Author's Comments

Hi, this is my first story so I hope you like it. Accepting flames. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Invader Zim and Co.

"Whhhheeeeee!", Gir was running around in circles waving a laser and a chicken wing covered in mayonaise.

Gir screamed "I'm flyin'!", and suddenly sat down and turned on the scary monkey show just as Zim walked in from his lab.

"Gir! I have a plan to destroy Dib once and for all!" Zim glanced at Gir seeing the robot wasn't paying attention at all. Zim, did'nt really care at all and continued droning on with his plan. Suddenly, Gir stands up and screams running around in circles.

"What is wrong with you Gir!" Zim yelled over Gir's screaming. After about twenty minutes, the robot shut down still standing up.

Hmm, Gir doesn't usually shut down automatically or act this stupid... I guess I should figure out what's wrong with him, thought Zim as he picked up the robot and went down to his lab.