soooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry that its taken me so long to update but my pc broke we had to get a new hard drive for itwhatever that is?.I decided toget thisnext bit up before people started getting nasty and violent, so sorry its short but there is more to come when i get time todo it tomorrow. Hope you enjoy.

Thanks to all who reviewed this fic specially:

kristinekat13 - hope you enjoy

Cheorl - yes Norrington is a teacher it's explained a bit better here i think

Elemental-Zero - there are now breaks in this fic so u dont get confusedeasily done with you!

DeppDRACOmaniac - i'ld be pissed too here's the update for you enjoy

hensonsflyingcow - there is no need for pain i've updated

Disclaimer: i do not own potc or any of its characters. but i do own the plotITS MINEandNO ONECAN HAVE IT ...well maybe if you ask nicely and treats are involved. HAHAHAHAHA laughes insanely before choking and passing out on the floor

Anyway on with the story.

chapter 2

Will walked into the drama hall, it was now the third lesson of the day and instead of being in history like the rest of his class he was allowed into the empty hall to practise for his part in the school play. He held the permission slip in his hand as he looked around for the drama teacher, Mr Gillette. Not finding the teacher he shrugged, and put his bag at the back of the hall. Picking up one of the wooden swords, he walked into the middle of the hall tucking the permission slip into his pocket and started to work though the different moves Mr Gillette choreographed for his character in the play.

Mr Norrington sat in his classroom, this was his only free lesson of the day and he was hoping to get some marking done. But it seemed that it was destined not to be. He had already been up to find the reason behind a disturbance outside the girls toilets, unfortunately the cuprites ran into the toilets, the one place the young maths teacher would not enter. So to say the he was not pleased to see that it was Jack Sparrow that he found to be the centre of the disturbance was a bit of an understatement.

Mr Norrington had foundJack having a rather aggressive discussion with a group of peers. The first person in the group, a tall girl with long black hair was pointing violently in Jack's face.

"You stole my bike!"

"Stole is such a…." Jack paused, dramatically "…strong word. I prefer to say borrowed. Borrowed without permission."

The tall girl leaned over jack glaring at him

"Borrowed with every intention of returning it to you." he added quickly.

"BUT…. YOU ….. DIDN'T!" cried the girl, each of her words making Jack wince.

"Well you see, Maria,your bike had a little incident with a um…" he paused again, flashing his most charming grin at the group "a garbage truck."


It was fortunately that moment that Mr Norrington decided to walk round the corner of the corridor.

"Mr Sparrow I should of guessed that you would be the instigator in this debacle."

Mr Norrington walked towards the group that was fast disappearing behind Jack andMaria.

"Now what is going on here? Why are you two not in lessons like the rest of the school?"

Jack looked around him it seemed that they were now the only two stood in front of Mr Norrington deepening frown.

"He stole my bike!" Maria accursed before Jack could say anything.

"Is that so?" asked Mr Norrington looking down at Jack "well it seems that we will have to have another little talk about respecting other people's property, won't we Mr Sparrow."

But before he could command Jack to go to his classroom there was a call from behind him.

"Mr Norrington?"

Using the teacher's turned back as enough of an excuse; Jack took to his heels down the corridor and skidding round the corner, with his arms failing out to the sides. Mr Norrington spun round at the sound of running feet to see Jack's bag disappear round the corner. He turned back to the two prefects' Mullroy and Murtogg who had called him.

"God dam." He growled at them. "He's not getting away with it this time. Find him!"

Any mistakes are my i kinda had it beta this time but she only got half way though