I only have to say a few words I am so sorry for not updating and that this chapter contains a lot of OCC dealing with Inu and Sess. Enjoy!
Last time: It was a long day and finding out that her good friend, Rin, was engage to Onigumo made Ayame feel exhausted. Lying in her bed, Ayame made a resolution; she would help Rin in what ever way she could.
After a restless sleep, Ayame and Koga set out into the west, hoping to see a close friend.
"Are you sure Rin was talking about Sesshomaru and not Inuyasha," Koga questioned his wife.
"Yes, she said that the bandit that captured her eye was tall and appeared to be the leader besides Inuyasha has only eyes for Kagome."
"Yes, that is true, but it doesn't sound like Sesshomaru."
"Well, if we didn't know him better, it would seem out of character, but I think that he is just like everyone else and is looking for someone that will love him; even if he doesn't admit it to himself. Maybe Rin is the one for him."
"Maybe, but, Ayame, don't get your hopes up; Sesshomaru is a cold-hearted bastard."
Ayame had to frown at that remark. 'Sure Sesshomaru did not show many of emotions, but if the saying "actions speak louder than words" can be apply to real life then he has proven himself a caring person. First, he helped them keep the shop running without asking for anything in return; then, they learned that it was him and his friends that stole from the rich and gave to the peasants. Now, if that didn't tell everyone that Sesshomaru was a nice person then what would?'
It took them a few hours for them to reach the cave in which their friends resided, but when they arrived no one would have believed what they saw.
After a good nights' sleep, Inuyasha was feeling rather happy. He had his beautiful mate and great friends and all though his brother acted like an ass Inuyasha knew Sesshomaru's reason for it, and didn't hold it against him, but it sure was fun making him angry. Determine in having some fun, Inuyasha marched out of his room and into the 'kitchen.'
There in the middle of the huge room, a fire was already roaring and the entire gang was waiting for breakfast to be ready. Sango and Miroku were arguing about his wondering hands while Kagome sat next to Inuyasha and opposite them, Sesshomaru was rolling his eyes at the arguing pair. It was then that Kagome looked up at her mate thinking how lucky she was in having Inuyasha in her life when she noticed a mischievous smile played across his full rounded lips.
"Inuyasha," Kagome whispered, "What are you thinking?" but Inuyasha's only response was to look at her, smile, then turned to his brother.
"Hey, Sess, what are you thinking?"
Sesshomaru looked at him with a grim expression and answered, "how much I want to kill you!'
Instead of looking scared, Inuyasha smiled. "No, that's not it. I think you are daydreaming about that girl that you met in the train. Too bad she doesn't know that underneath that bandana lies an ugly son of a …"
But Inu's comment was cut off when Kagome suddenly stood up next to him and smacked him in the back of the head while telling him not to be swearing. Then, Sesshomaru tried to grab his throat, but Inu jumped out of his seat and started running around the cave while screaming, "Sess has a girlfriend, Sess has a girlfriend! Hey, lover boy aren't you going to introduce us?"
Just then, Ayame and Koga arrived at the entrance of the cave and their jaws dropped when they saw Inuyasha running around the cave with a big grin plastered on his face while screaming about Sesshomaru having a girlfriend. But that was not what shocked them; it was the part where Sesshomaru was actually chasing Inuyasha swearing to the heavens that he was going to kill him. (I know so unlike Sess, but you have to admit that mental picture is so funny)
It was quite funny and everyone started to laugh. Once the laughs reached a certain tall silver-haired man, he stopped running to find that Ayame and Koga were already greeting Kagome, Sango and Miroku.
He turned to glare at the newcomers and ask them why they were here, but was interrupted by Ayame.
"So it was you? Ha! I knew it. See, honey, I was right it was Sesshomaru."
Koga only nodded and smiled. 'Well, I guess he isn't as cold hearted as I thought.'
Meanwhile, everyone else was confused as to what Ayame was talking about.
She smiled and sat down next to Kagome. "Do you have some coffee? Okay, okay I'm kidding! Yesterday afternoon, I was walking home when I noticed an old friend sitting at the town's fountain. She told me all about her life after she left town and the exciting ride back into it."
"I'm sorry, Ayame, but I do not see how this ties things with Sesshomaru's girlfriend, uh, I mean love interest, no, uh, lust, well, I just don't see the connection." Miroku stuttered because of Sesshomaru's glares.
"Well, Miroku, if you would let me finish, maybe you could 'tie' things together," Ayame responded dryly, and then continued. "It turns out that she was in the train the Silverado's attack, and being curious as to what you guys do, I listened to what she had to say. I didn't have long to wait before the good stuff arrived. It seems one of the female bandits wanted her father's pendant, and the 'handsome leader', her words not mine, let her keep it and ever since she can't stop thinking of him. Wow, Sesshomaru, I didn't know you were a charmer."
Laughter followed the last comment from everyone in the room except Sesshomaru and Ayame. Sesshomaru noticed and asked her after the laughter had died.
"There's more, is there not?" Ayame squirmed under Sesshomaru's gaze.
"Well, she was in town not to reacquaint herself with it, but because she just received news of her betrothal to her best friends' dad, who she called 'uncle', but wait there's more," she replied bitterly. "Her precious 'uncle' is none other than Naraku himself." Silence greeted her comment, and after some agonizing moments Kagome spoke.
"But he is thrice her age." This time Koga spoke, "Don't you see it doesn't matter what you or I think or who she is marring. It is not a marriage of love but of convenience."
"What do you mean, Koga?"
"It is simple, Inuyasha, her family's wealth is decreasing, fading fast, and they need someone to help them with it. My guess is that her mother asked for help from Naraku. Of course, nothing comes without a prize; he does need someone to produce an heir."
Sesshomaru processed everything in his head and realized that he had not yet discovered her name and so he turned to Ayame and without any emotion in his voice inquired, "What's her name?"
Surprised that they had talked about her all this time without knowing her name was amazing, she answered, "Her name is Rin."
"So, Sess, what are you going to do about this girl?"
"What do you suggest, Inuyasha? She is to marry another, it is none of my concern whether she approves of it or not."
'His reaction wasn't a surprise, Sesshomaru locked his emotions long ago and he seemed to have forgotten how to do anything else than be angry. Still, this girl, Rin, stroked something inside of him to have let her keep the pendant, and he listened to Ayame meaning he wanted to know about her, and all this thinking is making my head hurt' reflected Inuyasha.
On the other hand, Ayame and Kagome were thinking in a different aspect. "You know, I thought he would at least be angry at the possibility that Naraku would have someone to produce an heir with. Naraku is his most hated enemy!"
"You are right, Kagome, he should at least be angry, but his words sounded more thoughtful than anything else."
"Maybe he is planning a rescue mission! Ha ha!" Kagome squealed, and then laughed at Ayame's skeptical look. "Well, a girl can dream can she?"
"Yeah, well, I am not comforted. Rin is my friend and I want to help her. She is such an innocent person and if she marries Naraku, I am afraid that she will become bitter and angry. Please, Kagome, you need to talk to Inuyasha, see if he can convince Sesshomaru to help."
"Better yet, why don't we plan to get them together? I know Inuyasha is worried about Sesshomaru."
"Why would Inuyasha be worried?"
"Well, they both have dog demon blood and well, for them to keep a sane life they must mate with their soul mate before they reach a certain age. Sesshomaru is nearing that age and he has not even looked at a female, let alone think of mating one of them," glancing at a thoughtful Inuyasha, Kagome smirked. "And if I know my mate well enough, he is thinking the same way I am. The only problem is that he is too stubborn to interfere with Sesshomaru's' love life."
"Well, I hope we can come up with a plan to get Sesshomaru to at least help Rin escape Naraku's hands."
Later that night in Kagome and Inuyasha's bed chambers
"Inu," she whispered, "What do you think Sesshomaru will do about that girl from the train?"
"Inu, are you awake?" Although Kagome could not see, Inuyasha was thinking of what to respond. Honestly, he had been thinking of it all day and he had no clue as to what the solution might be. Sesshomaru was almost reaching the age where he needed to find a mate or go insane with the loneliness his soul would feel.
Feeling his mate's irritation grow with each second that passed, he sighed. "I don't know. He's already showing signs of weariness; he is even more withdrawn than usual. He doesn't even care when he slips and shows more emotion than what we are more used to seeing in him. I mean, he chased me around the cave. Is that something Sesshomaru would do in his right mind? But just thinking about it makes my heart ache, Kagome." His eyes had softened when he looked at her and his heart gave a painful squeeze. "I don't want to loose him. He is the only family I have left and even if we don't get along most of the time, he and I have always stuck together."
"I know, Inu, and I know that Sesshomaru is acting weird, but can it be that he is just changing and not going crazy."
Her voice full of hopeful wishing did nothing to give peace to his mind, and she knew it.
"Tell you what; we'll come up with a plan to get those two a chance to get to know each other."
R&R please!