Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters

P.S This was edited by Fragile-Ego

Beastboy sat up in bed, scratching his head. He looked around the dim room, and heard a small groan beside him. He looked down to see a pile of messy red hair.

He grinned to himself, remembering what him and Starfire did only last night. Gosh, what a wild night.

But then, he suddenly remembered…Robin!

"Get up!" Beastboy frantically shook Starfire, "Robin is coming back soon!" His squeaky voice whined loudly.

Starfire, sat up, groaning again, and looked around the room, "huh…what…oh…okay, can you pass me my top?"

Beastboy wondered vaguely if Starfire was still a little drunk from last night. Man, he thought, she had drank so much. I guess it wasn't such a good idea to put her in that drinking contest against Cyborg?

"Ahh!" Beastboy squeaked, hiding under the covers, "I hear someone coming!"

Starfire, put on her top, and looked around confused. She's never been in this sort of situation before. "What do I do?"

Beastboy, bit his bottom lip, trying to think. "Uh… just hide under my bed!"

Beastboy jumped when there was a loud knock at the door.

"Beastboy, you there?"

Beastboy sighed with relief, it was only Cyborg. He got out of bed, and gathered his clothes that had been scattered all over the room, and began to put them on while he hopped over to the door, "ehhh… I'll be there in a second."

"Sorry, I cant wait, emergency! So I gonna break down the door!"


"BEASTBOY! How could you!"

Beastboy, got to his knees and begged. "Look I can explain about Starfire hiding under my bed! Just don't tell Robin!"

"What!" Cyborg yelled, shocked, "Starfire is under your bed! I was saying your name for no reason!"

Starfire, having obviously heard the entire conversation since she was only under the bed, crawled out. "Please, Cyborg, do not tell Robin."

Cyborg looked at Starfire's interesting appearance, back to Beastboy, then he gasped. "Oh…my…god, you mean… you two are going out!"

Starfire sighed, looking down at her feet, "please, do not tell Robin that I slept with Beastboy."

"Ohhh… you even slept with him!" Cyborg said shocked. He then gave the two a sympathetic look and lowered his voice, "…sorry, I've gotta go tell Robin. He needs to know."

Beastboy, looked up angrily from the ground, with a devilish look to his face, "sorry… we can't allow you to leave."

From out of nowhere, Starfire got out a gun, although she's never carried one before 'cause she has super powers… and shot Cyborg!

Cyborg flew back from the sudden impact of the gun, and somehow…EXPLODED!

From downstairs, they then heard someone enter.

"IM BACK!" Robin yelled, from the front door.

Beastboy turned to Starfire, "quickly, go back to your room!"

Starfire grabbed her remaining clothes from the floor and ran off to her room, as quickly as she could.

Starfire shut her door once she got in, and turned around. There sitting on her bed was none other than…Raven!

"Where were you Starfire?" Raven asked dully.

"What are you doing in my room?" Starfire asked, confused once again.

"My bedroom blanket had somehow got white, gooey stuff all over it. So I guess someone was in my room..?"

"But I wasn't. Really! And why would I go to your room?"

"What is that suppose to mean?" Raven stood up off the bed.

"Nothing," Starfire said a little frightened and try to back up a bit more, pressing her back against the door.

Meanwhile… Robin walked upstairs and straight into Beastboy's room.

Robin smirked at Beastboy, as he closed the door. "Are you ready for you-know-what, Beastboy?"

"Im always ready," Beastboy smirked in the same fashion, and layed down onto his bed.

Robin locked the door behind him and began to take off his own clothes. Once he was fully naked, he pounced onto Beastboy's bed, and got under the covers with him.

Stay tuned for Chapter 2!