Author: Madmax

Disclaimer: I don't own Ranma, and probably never will( Although if I ever get really rich I would seriously consider buying it and properly finishing the anime, with maybe a movie to finish it off. Sorry I'm a very big fan and it just seems a waste that they never finished the series on TV .)

PS: This is my first fanfic EVER, so I apologise for any mistakes I may make in advance. I live in Ireland, so I use English spelling, not American, so don't beat me for that! Any other constructive criticism is welcome, ( I'm very pro Ranma-Akane, so all those who don't like that pair get out! And shame on you!)

Ranma- Love at last!

Prologue- Failed Wedding Night

This takes place directly after manga 38.

Tendo Living Room: Sunday evening

Soun was sitting at the table with Ranma and Akane on the other side looking at him. The room was a mess. Destroyed banners and decorations were all over the floor and walls. Confetti was lying all over the place, and half eaten food was lying on the tables and on the floor. Genma, (In panda form) was sweeping up the confetti while Nodoka gathered up all the half eaten food and threw it into a big black bag.

"Akane, Ranma" Soun began, " Because of this failed wedding attempt we have lost quite a lot of money. The food and decorations were quite expensive, not to mention how much it's going to cost to replace the hole that Ryoga made in the wall."

Soun pointed at a huge hole in the living room wall, it was shaped like Ryoga and wind was blowing in through it chilling the room. Soun continued

" So, there will be no wedding until we sort out our financial situation and until you sort out your fiancée problems so that we don't have a repeat performance of this."

Ranma and Akane looked at each other and both said at the same time,

"This is your fault!"

Both glared at each other and left the table. Akane ran to her room and Ranma to the dojo where he knew Nabiki would be cleaning up with Kasumi.

Tendo Dojo

Kasumi was sweeping the floor while Nabiki was cleaning up the big tables of food in the corner of the room.

" It's a shame you know" Kasumi mumbled

Nabiki turned around,

" What is?"

" The ruined wedding"

" Why that? They didn't want to get married, Akane was being bribed with the nannichuan and Ranma didn't really want to go through with it."

Kasumi looked at Nabiki in shock and said,

" They love each other, that's why it's a shame."

Nabiki looked confused and said,

" They love each other? But they're always at each other's throats, hurling insults and kicking the crap out of one another, well Akane kicking the crap out of Ranma. Never once have they said that they love each other and they can barely go a day without a fight breaking out."

" Ohh Nabiki, Ranma loves Akane, he just can't admit it, it's the way he was raised. It's not his fault. And I'm pretty sure Akane loves him back."

" How can you be sure?"

" People say the most interesting things when they sleeptalk."

Nabiki looked at Kasumi with shock,

" You really mean it? They love each other"

" Yes! But they haven't admitted it to each other, yet"

Nabiki looked horrified for once losing her sly look as she said,

" Oh Kami-Sama I've done a terrible thing! Ohh please forgive me."

Kasumi looked up at Nabiki, quite puzzled.

" Huh? What to you m…"

" YOU!"

Kasumi was cut short mid sentence and both her and Nabiki looked over to the door to see Ranma, quite mad, standing in the doorway. He was pointing at Nabiki,

" Ohh My!"

" YOU! You invited all those other people! Didn't you! You knew they would destroy the wed…uhh…nannichuan."

Ranma's face faltered as he said the last bit and Nabiki regained her sly look. And launched accusations back at him.

" You're disappointed that the wedding failed, aren't you!"

" W-what me disappointed? No! Never! I'm glad I didn't m-marry that uncute, macho, sexless, klutz of a tomboy!"

Nabiki just smiled and said,

" Then why are you shouting at me, not thanking me?"

Ranma was taken aback and stuttered,

" I-I-I-I just m-meant…"

" Ranma STOP this nonsense and act like a man! Tell her how you feel! We all know!"

Ranma and Nabiki both looked in surprise at Kasumi who had just made this rather bold accusation.

Nabiki gave Ranma an icy look and said

" Well?"

Ranma, shocked by all the accusations and not knowing what to do turned and fled. He ran through the kitchen and up the stairs. He ran straight into his room and slammed the door behind him. Walking over to his futon he plopped down on it giving a deep sigh!

Ohh Kami! Maybe they're right! Maybe I should! Ranma thought,

He lay down on his futon looking up at the ceiling and quickly drifted off to sleep.

Outside Akane's Room: Later

Nabiki stood outside Akane's room with her ear pressed to the door. Soft sobs were coming from inside. Nabiki turned and looked at Kasumi.

" Your right! She's crying! She has to be upset about the failed wedding! Looks like she really does love him!"

" Nabiki… did Ranma tell the truth? Did you invite those people knowing they would ruin the wedding?"

Nabiki looked at the floor, guilt in her eyes,


" Ohh My"

" I thought that Akane didn't want to get married! I thought father and Genma were bribing her with the nannichuan! I didn't know! Ohh Kami! Why did I do that?"

Nabiki looked at the floor with a very sad look on her face.

Kasumi walked over to her and put her hand on Nabiki's shoulder.

" You didn't know! You were only trying to help your sister! I'm sure she'll forgive you if you tell her"

Nabiki looked up, a tear in the corner of her eyes

" Your right! Huh… looks like I screwed up! That doesn't happen often! Actually that's the first time I've made a big mistake! I'd better talk to her."

Nabiki paused. She pressed her ear to Akane's door again.

" The sobbing's stopped!"

Gently, she knocked on the door and waited… No answer. She knocked slightly louder and gently called,

"Akane? It's me can I come in?"

Again there was no answer. Quietly Nabiki opened the door and went inside.

Akane was lying, curled up on the bed facing away from her.

Nabiki quietly walked over to Akane.


She called again… Still no answer

Nabiki walked around to the other side of the bed.

She could see Akane's face now. She was asleep, snoring slightly, with her face puffed up from all the crying. There were still tears glistening on her cheek.

Nabiki smiled sadly. She lifted Akane's blanket, which was lying at the foot of the bed. She brought it up to cover Akane's body. Akane left out a slight snivel and calmed again.

" I'm sorry Akane!"

She whispered quietly and turned to leave.

When Nabiki reached the hall she quietly closed the door and turned to Kasumi.

" Well?"

Kasumi asked. Nabiki looked at her and said,

" Asleep, I think she cried herself into it!"

" Best leave her be till' the morning."

" Yeah."

The two sisters quietly turned and headed for their rooms…

Ranma's Room: Night

It was well past midnight and Ranma was awake. He didn't sleep for long before waking up from having nightmares. He was now tossing and turning and couldn't fall asleep again. Of course a huge snoring Panda on the other futon didn't help, but usually he managed to sleep with the snoring Panda lying beside him.

I don't understand! I never get nightmares! Kami! They were terrible. Akane was calling for help! Saffron was killing her! I couldn't reach! And then she… Ohh it was horrible.

Ranma turned from his side and looked up at the ceiling.

That's it I'm going to tell her!

Ranma bolted up from his bed and went over to the window.

I have to make sure she's okay!

With that Ranma jumped out of the window and landed adeptly on the ground…

Akane's Room:

Akane had also awoken and had begun sobbing again.

Why do these things happen to me? My life was never this crazy until Ranma came. All of this is his fault! Why does everything get screwed up when he is around? Why does he insult me? He's such a jerk sometimes! He's such an insensitive jerk!


Akane turned around on her side and began crying in earnest.

Ohh Kami! How did I fall for him? I love him! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!

Tears were rolling down Akane's face as she buried her face in her pillow and began shaking from her crying.

Suddenly she heard the sound of a window opening.

She stopped crying and began sniveling.

Then there was a thud outside.

That must be Ranma! No one else jumps out of the windows!

What is he doing?

Akane turned towards the window and was about to get up when Ranma appeared at her window dressed only in his vest and boxers.

She quickly closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

" Akane?"

Ranma saw her lying on her bed. The moonlight was illuminating her bed and casting a shadow over her face. He could see that her chest was heaving slightly.

" Thank Kami you're okay! I had a horrible dream where Saffron… It was horrible!… Akane I'm so sorry!… I'm so sorry for everything I've done! I'm sorry for bringing you into my crazy life! I'm sorry for putting you at risk! I'm sorry for insulting or hurting your feelings! I'm sorry for putting you through all this!"

Ranma had been sniffing slightly while saying this and if he had been able to see Akane's face he would have seen a solitary tear rolling down her face glistening as it rolled down her nose and then back into the shadow again.

Ranma climbed off the windowsill and walked over to the bed he placed the back of his hand against the soft skin of her cheek and gently rubbed it. He could feel the warmth of her face against his hand.

" Akane I know your asleep but know this, I'm very, very sorry for all the bad things I did!"

He gave a little snivel and pulled his hand away. He turned and walked towards the window.

" Ranma?"

He stopped and turned to see Akane standing out of her bed. Her yellow pyjamas gave her a soft golden glow from the moonlight spilling in through the window. Her face was puffed up and she looked like she would begin crying again at any moment.

" Urk! What did you hear?"

Akane took a step forward and sobbed,

" Everything!"

With that she threw her arms around Ranma and buried her face in his shoulder. Ranma responded by nervously and slowly putting one hand on the back of her head and the other on her back, and began gently rubbing it up and down.

Akane began crying again, but this time they were tears of happiness, not sadness.

They stayed like this for some time, both kept warm by the others body. They rocked gently back and forth not a word being said between them.

Inside Ranma was battling with himself.

Just say it Ranma! Just say it you idiot! Tell her you love her! Come on don't chicken out! She probably suspects it anyway! Why would she do this if she didn't know and felt the same! That's it! Tell her NOW!

" Akane, I can't bear the thought of loosing you… I nearly lost you at Jusenkyo, and even though I think it's too soon to get married I'm sorry for denying my feelings and rejecting you today, Akane…I'm not sure but…I think… I l-love you!"

Ranma waited… No answer came, he panicked! He pulled gently away from her. As he did her head drooped and hung low.

Ohh! Thank Kami! She's asleep! I thought she was ignoring me!

Ranma gently swept her off of her feet and carried her over to her bed.

He softly placed her onto the bed and pulled up her blanket to cover her.

" I love you…'Kane-chan! I might not be the best at showing it but I promise I'll try harder from now on."

He whispered gently. Ranma bent over and placed a soft kiss on Akane's forehead.

Reluctantly he turned and headed towards the window.

Akane just smiled at the beautiful dream she was having.