Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or any of it's characters.

A/N: Hey guy! So this is an AU I guess. Ani never went over to the dark side and now has a padawan of hi own. His relationship with Padme is inexistent or really secret..it doesn't really make a difference here. This is my first Star Wars fic s please review but please don't flame! Thanks! I hope it's not that bad!


"Patience is the key my young padawan."

'My young padawan.' He always calls me that! I don't like it to say the least. Why doesn't he call me by my name, Cassidy? But even though he rarely does say my name when he does it is the most beautiful sound I could ever hear. Except for…

I know it's inappropriate to have these felling. He is my master and I am his student. But I can't help it. It seems like I've always felt this way. He took me as a padawan when I was ten and he was his early twenties. Twenty twowas it? It's been five years and here I am feverishly trying to hide my true feeling.

"Yes master" I replied meekly. I'm very good with a lightsaber but today I've been too impatient. Too quick to act. I've always tried my hardest to impress him. To make him proud. I've always wanted to be the perfect padawan, just for him! But I knew I couldn't. Not with the way I felt. Maybe I was trying too hard but things I worked at so hard were always done better by some one else. Even though everyone always admired my skill with a lighsaber and my connection with the Force and how I could control it I knew my mentality was wrong. I felt to much. And my mater, my love, was what drove me to all those feeling. My love for him was also the source of all my ambitions.

Anakin unignited his lightsaber and tucked it into his belt. "I suppose we can end the lesson for today" he said with a ghost of a smile. "You are doing well but you must focus and think. Being patient will help you be more efficient. You need to understand what you are doing before you make your move. It's appropriate to engage your senses but do not forget that a mindless move can lead do disaster."

"Yes master." The reply was partially automatic. I knew him too well. He was big on emotions like me. And patience was something he had a hard time with himself. I knew it. But he was trying to be a good master…and a good Jedi. He is a great Jedi but I sence that even being the great Jedi hadn't gotten rid of his open hearted nature. He feels as acutely as I do. I often glimpse it in his eyes.

I returned to my room in a sort of daze. Things were going down hill now. I couldn't believe that I was feeling what I was feeling. I was impossible. I reproached myself for the forbidden love I had for my master. Sure love between a master and a padawan was even encouraged in a way. But genuine affection. The lies between friends or brother and sister. Not the love that I had for him. No of course the friendship was there no doubt but I wasn't satisfied by the brotherly kind of love that was encouraged. More…too much more.

I sat on my bed staring stupidly at the opposite wall for an immeasurable amount of time reflecting on the stupidity of the situation. I had too see him! I picked up my comm. Link and connected with him. His answered it and his voice was a melody too me. He amazed me in so many ways and the texture of his voice was one of them.

I asked if I could see him and he told me he was in the Room of the thousand fountains and that I could meet him there.

So I took a look at myself in the mirror pausing to fix my brown hair streaked with gold highlights and exited my room.

He greeted me warmly as I sat down next to him. I felt a wave wash over me. Being near him was intoxicating these days.

"Something is bothering you Cassidy." It wasn't a question.

I nodded. He said my name! I didn't really like my name but it sounded so wonderful when he said it.

"Tell me then."

"Master…I am confused."

"Confused? Does your confusion result from emotions such as anger or regret? If so those are feelings you must accept and release."

I shook my head. "I am not angry or regretful."

"Alright. Then what are you confused about?"

I couldn't stop myself anymore. "Aren't the Jedi encouraged to be companioned? Aren't we encouraged to love?"

He nodded pressing me t continue.

"Then why am I forbidden to love?" The words came out before I could stop myself. No I am definitely not contained enough to be a Jedi.

"Attachment is forbidden not love" he corrected. His gaze was soft though, not reproachful.

"Anakin I love you!" There it goes. I had jst thrown away my life. I just as might finish the job. "Not like a brother! I mean I really LOVE you!"

I sat there shocked at my own audacity. All along my heart was shattering into tiny peaces. His eyes held nothing but shock and maybe even, horrifying, reproach.