Disclaimer: Hey, Avi, Stan, can you hand me over the rights to the X-Men for my birthday, please? It's on March 17th, I'm lucky, right?

Author's Notes: Before I get down to business, I'd like anyone who is curious about X3, to go over to thexversedotcom's community, where you can actually ask questions of Zak Penn and Simon Kinberg, writers of X3. They really do answer and I just get SO happy to read the answers to my questions. It's pretty sweet. OMG! Have you seen the trailer? Asides from the lack of Remy, it's actually pretty damn good. Go see it. It's amazing. I SO can't wait for the movie.

You know, this next part, is just totally what I've wanted to write like forever in this little ficlet, so I'm just SO excited. This definitely ups the level of Rogue and Remy interaction. It's gonna be one hell of a battle and hell, there's just something SO fun about mistaken identity and misconceptions. I mean, what exactly they will do once they figure out what's going on. Those flashbacks of course will be explained and their pasts revealed! Oh yeah, and there's some linkage with 'Meeting Destiny at Gunpoint' and 'Houston, We Have a Problem' basically, the standoff and the reveal of Remy being a mutant linked up.

Oh yeah, and the Westley thing, is definitely a clue as to what's going on…ie. "Oh my sweet Westley, what have I done to you now?"

Shout Outs: Thanks to ish (sorry about the lackiness of reviews!), Hunza (where are you? I miss you.), bored, Cat, mazda, Gothick, Realt and Sarra for the reviews!

Here we go you guys. The kickass badass part. Enjoy.



She regarded him confused.

"I hope y're not disappointed in me, but I have never liked destroying somet'in' beautiful." He uttered those words as he pulled out a foot long tubular object from the recesses of his trench coat. Under his grasp, it suddenly expanded, so that it was taller than her.

Remy smiled at her. Somehow this was funny to him. That girl that he had hired to monitor her MSF had turned out to become more than just a pretty face. He should've known really, it seemed that all the girls who he really truly liked ended up being the ones to try and kill him. That was some luck, huh? So she was an agent that much was certain. She was good, but he had a sixth sense when it came to certain things, and he had just known that someone was watching him, so activating a few of his hidden computers from his bedroom and locating some hidden cameras he'd implanted on the side of his building, he'd seen her, watching him. It was flattering and disturbing at the same time, something beautiful, that could have spawned from them had ended in that moment. There was no hope for them to have something now, no matter how charming and sweet she'd been. She was everything he hated, that caused him every scar, every tear, every horror. He wouldn't let her get away.

He came at her, stalking, a dangerous mocking grin dancing on his face, sardonic, speaking of untold violence and what was to come for her, that she couldn't be careful anymore. A demon had been unleashed with all of his wrath and fury directed at her.

Marie eyed him with a calculating gaze, unwilling to give anything away, a grim from marring her lips, confusion apparent in her eyes. This was the enemy, and yet, he was one of her kind, a mutant. She felt violated. How could he? Did he know what they did to mutants, to her? Betrayal fell upon her, this traitor to their race, who was on the side of those trying to annihilate them. Was it because he hated being a mutant so much that he'd want to destroy them all? He was everything she stood against, everything she fought to end. He was their pain and suffering and yet, he was one of them. She felt torn, he had been so kind, so compassionate, but no more, especially when she saw that look in his eyes, that look of utter violence and hatred towards her. But still, her anger began to bubble up to the surface and her expression became a cold, icy glare. Her resolve hardened. Questions riddled her mind, but they didn't matter now. The only thing that mattered was kicking his ass, making sure he never betrayed them again.

"There's no beauty here, don't worrah 'bout that, but Ah'm gonna beh tha one walkin' away from heah," she replied acidly.

Remy came up to her, until he was a breath away from her face, smile clinging to his lips, haunting her. He only looked into her eyes, her captivating eyes, and he knew that hers were glued to his as well, as if they were pulled together. Something stirred inside him, a feeling of déjà vu, but he'd think of it later. Leaning into her ear, he began to whisper to her, "Don' y' cry t'night, dere's a heaven above y'…"

(A lyric from the Guns N' Roses song, 'Don't Cry', another one, I know, it's a theme I suppose, but I just love this song by them too. It's incredibly beautiful and angsty, a ballad of sorts, but it could be really sweet and regretful, but also sort of haunting and scary; it's got this sort of undertone of creepiness in it, but still manages to be really hopeful and precious, a perfect Romy song that will be soon featured, I think in full, in AME. I've got a plan for it, ; ).)

Marie flinched; a sacred moment ruined and harshly pushed him away from her personal space, watching in satisfaction as he fell back a few feet from the force.

It was time to end this. She wanted answers and then, he would be void of his usefulness and she would prove herself to her father, her mother, the team and the Resistance.

Before he could catch his balance from her force, she'd recovered and whipped out her shiny silver sidearms, a pair of Dessert Eagles, ready and poised for devastation, his.

Rage was in her stance, her being as she stood there to him. Her hair provided a ghostly, eerie aura to her figure, as it danced like smoke in the wind. Her eyes, her eyes were cold to him, with hatred and a pain in there. Yes, this was personal. Maybe they'd both been fooled, believed in something for a moment, a passing moment that was gone now.

Quietly, he said a silent goodbye to her in his heart, a heart heavy with regret, 'I wanted you to be my angel, so badly. But it's goodbye. Maybe there was a time when we could've had something, but it's too late. Reality is cruel and that'll never change.'

She didn't know why she seemed to be frozen for a moment. Her heart felt like it was carrying on pointlessly, wanting so badly not to do this. Still she had to, though she wished for closure, 'I don't want any regrets, but for awhile you were letting me fly on your wings and it was beautiful. Maybe there was supposed to be more. But this is life, so goodbye.'

And then, there was only this hate left, this hate and sorrow.

"Who the fuck are ya?" she hollered and he heard the violence, the threat in the tone, recognized it, but didn't really care.

That damned smile wouldn't leave his face.

"Why aren't y' just a little Rogue, chere?" he whispered huskily to her. It got under her skin in a way none had done before.

She fired a bullet into the dead center of his chest, the heart. It was a perfect bulls eye, she prided herself on her shooting ability. The sound echoed and seemed to magnify in her head, the gun smoking in the aftermath of the shot. Screw questions, let him bleed painfully and then die. Marie never thought of herself to be the type, but the way she felt now, she knew she'd rather let him bleed and question him then.

But before the shot entered his chest, she noticed a red glow encasing the bullet. It exploded before her eyes, by some hidden force unbeknownst to her, spraying shrapnel across the roof. Marie blocked the sharp metal from her face with her arms. She would regret this action later, as it left her off guard and vulnerable to his attack and found herself pinned against the brick wall of a shed on the roof of the building with his Bo-staff.

"No more playin' wit' dose toys, now," he said with a wink. God, what she wouldn't give to let Dad castrate this guy.

Marie rolled her eyes and replied with kneeing him in the groin. He let out a painful groan and moved away from her.

"Dieu! Dat was just dirty, y' got a problem wit' m' or somethin', Chere?" asked Remy mockingly.

"Shut up and fight, ya Swamp Rat!" she ordered as she aimed a punch to his head, which he easily evaded by moving his body out of the way with a speed and skill that she'd hadn't had the luxury of seeing often in training.

"So y' like t' b' de dominant one, don't y'?" he replied, as she threw out a kick to his sternum, to which he easily blocked by grabbing her foot and using it to spin her off balance. Marie recovered quickly by rolling into a cartwheel to counteract the momentum that sent her legs flying over her head.

Marie responded by trying to use the butt of her gun to ram his head in, but once again, he smoothly escaped the attack and decided to test her own skill of defense.

Whirling his staff in a complicated and effective figure eight pattern, he countered her attempt to punch him, the momentum of his hit sending her off balance and falling backwards. She quickly recovered by doing a backwards flip.

And that was when Remy got excited. She had some decent skills. The fists flew, they parried, blocked, kicked, countered, jabbed, uppercutted. It was a dance, a deadly dance, and neither could stop. The moves became more intricate and more powerful, they weren't true partners, but combatants, looking for the upper hand, it was simply a war.

The pair circled each other, Remy with his Bo-staff twirling in a complicated pattern, providing defense and offense at the same time, while Marie had her guns at the ready to fire a shot. Remy made the first move by quickly catching her off guard by using his Bo-staff to bring her feet off the floor, sending her flying forwards. However before she hit the ground, she rolled midair and fired a shot at him, which he narrowly escaped. As they hit the ground, both rolled out to absorb the shock.

Before Remy could pick up his dropped staff, Marie charged him and sent a roundhouse kick his way, towards his head. Remy ducked out of the way and pushed her foot forward to send her spinning. Quickly Marie recovered and planted the foot that had been swung, and using it as a pivot to launch another kick which caught Remy's jaw, sending him back a few feet.

Remy growled slightly, glaring at her menacingly, as he regained his balance, a look of seething anger emanating from his fiery eyes, under a fringy mess off of coppery auburn hair. Oh no, he'd never been taught not to hit girls…His rage surprised Rogue for moment, but it was all Remy needed as he approached her body, ready to dole out the damage. Marie went for a left hook, but Remy caught her arm deftly and swung her painfully around, so that her arm was behind her back, his strength overpowering her. Pain shot up her arm as he held it in the rough position, before pushing her into the ground.

Marie rolled out of the fall to shelter her body and minimize pain, still, she lay seething on the grungy floor of the roof. Remy was about to force an uppercut to her face, but Marie reacted quickly and pulled her knees to her chest, and then using her power to send her legs up and into Remy's stomach, kicking him backwards and allowing her to use the momentum to send her to her feet.

Remy didn't have time to get up before he heard the cocking of a gun and her voice in an angry roar, drifting to his ears, "This ends now. Tell meh who ya work foh, or Ah'll blow out your brains!"

"But I like bein' blown away," he said with an infuriating smirk and a wink and in the blink of an eye, he had kicked the firearm out of her hands and was back on his feet, delivering a painful punch to the side of her face. Remy quickly got his hits in to her stomach, chest and head. She was falling back and the erratic motions of his punches made it hard for her to block in her blearing state of mind. She was open for attack.

Marie needed to think fast. There was this small pause, a beat if you will between the hits, and it was here that she reacted, tucking her head in and leaping off her feet, doing a forward roll into his torso, sending her assailant backwards. She landed straddling him, which gave her the perfect opportunity to pummel him for all the pain that he had given her previously. It was here in this battle that she felt alive. She could feel her blood pumping through her body, the pain from the kicks and punches, the dribble of blood from her nose and a few cuts. Her breathing came in pants as she did damage to his face and body relentlessly.

Still, he was smiling, with his spit lip, blood covered face and disarrayed hair, he'd never looked more beautiful. This was strangely funny to him. Here he was again, throwing himself into another fight, another battle, drawing it out, just so he could feel something, anything. The pain was good. There was only pain, and it was the only thing that made sure he was alive. So he took it, hit after hit of beautiful pain. Pain like the day she revealed herself for who she really was, blonde hair, blue eyes and brown hair, amber eyes, pain from their screams, the blood, the scars, the searing pain from the red glow…oh pain. With blood trailing from his bruised lips, he said to her, "Watch y're head now."

She looked at him quizzically, not understanding, but suddenly, she heard a buzz. Turning her head, she had noticed how the roof tiles of a roof top shed began to glow, right above her. Remy suddenly shoved her aside as he jumped out of the way, no worse for ware only to have her flung against the building about to explode. Marie leapt out of the way quickly as a blast rocked the roof, and suddenly she was on the defense again as Remy returned to her side with his Bo-staff.

Marie crawled to her feet, wearily watching him, with her fisted hands ready to attack. But to her consternation, Remy merely leaned against the wall remaining from the decimated shed in an amused expression. Confused Marie observed his actions carefully. He reached into his chocolate brown trench coat and pulled out some cards, shuffling deftly, mocking her. Marie let her displeasure known in a growl, "Ya gonna fight me, or what?"

Remy merely laughed, "What card y' want?"

Using his experienced fingers, he tossed several glowing cards towards her direction; some flew straight into the air with deadly accuracy, while others whizzed and slide against the floor, ready to take her feet from her. Seeing the deadly explosives, Marie once again had no choice than to jump out of the way.

Cleverly, before the smoke cleared, she had slide off the roof, and hide herself by pressing her worn and battered body against the wall, clinging to safety from the outcrop made to sit a gargoyle, planting her feet against the top of a window.

Marie pulled out a long, thin, silver blade hidden in her jacket. It had white etched on the blade in an intricate design of swirls and leaves with a dark metallic green and black hilt that had the white detail continue. She waited quietly for his steps to lead him to the edge of the roof; they were confident and heavy, bearing no evidence of being battered or in pain. Her breath was silent and bated.

When finally she saw his upper body peering over the edge of the roof, looking for evidence of her body on the sidewalk, she skillfully tossed the blade at him, a smile of success crossing her lips as she heard his gasp of pain, and listened to the noises of him stumbling back. Quickly scrabbling up onto the roof, she was met with a fist which sent her flying and landing on her back hard against the hard concrete of the roof.

Remy stood over her, with her knife protruding from his left shoulder. Pulling it out, he drew blood, "Nice aim y' got," he said. Then, he kicked her hard in the stomach, causing her to roll into a ball to try and protect her vital organs. Remy grabbed her hair, still loosely held up in a ponytail, and roughly picked her up a few feet, then tossed her back to the ground with equal force and violence.

(Looks around shiftily…so yeah…they're getting very violent with each other…but then what do you expect from a beat down…it is Romy, afterall…lol.)

Rogue was furious. She would NOT lose to him. She simply couldn't. He was a pariah and she would make sure he paid the consequences for his indiscretions. The impact from his toss made her roll after impact and on weary feet, she stumbled into a ready position, refusing to give up. This wasn't just about impressing her father and mother and getting into the Resistance as a real member to really make a difference. It was about stopping this bastard, this heinous traitor. Rage powered her. Kurt had always said that she worked best angry, and she was purely infuriated. Marie glared up at him, undaunted, refusing to back off. Her breathing came out in pants and she was sure that she looked less than desirable with her dirty, bloody and bruised body, but she didn't care.

Remy saw her back up again, well, he had to give her some credit, the MSF were pesky bastards after all. She really hated them, him, that much and for what? But he was done playing the question game, the truth was, there was only this now and the damage control. Well, one less MSF agent was one less MSF agent. No matter how insignificant that was, he'll feel better knowing that there was one less of them for his people to worry about. One less person to hurt them all, again, so he simply couldn't let her go for she was representative of everything that had given him pain in life, the source of every difficulty, every tear, every hurt, every betrayal, every blow. She was it. He had wanted to impress Logan, the man responsible for him getting some happiness, the man who gave him, above all else, hope and show him that he was ready, committed to be part of his new group to really make a difference for their kind. He no longer wanted to be a moonlighter; he wanted to be the full deal.

So she stood in the way…whatever. He didn't care anymore. He didn't care that she was a pretty decent opponent, that she'd drawn blood from him, that there was an undeniable pain throbbing in his shoulder. All he knew was that only one of them would walk away from this and it would be him. Not her, he'd make sure of that.

She looked tired and battered, exhausted even, but still, she charged him, with a new ferocity, a new energy. Her actions, seeping with Rage did not go unnoticed by him. It fueled her, made her a better fighter, enabling her to get the first hit into his jaw. In retaliation, he turned his body and elbowed her in the stomach, then, parried the kick she tried to utilize against him. She was using the close range fighting to her advantage, knowing that he couldn't use his explosives without hurting himself as well. It was a rapid succession of various moves and combos punctuated by shouts, and yells of momentary victory, anger, frustration and pain, move after move, hit after hit, block after block, parry after parry. No ground was won and even less was lost. It was a beautiful, albeit deadly dance. One false move and it'd be over for someone, but that couldn't take way from the grace, the passion or the luster of it.

Remy knew that this was going nowhere, it was just tiring him out, he had to make a move, and he knew exactly what had to be done. He was tired of playing games. It was time for a new kind of fun. Waiting for the opportune moment, he let her get a few punches in, and finally seeing an exposed part of her body, he went in for the kill, a deadly spin kick, right into her stomach, then, using his momentum, he backflipped away from her. Before she could land and recover from her imminent fall, he wrapped his fingers around a few cards and tossed them her way with a red glow as a gift. Noticing the Ace of Spades that accompanied the cards, he smiled. Yes, it would be the death of something all right.

Spotting his extended silver Bo-staff glinting in the light of the night, he retrieved it, listening to the symphonic sound of an explosion behind him. Stretching upright, he broke out in a dead run, staff at the ready, trench coat flying behind. He didn't stop when the edge of the roof approached, nor did he hesitate. At the precise moment, he planted his staff into the edge of the roof and used it to propel him over, like a pole vaulter.

By the time the smoke cleared enough for her vision, all Marie could see was the ends of Remy's trench coat sailing in the wind. Gathering herself, she got up on her sore body and hobbled to the edge of the roof, where she saw him land on the top level of a concrete parking complex, across the street and about ten to twenty floors below her. Even from the distance, she could make out his red on black eyes, winking at her, glowing in the darkness, and his hand, outstretched in a wave, a challenge. Well, he was in for a surprise if he thought she gave up that easy. Challenge accepted.

Marie stalked over to her backpack, laying a little worn, looking a bit discarded, and removed from it, a special looking black and silver gun, with a grappling hook at the mouth. Taking aim, she shot the gun perfectly, allowing the grappling hook to become lodged on the lip of the roof. She smiled, she was good. Pulling her line, she made sure that it was secure, before using specialized stakes to lodge the gun into the roof she was currently on.

She retrieved her guns from the ground, securing them on her holsters and then took, what looked like a bent bar from her back pack. Strapping on her backpack, she prepared to cross the roof. Placing the bar on the line, she snapped it into place and securing her grip, Marie leapt off the roof and slid across the street in between the two buildings, gathering speed. Just before she reached the building, she pitched her feet forward to absorb the shock, and silently climbed onto the uppermost level of the parking garage.

Marie eyed every crevice of the roof, carefully keeping an eye out for Remy while at the same time making sure to stay hidden. Not seeing any movement, or any evidence of the Cajun, she discreetly wandered, partially hidden, around the parked cars, looking for any sign of Remy. Making it finally to the ramp that lead to the next floor, she looked down it and saw a blur of movement, a brown streak, followed by a glowing card. Rogue ducked the card, and then leapt down to the ramp onto the next level, landing in a crouched position. She drew her guns and then cocked them at the ready, spotting yet another brown blur from the corner of her eye, so she simply reacted and fired a shot in that direction, it resulted in the hollow clang of the bullet hitting the concrete in the columns and leaving a large dent.

Another red card whizzed by her head, and Rogue leapt out of the way, diving to the right and rolling out of it, behind a large black hummer. 'Well, at least these 'Pimp Cars' are good for something.' And now, all was silent, there was just the sizzling of the remains of the card and the few parked cars. Marie silenced her breathing, hoping that she could remain hidden, but also knowing that she was a sitting duck. He was playing a game with her and all she could do was make sure she stayed on top of it.

Sure enough, a few moments later, a card drifted over the roof and floated down into her lap, before erupting into a bright glow. Marie reacted quickly, leaping from her crouched position and away from the car, but also exposing her from the barrier of the car.

Remy used this to his advantage, and while she was in midair he charged another card and hurled it in her direction. The blast changed the direction of her fall and completely disorientated Marie. She couldn't roll out of her fall or plan it, so it was no surprise to her when she landed hard on the asphalt, hard. An intense pain shot up her arm, making her cry out. Rolling onto her back, she inspected her arm, it looked fine for the most part, but she could definitely feel a break in the bone. Great.

Still, Remy would not let up, he kept on sending charged cards her way, and Marie was tired of playing jump and dodge. A large plume of dust and cloud from the explosions began to separate her from Remy's view and she used that to her advantage by running over to a large blue Toyota Sienna mini van, the true car for all soccer moms, as evident by the bag of diapers, soccer balls, stuffed animals, knick knacks hanging off the rear view mirror, jackets, snacks and other motherly paraphernalia.

Pulling out a special tool from her belt, she quietly picked the lock to the van in a crouched position, while Remy continued to cause explosions in and around the area she had just escaped from. Succeeding in opening the car door, Marie quietly entered the mini van and threw her back pack into the passenger seat, shutting the door just as another explosion rocked the complex. God, this guy was insane, it was like he had an explosives fetish…Could he honestly be anymore discreet…

Ducking down to avoid being seen, she began to hotwire the car using her one good arm, which was quite a feat in itself. When the car roared to life, a wide grin lit up her face. This would be fun. She put the car into reverse and drove into the direction of where the explosions were originating with and was met with a jackpot, Remy's totally shocked expression as she began to try and run him over with the minivan. He turn tailed and ran and using her maneuvering ability, Remy was never far from being run over. The only thing that saved him were the tight corners and the fact that she only had one arm to work with. Heading towards the ramp, he leapt into the next floor, but Marie wasn't far behind in her soccer mobile, a crucifix rocking back and forth from the rear view mirror…

(Couldn't resist that…a lot of people were commenting on how Mr. and Mrs. Smith this fic was…but the thing was, up until about last week, I had never seen that movie…but now that I did, you can say that there's quite a bit of influence in this fic from that movie for this chapter…the van, the gliding across roofs, parts of the fights, Remy trying to blow her up…lol. Some of it was more intentional, other things just were a bit coincidental…like how I wanted a soccer mom van for the pure irony…)

Knowing he couldn't continue running, Remy made a few decisive choices, he charged a yellow speed bump and to his joy, Marie drove right over it, having not enough time to avoid it and when the back wheels drove over it, he let it explode, sending the car, partially into the air. As the car landed, heavy on the front, rocking her forward, Marie instinctively swerved to the left, right into a side column, so she swerved again, her last move in the car, as the back wheels had been blown out and she was left with her left headlight crunched against an adjacent wall. Remy took the opportunity to run up to the hood and smile at her, before placing his palms on the hood. An eerie red glow began to emanate from the hood, making Marie's eyes go wide in panic.

Quickly using her gun, Marie shot open the window to the right passenger seat, the glass shattering, and grabbing her backpack stumbled towards the exit and leapt out moments before the entire car exploded. She rolled to absorb the shock, pain shooting up her arm, from it. Before she could get up again, Remy was above her, Bo-staff in hand, ready to put in the final strike.

Seeing this, Marie whipped out her gun with her good hand, prepared to shoot, but Remy was ready for her and swiped it out of her hand with his staff. It clanked to the side, but she rolled out of the way, before he could strike again and stood up. She knew this was it. She was injured and at the rate this was going, it would never end, so there was only one way. Using her mouth and teeth, Marie pulled the green velvet glove from her right hand, her good hand and approached Remy, who was ready to pummel her again.

He got in a punch to her chest, but that was his last attack. Twirling from the impact, Marie reached out in the direction of his exposed face. She hated doing this, to anyone, but it was the only way she could see to win and she had to, too much was at stake. This was the only way now.

Just before her fingers could touch his face, and bless her with the few moments of the touch of skin, his arm shot out and grabbed her forearm, before she could reach their desired location. Her eyes were on his face, his eyes, and watched as they widened, in shock, wonder, surprise, awe, epiphany and…recognition, as he noticed a single mark on the perfect porcelain skin of her hand, a diagonal slash across the back, the mark given to all prisoners from Delamort, the most notorious and efficient mutant death camp, from their human captors, a mark on his own hand also. His grip loosened and it was all she needed, her fingers descended on his cheek, but not before he uttered a single word, "…Marie…"

The word shocked her, and she only held on for a second, but it was all she needed and he slumped to the ground unconscious. His last moments spent looking into the eyes he thought he'd never see again. She stared at him, shocked. It really was him…after so long. They were her last thoughts before their memories bleed together and she remembered.

(There ya have it, 10+ pages of Remy on Rogue/ Rogue on Remy action…lol.)

It was dark, it'd been dark for her for a long time now, but it had never been like this before. It had never been so palpable and endless, it had never been this painful and sharp, it had never punished and violated her like this before…

My mind was a prison, but never like this, never so cold, and never so real, like this, where the walls were black, but stained sticky with blood, the chains that bound me were grimy and unbreakable, remnants of the previous occupants still there. My body was rubbed raw with pain and the dirt. I could hear every cry of torture and pain. I could see everyone waiting for death, wanting death. I was one of them. I could see bodies and endless cages like mine. I remembered my time more than a decade before in one of these places, but it was nothing compared to this hell I was shoved in. Nothing could compare to this. This was far worse.

Everyday, I woke up and I wished to die, I desperately wanted and needed to. It was the only way I knew to escape from it all. It was the only way that was possible to escape and I wanted to escape more than anything. There was nothing worse than this, not even my powers. I couldn't deal with this, I had no hope left. My brother, my mother, my father, my siblings, my family meant nothing to me now. I was sorry to do this to them, but I couldn't be here anymore. I had nothing left. Death had never looked so good. He had never been more of a friend to me than then. I wanted to leave and never come back, especially when all that waited for me in life was this. I wanted nothing to do with this anymore, nothing at all…but then he came.

He saved me, took me away from all this. I had more to say to him than to anyone on the Earth, but all I ever knew was his name, Remy LeBeau, and those enchanting red on black eyes that saw through me, smoldering and knowing me, understanding me like no one else ever did. He never told me anything more than this, a promise, "I will get you out of here, you'll see the world again, and it'll be beautiful."

Remy told me that when I woke up to see him one night. It was dark like never before, but I could tell that he was something special and that above all else, I could trust him. He was beaten, thin, starving really, scarred, bloody and tormented, but behind all that, he was beautiful. He was a kind soul who was unfortunately wrapped in darkness, and once that happens, you can never escape from it. He had tried, but now he embraced it. Still, he would forever be my savior.

He broke open my cage with his powers; he had somehow broken free from the power suppressant collars. After promising to save me and I'll always wonder why he chose me to rescue when there were a hundreds of countless others that deserved to be saved more than I did. He promised the others that he'd come back, though. Scooping me up into his arms, I was aware of how strong he was despite all his surface injury, like he reveled in it. I was so weak at this point, I could barely stand.

Remy took me through the darkened corridors in the less trafficked areas, quietly, carefully weaving around, but always knowing where he was going. And I knew that he had done this before, he had been down these paths before. I was so weak, I was barely aware, but I remember that we were headed down and that I was surprised that no alarm had been sounded and that no one knew he was taking me away.

Eventually, we made it down to a series of tunnels under the death camp, filled with water and blood that had been washed down. It disturbed me, but not him, he'd seen it enough times. We followed the tunnels for what seemed like hours underneath the camp underneath our enemies, covered deep with the water. Still, he carried me, never letting me down or resting. From that point on, I knew that I'd be okay. He would keep me safe.

Finally, we made it to the end of the tunnels, where the water spilled into a lake, and miles away from the death camps in the woods with trees surrounding the entire area. Squinting in the darkness, I could just make out where the death camp was, it was a large black complex hundreds of meters high in the middle of the forest with many thick walls protecting it with many traps as well as a heavy duty electrical charge.

Before he handed me off to a few men like me, hidden in the shadows, he said goodbye to me and to live life for all those who'll never have a chance to, to keep fighting, to never give up, again. I promised, and asked him his name, he told me, Remy LeBeau. I asked him, why it was me he chose, and I'll always remember how he smiled at me, like I was something ethereal and to be worshipped and told me, because you bring light to this world, we need more of that, that he needed more of that. He said that he couldn't forget me no matter how hard he tried and when he asked, I told him my name. I thanked him, I couldn't do anything else.

Then, he handed me off to his friends and went back from whence he came, determined and proud. His friends told me that he was a jailbreaker, one of the brave few who willingly submit themselves to capture, so that they could rescue their fellow inmates from the inside. It often resulted in strenuous torture for them to endure…and I knew I was eternally grateful to him, Remy LeBeau, a man who I'd never forget, even if he was little more than a boy back then too.

But I couldn't handle these memories, of pain, with the salvation coming only at the end, a little too late, so my mind did it's best to black out most of the memories, fading them, so they only became flashes, ghosts in my mind…and so, in a way, I did forget him, but I could never fully do so, even if I thought I'd never see him again...that is, until now…and I never though it'd be like this…

Marie gasped and stepped back, her eyes roaming over Remy's face. She didn't know why it had taken her this long to realize it was him, her savior. She was in panic. How could this have happened? Why was this happening? She began to pace back and forth in shock and surprise, shaking.

Minutes later, but to her an eternity, Remy began to stir, a moan from his lips.

"Damn, Chere, didn't know y're touch was dat powerful…" a small grin on his lips, "Hey…Marie…" She had changed a bit, gotten taller, fuller, and not just from the lack of starvation. Her hair was longer and dyed with black streaks, but she had also become stronger than he could ever imagine. Still, he was sure she had become even more devastatingly beautiful and angelic.

"…Remy…" she whispered. He had changed a bit, becoming just a bit taller, muscular…and impossibly more handsome, but darker, more pained and tormented too. And then the next thing she knew, she was in his arms and tears were streaming down her face, and he was holding her tight, stroking her hair, overwhelmed by their shared past memories, past fears, past pain…

I hoped you liked that…so yup, it's all revealed nicely and how they know each other and what not. It's really inspired by William Goldman's The Princess Bride. I just love the middle of the book with all the action and Buttercup finally finding Westley again…and sort of the circumstances that happened in. I hoped you all enjoyed the action. It was really fun to write! The chappie's a tad short…but I just wanted to end it like this…The next chapter will deal with the aftermath of it all and the implications of their little set up by Marie's parents and just how fun serendipity and revenge can be…lol.


My birthday is this Friday, yes, St. Patrick's Day…so please be kind and review…I'll probably get the next one for AME out during Spring Break…I'm gonna make me b-day month hopefully a three chapter update event! My gosh and SO many milestones…AME just turned one year old, my one year of being on ffdotnet as a writer…wow…

Alas, unfortunately, this is where I leave you…

Send me a review please!
