Author: Yami Neferbre
Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh, Blade, or Underworld, or any of the songs that I use
Paring: SetoxYami
Rating: R (just to be safe)
Warning: Violence, language, sexual content
Spoilers: None
Summary: It's a remake of my Half a Soul story, and jus for u Dragon, it's a SetoxYami yaoi story.
Status: Incomplete 1?



"Bakura stay here," commanded his uncle firmly, rising from his feet and firmly taking his small hand in his own larger one, "your mother is not to be bothered, she needs to concentrate so that she can have your little sibling".

Innocent chocolate eyes turned up to stare at his uncle, the blonde haired man smiled at him warmly before pulling him into his lap, "will it be the child from the prophecy Uncle Ryder".

Blinking Ryder Wheeler turned thoughtful hazel eyes over his shoulder towards the stairs that led to the second level, "I'm not sure, time will tell, the moon will go red, the stroke of midnight will toll, and your brother or sister will be born with crimson eyes then they will fade to violet. If not, it could be any other child born within the rest of this year, remember it is only January".

"Yes but, the baby is supposed to be born in January right, that's when the Great Pharaoh was born, the one that created this prophecy," protested the young four-year-old, "I remember Papa telling me that the baby was supposed to be born on the same day as the Pharaoh, my sibling is being born today or tomorrow".

Grunting Ryder ran his digits through his nephews snow coloured hair absently, Bakura was right, if his sister was able to push the child out on the stroke of midnight then that baby would be the reincarnation of the Great Pharaoh, the Pharaoh who died three thousand years before trying to bring light to this world. Heaving a sigh he glanced at his two young children whom where playing silently on the floor in front of the fireplace. Both were golden haired with fair skin, save one was a boy with his same eyes, and the other a girl with gorgeous indigo eyes. Neither of his children had been that child and he was thankful for that, he did not want them to have to bear the responsibility that the prophecy child would.

"Papa," came a small boy's voice.

Shaking himself out of his trance Ryder glanced at his young son, "Yes Joellin".

"Is the baby almost here," he asked, wide brown eyes questioning.

"I don't know, your mother and uncle are up there with Aunty Yulene, they will tell us when the baby is here," he assured with a small smile, his son beamed at him before he went to go sit back down with his sister Mai. Licking his parched lips Ryder held Bakura in his lap while staring back at the stairs, all the while praying silently to the Gods that his new nephew or niece was not the child of the prophecy, for if it was, the vampire King would be watching him or her for the rest of their life until he could strike.

Unexpectedly a stroke of lightning burst through the darkness outside brightening the sky, Ryder gasped as his eyes spotted the moon above in the night sky even through the rain and the clouds, it was a deep crimson, its glow pulsating like the blood through a vein. The stroke of midnight tolled out from the grandfather clock nearby, jaw dropping Ryder stared at the moon in utter shock, "Gods no".

A door opened upstairs, attracting the attention of the three small children and Ryder, they turned to see a proud man with shoulder length brilliant white hair, a strong build, and wonderfully tanned skin striding down the stairs, his deep chocolate eyes fixed upon the bundle in his arms. Bakura screamed with delight and dashed towards his father, reaching him as he stepped off the stairs, "may I see Papa, please".

Ramsey Al Fahr broke out of his trance, his eyes drifting to his eldest child, he was in shock from what all of the adults in the home had realized, his child was the one from the prophecy.

"Yes Bakura, go to the couch and I will show you," he murmured somnolently, Bakura immediately bounded over to the couch sitting upon it and leaving his father some room to sit between him and Ryder.

Sitting down Ramsey tenderly moved the soft silk and cotton blanket out of his new child's face, the three children and Ryder immediately shifted to see the baby's face. Ryder gasped, while the three children beamed at the small child. Wide violet eyes stared up at its father innocently; bronze skin, still wet from being removed from his mother's womb, glistened in the light from the fire. Born with a full head of spiky ebony, crimson hair with golden bangs framing its face, a beautiful child to say the least.

"It looks exactly like the Great Pharaoh," whispered Ryder as he gingerly ran his digits over the baby's head, "Gods I had hoped that it would not be your child that would be the one from the prophecy".

Ramsey sighed and leaning down kissed the baby's head, 'it is both a curse and a blessing, I must go to the Castle tomorrow, the council will tell me what is best".

"And the gender," Ryder asked.

"A boy, this is my son and I will do what is best for him," stated Ramsey, ignoring the three children as they continued to giggle and stare.

"Does he have a name yet".

"Yes, Yami Al Fahr, after the Great Pharaoh himself".


Yulene stepped gracefully out onto the small patio of her home; the warm sun above heated her skin and caused her to moan at its comfort. Brushing aside the folds of her silk and linen dress she freed the lower half of her still shapely legs, moving to the stone railing she peered down with beautiful electric blue eyes, scanning the village before her with both love and distaste.

She had been forced to leave her rich home back in Aldeham, along with her family. It had been against their wishes; they had been removed of their high positions on the Slayers council and were escorted to this beautiful and primitive village not far from the city. The council members had said it would be best if her baby boy was raised elsewhere, away from the prying eyes of vampire spies or familiars. Her and Ramsey had disagreed, along with Akunadin Kaiba and Ryder Wheeler. But the word of the elders over rated them and they left to live away from safety.

Below in the village square, which consisted of a large patch of lush green grass with a stone path and water fountain, were seven teenagers frolicking about in the heat of the afternoon sun, laughing and joking as they went through one of their rough games of tag. A warm smile spread across her face as she watched her two boys sprinting among them, both smiling and dressed in nothing but tight knee length shorts and a linen tunic stained with dirt.

Both had grown into beautiful boys, one with long silky pallid hair, and the other with wild crimson, ebony, and blonde. Both were smaller in build, but toned well with strong muscles from working in the fields. Perfect bronze skin adorned them accenting their eyes to make them become more prominent. Violet belonged to her youngest, and chocolate to her eldest. The two boys may have been separated by four years, but sometimes you could never tell with how close they were.

Heaving a sigh she called out, "Bakura, Yami, come back home please lunch is on the table". The two stopped in their games, and waved a good-bye to their friends. Immediately Yami, her youngest, bounded onto Bakura's back arms locking around his neck and his knees squeezing against his brother's firm hips. She laughed openly as Bakura gripped Yami's legs and promptly carried his brother back to the house, winding through the few houses that filled this small village.

The two brothers came laughing through the door onto the patio, Yami still upon Bakura's back. They were so absorbed in each other that they did not notice the stern expression upon their father's firm face, "be gentle Bakura, you will be the death of him, out your brother down now," Ramsey commanded before sitting down at the table.

Shamefully Yami slipped off of Bakura's back and took his seat at the table, Bakura following in suit, "sorry Papa," Yami murmured, down casting his eyes.

Ramsey grunted before reaching and grabbing the salad bowl, "I know you are, you do not have to say it little one, now help your Mother with the drinks, she is in the kitchen," he said, Yami gave a curt nod before rising from the table and striding back into the house.

Immediately Bakura glanced at his father, deep brown eyes accusing, "you treat him as if he is fine porcelain".

Placing the bowl upon the table Ramsey met his sons eyes, "he needs to be careful, even though he does not know who he is or the prophecy that he was born into, he needs to keep his body healthy. If he injured himself from roughhousing in your childish games like a hooligan and Valick decides to show his disgusting face and pull one of his stunts, your brother would not last".

"He would not last anyway and you know it," snapped Bakura, clenching his fists on the table, "no matter how hard the two of us try Valick will be able to get what he wants. The only way we would be able to stop him is if we have Slayer's here from Aldeham, Seto and Blade volunteered last year to come out here full time but the elders would not permit it".

"And you think I don't know that," growled Ramsey, slamming his fist on the table, "I want my son to be protected, but the elders insisted that if he was in the most remote place he would be safe. I believe that is bullshit and you know it, I suggested from the start that we raise Yami right within the Castle where he would receive his training and he would become a slayer. But the Elders believed that that was not safe and sent us here".

Scowling Bakura leaned back in his chair, averting his gaze to the west where the Sarai Forest began, "That still does not give you a reason to treat him like a treasured piece of glass that will break from a simple touch," he growled.

Rising rapidly to his feet Ramsey knocked over the chair he had been sitting upon and stared heatedly at his son, "I want what is best for my son Bakura; I have been the same way with you for the most part. Do not tell me how I should be treating your brother, I only wish to protect him".

"And you are so consumed by your want to protect him that you do not act as a Father to him," bellowed Bakura in defence, "all he wants is for you to tell him that you care, that you love him, to comfort him, and to do fun fatherly things with him".

Narrowing his eyes Ramsey stiffly sat back down, "he knows I'm here, all he has to do is ask," he replied, dishing out some of the chopped meat, vegetables, and sauce.

"That is the point Papa, he shouldn't have to, you have done all of those types of things with me, and never with him, you seem afraid that the very notion will break him".

"What is all the shouting about," demanded Yulene as she strode through the doorway carrying four glasses, Yami following her silently with the jug of juice.

Silence drifted between the two as Yulene placed the glasses on the table, her blue eyes peering into their eyes demanding an explanation; she received her answer by their expressions, "Yami darling may you check and see if I closed the front door please," she said giving her child a small smile. Obediently, and with a saddened face, Yami retreated back into the house to do as he was asked.

Once he was out of range she snapped, "we are telling him today Ramsey, I cannot bare to lie to him any longer".

"We only have a month to wait before he turns fourteen. You can wait that long," Ramsey insisted, taking a drink if his juice.

"No I cannot," she protested staring into her husbands face, "I am growing tired of following the insensible instructions of the Elders. They do not now how it is lying to your child, and raising him out in the open and away from the Slayers. I want him safe, not vulnerable".

Heaving a deep breath Ramsey let the sternness leave his face to be replaced with that of a kindly Father's, "you are right, as are you Bakura. I need to change for his sake, and we need to tell him and take him back to our home in Aldeham. Valick knows where we are, I can sense his presence, his darkness is drenching the very air around us with his evil. I fear that the damned vampire will try and turn him the first chance he gets after he turns fourteen".

"He would do that," Bakura asked in disbelief.

Nodding Ramsey ribbed his neck, "he has done it upon many occasions, though usually the teenager does not live through it," he expounded.

"You closed it Mama," came Yami's voice as he moved back out onto the patio, seeing that all eyes had been turned to him and the conversation had stopped he took a step back towards the door, fearing that he had done something wrong, "did I interrupt something".

Shaking his head Bakura smiled at his brother, "no, you just startled us; come on the food is getting cold".

Yami glanced at all of them sceptically before moving and sitting down at the large wooden table. With a yawn he covered his mouth and reached for the salad bowl, before he reached it his Father's large hand grasped his wrist, fearfully he turned his gaze towards him. Stern brown eyes bore into his own, searching his very soul, for what Yami did not know.

"Are you having troubles sleeping lately," Ramsey asked, his voice gentle but demanding.

Swallowing hard Yami glanced at Bakura for support; his brother gave him a small encouraging nod, "yes," he answered timidly.


Flinching Yami turned his gaze away shamefully, fearful that his Father would think that he was weak, "nightmares".

Ramsey's eyes went dark with anger and worry, "what are they about," he questioned.

"Vampires Papa," Yami stammered.

"Do you see one that continues to reoccur, one vampire that is constantly in them," Ramsey demanded.

"Yes," answered the young teenager, his body trembling under his father's gaze, "he's frightening Papa, I'm sorry".

Ramsey pulled back, realizing that he was frightening his child, "there is no need for you to be sorry Yami, everyone has nightmares, I just wanted to know what it was about is all. I should be sorry, I startled you by the seems of things".

Wide violet eyes stared at him incredulously, "p…p… pardon".

"I'm sorry," Ramsey murmured out again, "I frightened you Yami, I'm apologizing for it. Now, let us enjoy our meal".

Blinking several times Yami tried to absorb what had transpired, not since he was a small child has his father said sorry to him, he was always overly protective and stern with him. What brought about this, something was going on between his family members, something that they did not want him to know. It was obvious.

"What is going on," he demanded glancing at each of them, "something is transpiring amongst you and I want to know what it is".

Bakura, Yulene, and Ramsey glanced at each other, they had already agreed on spilling out the truth, but now that it was time to they found that their throats had gone dry.

Gulping down a large portion of her juice Yulene placed the glass on the table before reaching out and placing her tender hand over her son's, "you know of Aldeham, you know of the slayers that protect these lands, and you know of the prophecy that they are waiting to have fulfilled. But what you don't know Yami, is everything in between".

"I don't understand," Yami murmured in bewilderment.

"What your Mother means Yami," Ramsey said gaining the boy's attention, "is that we are not just a family of farmers in a small village under the protection of the Slayers. But we are slayers. Your Mother and I were both members of the Slayers Council, and squadrons of the slayers back in Aldeham. Both of us had been entrusted with two of the seven Millennium Items created by the father of the Great Pharaoh himself, along with your Uncle Ryder and Aunt Kohana.".

"We have other family members," said Yami, anger and disbelief flooding from his voice and expression.

Bakura nodded before leaning forward in his seat, "yeah Yami, we have our Aunt and Uncle, along with two cousins and a Grandfather back in Aldeham. Yami whenever I leave the house for those month long camping trips, I am not actually hunting, I am back in Aldeham training to be a slayer. That is what Corry and Helena do as well, that is why we leave together," he explained, his eyes beginning for forgiveness.

Violet eyes darkened in utter fury, snapping his hand away from his mother Yami glared at his brother, "and I have been kept in the dark of this why," he snapped.

"Because Yami, the Elders of the Slayers Council decided that we were to raise you away from Aldeham, away from 'harm' per say, and oblivious to the fact that you are a member of one of the wealthiest families of slayers, but also the one person that will shed some light upon the blackness of this world".

"What do you mean by that," Yami demanded, staring at his father for once not intimidated.

Yulene took another drink before she spoke, "you, my son, are named after the man that once died trying to save the human race from vampires three thousand year ago, and do you know why". Yami shook his head, no. She continued with a slight sob in her sweet beautiful voice, "Because you are his reincarnation, the boy of the prophecy, the one that is destined to destroy the vampires from this world and take up the throne of the lands of Kotare".

Rising to his feet Yami glanced at each of them with a blank gaze, disbelief and shock evident in his features, then without another word only a chocked sob he dashed back into the house, the sound of his bedroom door slamming when he reached it. Bakura sprang to his feet and was about to follow his brother in hopes of being able to consol him, but Yulene blocked his path and Ramsey grasped his arms, "give him time," she advised, "this is a great deal of information for a young boy to take in".


Hours passed. Day faded off to night, the suns golden rays being replaced by the subtle silver of the moon. Dinner had been eaten in dead silence, the absent of one member making the mood melancholy within the household. Bakura constantly looked up the stairs of their immense stone and wood house with the design of one of the ancient home from the times of the Pharaoh's, his heart longing to join his little brother to make sure that he was alright.

Soon the fire was crackling in the hearth, a deep crimson and golden glow being cast upon the living room and the occupants within. Somnolent faces and sad eyes focused upon what they were doing. Bakura was reading, Ramsey was fervently writing within a large book filled with pages of blank white paper now being filled with his neat printing, and Yulene was weaving a beautiful garment for her youngest child as a birthday gift.

Exhaling a deep breath Bakura lifted his gaze from his book and glanced back at the stairs, he could sense that something was wrong; he and Yami seemed to have a sort of connection with each other. Usually he could tell when Yami was afraid, or if he was upset, or angry. At the moment he could feel all of those emotions along with something else.

A small cry, not loud but enough to shatter the silence in the house echoed off the walls. Instinctively Bakura was about to run to his brother's side, but his mother kept him still while Ramsey strode up the stairs. Sadly Bakura watched this, he wanted to be with his brother, he at least knew how to soothe him, his father did have a clue anymore.

Silently Ramsey stepped off the stairs and into the hallway of the second floor, glancing down he locked his eyes upon his son's bedroom door, striding towards it he grasped the knob and pushed it open. He was met by sheer darkness, the curtains were drawn over the windows allowing no moonlight to enter, and no candle was lit. Taking a moment he allowed his trained eyes to adjust to the blackness around him before he moved forward, he could faintly make out the shade of the bed and a figure hunched over upon it cradling the blanket to their torso.

Sitting gingerly upon the bed he gained a startled cry from the beds occupant along with the feeling of that same person scrambling away from him and pushing himself into the corner. Without a word Ramsey opened the curtains allowing moonlight to flood the room, illuminating it and allowing him to see Yami curled up in the corner of his bed clutching the covers desperately to his body.

"Go away," Yami pleaded, "leave me alone, I don't want you here".

Ramsey sighed, "I'm not leaving Yami, not until you have calmed down and are asleep again".

"I can do that myself," snapped Yami, his voice quivering with uncertainty and fear, "just leave me alone".

Grunting Ramsey lifted his hand and moved it towards his son, Yami flinched and curled up tighter in fear that he was about to be hit, but Ramsey gently pulled him away from the wall and onto his lap where he folded his arms protectively around his small form. He gave a small cry of protest and he struggled to get away, but he was too tired and too weak to be able to pull away from his Father's strong hold, so he slackened in his grip tears of frustration and fear coming to his eyes.

"Please just leave me alone," he sobbed pleadingly, "please Papa go away".

"I won't leave Yami, you are beginning to worry me," Ramsey whispered gently, "please talk to me child, I won't hurt you".

"You are hurting me by being here, you have been lying to me all my life, and you rip my head off every time I get a small injury, and you are never here for me when I need you. Don't try and tell me that you won't hurt me when you have been since I was five-years-old," Yami sobbed, trying again to pry away from his father.

Stung by the insult Ramsey let go allowing his son to scramble away from him and off the bed, taking his blanket with him, his frame being stark against the light that had drifted into the hallway. His throat was dry as he stared at his child whom stood in the doorway, frightened and upset, "I never wanted to hurt you Yami".

"Well Father you did, you have always hurt me, more emotional than physical. So much so that once when I was small I called Bakura Papa because he is more of one to me than you are. But now I don't know who to trust, all of you have been lying to me, keeping something from me that should have never been locked within a cell like it was. Just leave me be," Yami cried out, tears coursing down his face as he careened out the door and down the stairs before Ramsey could react.

Bakura was on his feet immediately as he watched Yami barrel past him and out the front door, grabbing a jacket and his sword he dashed after him, if something happened to his little brother he would never forgive himself.

Yami dashed into the forest, not really watching where he was going, he had long since lost the blanket around his shoulders as he crashed through the trees. The branches seemed to reach out to him like arms, wanting to grab him and pull him to them, to hurt him. Tears streamed from his eyes in rivers, he was so wrapped up in his emotions and his fear of what was around him that he did not hear Bakura behind trying to keep up with his superior speed.

Suddenly his bare foot connected with a tree root, with a cry of both pain and surprise he fell to the ground, the sound of something cracking and a pain lancing up his arm catching his attention. His hands clenched in the moss around him, along with the dirt and leaves. He let his sobs echo through the trees as he lay there unwilling to keep going. Gentle and familiar hands ran over his back and shoulders, turning him over and pulling him to a well muscled torso. Not caring Yami clung to his older brother, he needed the support.

He tried to grip Bakura's tunic as his brother wrapped a jacket around his shoulders to ward off the cold, but he screamed in pain and glanced down at his forearm. It was disfigured, the bone protruding through the skin allowing blood to course over his skin, feeling the pain he cried harder and buried his face in Bakura's chest.

"Bakura why me," he sobbed, "why".

Tears coming to his own eyes Bakura stroked his brother's back, "I don't know Yami, fate chose you, and it is both a cursed and blessed gift from the Gods. Papa said that upon the day you were born," he said tenderly kissing Yami's brow, "but no matter what I will protect you Yami, I always have and I always will, especially now that things will be becoming more dangerous".

"Kura I'm scared".

"Shhh, I know," Bakura soothed, "lets get you back home, I need to tend to that arm, and you need to rest, you have had quite an emotional day". Nodding into Bakura's chest Yami felt his brother lifting him up new bride style before carrying him back home. When Ramsey dashed up to them Yami flinched and clung tighter to his brother, noticing this Ramsey bit his lip and simply walked alongside Bakura as he carried Yami home.

A/N: Well, here is the remake, I like it so far, lol, and it will be longer I can tell you that much. I hope all of you liked the first chapter, and its summer so hopefully I can update more often, cross ur fingers. R and R.