A/n: Sorry this took so long to put up. I haven't been around a working comp for quite some time. I thank you for waiting and hope you enjoy the insanity that is my story!
Chapter 3: The End
After about an hour of their fighting they had sat back down to their games in an uneasy truths. Ed was back to his sitting with his feet on the table, while Envy had gone back to his cross legged, button mashing. They only looked at each other at the end of a match.
Soon after this uneasy truths was established, Al walked in holding an umbrella in one hand and bags of food in the other arm. He put down the umbrella and looked about the damaged room. He dropped the bags and stared at the room .
"I leave you two alone for a few hours and you wreak the place!" He sighed. At this time he realized that Ed and Envy were looking at him, both their faces bloodied and bruised a little. Al sighed and picked up the bags, walking into the other room. They looked at each other and shrugged going back to the game. They were again tied, one K.O. each, third round to decide the winner.
Toward the end of the round they had equal health bars and Envy didn't look like he was going to win. Envy, without looking from the screen, uncrossed his leg, kicking ed in the side and sending Ed off the couch. Envy pushes the final buttons to win the game in his favor. Envy jumped up on the couch.
"I won! I am the best! Game Master!" Envy started to dance on the couch at his victory. Ed sat up, looking from Envy to the screen and back to Envy. When he realized he had lost he glared at him.
"You cheated…" Ed said quietly.
"Did not. I'm just better." Envy said. He had just finished the sentence before Ed had tackled Envy.
"Your dead." Said Ed and they started to fight again.
The End…..maybe.
A/N Thank for reading. I know this one probably wasn't as good as the other two chapters, but you wanted an ending!