twisted around his face and fingers, reminding him of warm hands and encouraging head into his system. Catching the bright smile on Mai's face he furrowed his brow in confusion before the expression softened. Peering at her he found it suddenly hard to resist smiling with her, her smile was so warm and infectious that it immediately reminded him of someone. His mother.

Suddenly she rounded on him, stiffening he locked gaze's with her, her violet eyes giddy and kind, "Something on your mind hun?" He shook his head absently sipping at his tea while she turned back to her father. "You should go have a lay down or you are going to drop dead."

Nodding in agreement Ryder rubbed his face yawning as he did so, "Will you find him something suitable to wear and get him ready. The Elder's should be arriving in the next two hours."

"Of course," she scoffed playfully, downing the last of her tea before placing a loving hand upon her father's strong shoulder. "I'll come wake you in an hour, deal?"

Again he nodded before rising, glancing at Yami he smiled gently, "Try not to think about last night. Besides, Mai's jabbering should keep you occupied." Gaining a grunt from the young man he moved to exit the room, stretching as he did so.

"Ryder," Yami murmured, catching the slayer off guard. Turning Ryder inclined his head in acknowledgement, eyes catching Yami's slight struggle to say what he wanted. "Thank you…for helping me."

He beamed warmly, "Any time Yami. Remember, we're family," with that he left, closing the door slowly behind him.

The moment the door was closed Mai jumped to Bakura's wardrobe, thrusting the doors open she began to rummage through his dress shirts and good slacks. Casting a glance back at Yami she scowled slightly, pursing her lips in thought. "Bakura's taller than you isn't he? And broader too." Gaining a nod of confirmation she turned her attraction back to the wardrobe. "These will be too big for you then, unless he kept some of those old ones of his."

Finishing his tea Yami placed the cup upon the tray before putting said object upon the nightstand. "I'll just wear what I had when you found me."

She blinked, remembering what that was she chuckled, "The pants yes, the boots I love so they can stay. But, your shirt was mesh, so at the bare minimum you need a dress shirt overtop, the Elder's might not appreciate your little show. It will damage their fragile egos, they'll be jealous."

"Jealous?" Yami grunted in disbelief.

She averted to him and winked playfully, "Most of them are old men and women who even in their youth could not pull that look off as well as you obviously can. Don't want them getting any ideas."

Scrunching his nose in disgust Yami crossed his arms over his torso in a vague attempt to cover himself, "You are not comforting."

"Aha!" Mai exclaimed, gripping a hanger and wrenching out a deep crimson dress shirt presented it to her cousin. "He kept one. Or, rather, he got lazy and didn't throw one away."

Smirking loosely he shook his head at her, then glancing at the shirt blinked in surprise, "Bakura has a shirt like that?"

"Had," Mai corrected, strutting over to him and plopping down upon the bed. "It's way too small for him. It's your's now."

"I see."

Slapping his arm playfully, and ignoring the stunned glare, Mai sprang to her feet, "You need some lessons in response mister. Now, come on, you need to have a bath."

Cocking a brow he grunted peering at her in disbelief before rising to his feet, "You are insane."

She shot a sly grin at him, "Of course, and I am proud of it. Now, bath time mister, then we will finish getting you ready."

He stared at her incredulously, "It's two hours away, all I need to do it bathe and dress."

Grin broadening Mai chuckled, "Not quite," she said before gripping his wrist and dragging him into the hallway. "Now, come along dear cousin."

"God's above," Yami whispered, as he was lead down the hall. "Save me."


"They will call you in when they are ready to see you," Bakura explained, buttoning up the last button on his dress shirt, finishing he glanced at his brother. The vampire was leaning against the wall beside the double doors leading into the dinning hall, ruby eyes fixed upon the floor. "Are you going to be alright?"

Grunting Yami shrugged before lifting his head and giving Bakura a forced smile, "Oh yes, because I am so looking forward to being humiliated by the people who made the decision that destroyed me. I'm absolutely peachy."

Frowning Bakura gripped the door handle, "I'm sorry Yami. I don't want you to have to meet them yet, I know how cruel they can be and how much damage they've already caused to you and the rest of the slayers. None of us that know you want you to have to go near them. But, unfortunately, we have no say in this."

"I know," Yami murmured. "They are planning something, and whatever it is, it is not in my favour believe me."

"Not likely. But, unfortunately, we can't do anything about that," patting Yami's shoulder briefly in comfort he pulled open the door. "I have to go in there now though, good luck." A stiff grunt was his answer, sighing he entered the room the double doors closing boisterously behind him.

Closing his eyes Yami bowed his head, lips moving in a silent prayer while he waited to be beckoned. 'Gods give me strength, I beg of you.'

Long minutes passed as he waited absently listening to the jovial chatter from within along with the cheerful piano and violin music. The merriness of the situation was a complete contrast to how he felt and what he was anticipating. Inhaling and exhaling in slow calming breaths he tapped his foot upon the floor he was becoming rapidly impatient and nervous.

One of the doors beside him suddenly swung open and a young darkly dressed man stepped out. The man turned to him and curled a finger at him, "The Elder's wish for your appearance now."

Giving a nod Yami moved passed the man and entered the brightly lit dinning hall. Immediately all eyes turned to him and an instant hush fell over the immense gathering of people around the tables and the double doors were slammed shut. Stopping Yami began to peer around only for the intense lights within the room to cease in their brilliance leaving him in a stark darkness.

Stunned he stood there for a moment allowing his eyes to rapidly adjust to the darkness around him, the only light currently guiding him was that of the moon light outside cascading into the room from the tall windows on either side of the room.

A deep voice resounded through the dimness of the room, the sound drawing him directly in front of him where he could make out a long table. Narrowing his eyes he allowed his senses to direct him to the centre of it, a single chair larger than the others around it stood out like a beacon. "Come forward."

A feeling of caution and uneasiness spread through him. Reluctantly he began to slowly trek forward nearly jumping when the two thick curtains around windows parallel with him were closed with a rather dramatic swish of material. Snarling he quickened his pace slightly, ignoring the noise around him as every curtain was closed as he passed by the specific window. Finally when the last one was close he found himself in utter darkness, the only thing guiding him was his vampiric senses plunging through the obscurity before him and allowing him to rapidly pinpoint images and shapes and eventually expressions upon the faces of those before and around him.

Standing still he glared forward at the first man that spoke. He was able to make out his appearance. A man in his late fifties, grey hair covered by a simple headdress and dark eyes trying to adjust to the lighting in the room. The man lifted his hand seemingly able to at least decipher where he was and curled a finger at him, "Step up onto the platform."

Doing so Yami cringed at the blinding light that instantly illuminated the platform from above. Blinking constantly he watched the Elder's cautiously, all ten men and women staring at him, all but three seeming to enjoy the fact that they were immensely annoying him.

"A little dramatic don't you think," Yami growled, crossing his arms and keeping his glare steady, holding back a grin as a few shuddered.

"On the contrary," chuckled the same man, his dark eyes locking with the vampires. "We find it quite appropriate and suiting. After all, you are so used to being in the spotlight."

Yami grunted, "It's definitely not voluntary or enjoyed."

"Indeed," said a female Elder, her voice disbelieving. Sharp eyes peered at Yami with distain as she folded her hands upon the table, leaning forward slightly. "Nonetheless, introductions are in order. Please use the manner's that I am sure you have been taught and properly introduce yourself to us."

Letting out a wry chuckle Yami shook his head, a smirk crossing his lips, "You seem to know everything about me so why should I waste the effort."

"Show some respect to those with seniority!" snapped the first man, his fists clenching upon the table.

"You do know that we could simply throw you out of this castle and back to Valick," hissed another.

Yami laughed deeply, shaking his head at the group of them, unable to resist any longer. "And doing so will destroy the only hope that you have left in destroying Valick and the vampires. That's absolutely brilliant," clapping his hands mockingly Yami continued to shake his head. "Just another mistake to add to your already suffering record."

"Enough!" growled out a voice from the end of the table, the man who spoke instantly rising to his feet. Yami averted his attention towards him, instantly seeing the similarity between West and him. He was very obviously perturbed by what was being said by his fellow Elder's. His fists were clenched in anger, his body was trembling, and his burning gaze was directed at his comrades. "Have all of you forgotten exactly why Yami is here. Show respect to him instead of provoking him. We need him whether you would like to admit to it or not."

The man glanced towards him, bowing his head slightly in a respectful manner, "I am Elder Wolf Bahru, it is an honour to finally meet you."

Following the man's example Yami bowed down his head, "It is an honour more for me than you," rising he sent an appreciative smile at the man before glancing back at the rest of the Elders.

A man rose beside Wolf, his appearance nearly identical to Seto save older and more stern, "I am Elder Akunadin Kaiba, you have already met my son."

"That I have," Yami replied. "Pleased to meet you sir."

The two women Elder's rose, the one whom had snapped at him earlier held her head aloft, her dark salt and pepper shaded hair pulled back into a tight bun. She glared heatedly at him, reaching up almost nervously to adjust the broach at her neck, "I am Elder Korah Dirk, third in Command."

Yami simply grunted at her, ignoring the snarl that was sent his way before turning to the other woman. She instantly smiled at him, her features surprisingly beautiful and flawless. Warm colour filled her skin, her hair sable and curly was pulled into a loose up-do, while soft blue eyes peered at him with interest. She beamed at him before bowing her head, "I am Elder Tawny Alera, the newest and youngest member."

He peered at her, taking in her appearance and luminous personality. She must be the other Elder that Ryder mentioned; Her, Akunadin, and Wolf must be the ones that I can trust. Returning her smile, though with less fervour, he replied, "Pleased to meet you as well Ma'am."

"See," Tawny said, pointedly peering down the table at the first man who spoke. "He does have manner's Elder Adrian, you just have to show the same to him. Not all vampires are barbarians as you so think."

"Silence Tawny," snapped Adrian, directing his heated stare at her. She did not back down, instead her grin broadened and she turned away from him. Yami held back a grin of admiration, she was feisty.

Adrian inhaled deeply, seemingly trying to calm himself before pointing to the other five Elder's. All of them were men seemingly in their fifties or sixties, all dark eyed and all staring him down with menacing gazes. "These are the Elder's Azenus, Kerwen, Mayon, and my Second in Command, Elder Birsha."

Birsha grinned at Yami devilishly, his grey eyes flashing with malice. Holding back a shudder Yami narrowed his eyes at the man and scowled before turning back to Adrian. Sighing in reluctance he introduced himself, his voice resistant, "I am Yami Al Fahr, son of the former slayer's Yulene and Ramsey Al Fahr and younger brother to Bakura one of the slayer's that is currently operating from this building."

"Ah, Yulene and Ramsey," Birsha chuckled slightly, taking hold of a wine glass before him and turning his wrist sloshing the liquid around before taking a swig. "I nearly forgot about those two, they were sent to live in a nearby village when you were born were they not. Stripped entirely of their status. Pity, they were such good slayers before they had you. Valuable assets."

Muscles going taunt Yami held back to urge to strangle the man, fists clenching at his sides and eyes narrowing to thin slits, "They were sent away to the village by the order's of the Elder's. It was that decision that put us in this predicament."

"You being bitten has nothing to do with that decision," Korah interjected. "It has everything to do with the fact that your parents did not protect you properly."

Throwing his head back Yami let a deep chilling laugh escape him, staring at her Yami shook his head, "That's rich. You make the decision to keep me as far away from the protection of the slayers and blame that upon my family. My parent's did everything that they could that night to protect me, as did my brother, Seto, and Blade. But they stood absolutely no chance against the vast amount of vampires that Valick brought with him. It's not their fault that they could not call for back-up when it was heavily needed!"

"What about the attack the other day?" pressed Adrian, leaning back in his seat.

"What about it!?" Yami snapped. Suddenly he felt uneasy and cold. The hairs upon the back of his neck began to stand up, his skin prickling at the sensation of being watched by familiar but menacing eyes. Holding back a shiver he glanced quickly around him, trying to find a familiar face in the small gathering around him. Nothing.

"You brought the enemy to our doorstep," Adrian stated, crossing his arms and smirking. "Your arrival here has only caused us problems and losses. Five men have died in the last few days, one used to be one of our best slayers and the other was our best medical slayer in the field."

Yami felt tears come to his eyes, he knew exactly who that medical slayer had been, "A slayer that you abandoned! Angel was left out in the dark to die when he was found and turned by Valick."

"Ah, so you were close with him," smiled Birsha.

Rounding on his Yami growled, "What does that have to do with anything."

Birsha shrugged absently, his grin ever widening, "So you let a friend die, instead of surrendering yourself you let him die."

Stunned at the accusation Yami felt his body trembling as he resisted ripping the man to pieces, "I tried to save him."

"Well, you failed miserably," Adrian added. "He is dead, along with four other's."

A sudden movement upon the ceiling drew Yami's attention upward, a blur of black sped from one corner to the other. It moved at a rapid speed, seeming to be a shadow moving with changing light. The figure stopped in one of the corners and blended in just as Birsha yelled out, regaining his attention.

"Their blood is upon your hand's vampire."

"Oh Yami," called out a familiar mocking voice from above drawing everyones attention upward.

Yami let out a gasp in shock at seeing Frost looming upon the ceiling directly above him, pearly fangs flashing in the spotlight. "YOU!"

"Missed me?" laughed Frost before launching himself from the ceiling, claws bared and directed at his target.

Yami stood still, staring up at Frost as the vampire dropped towards him, screams from those within the room echoing within his ears.

A/N: Again, really sorry for how long this took, life has kinda intervened lately. Hope that you enjoyed it.