Okay, this is just some idea I had a long time ago (like sixth grade) and typed it up, and it was inspired by a book called So B. It and a fanfiction called Interrupted, both very beautiful literary works. So B. It inspired the beginning, and the fanfiction inspired me to update. I might not continue; this is just a random idea that I had almost two years ago. I need your opinion as to keep it or not.
And Shelby, DON'T READ THIS! ...Please? ...Oh, you're just going to read it anyway, aren't you? Oh phooey!
Thought Sonic to himself as he sat on the edge of his bed. It was dark but Sonic could not sleep.
As he could not for the last few days.
It happened so fast but all Sonic could remember was that the agony was slow. Slow and horrible.
Sonic wished suffering were like water, the larger area it had to cover, the thinner it got.
Suffering was more like mountains- rolling on forever with their ups and downs, but never reaching a valley.
And the more area they cover; the taller their peak is.
It had been only three days. Three. How did everything change so fast? In just three days?
He could almost feel Amy's arms around him... The day replayed itself in his mind. Starting from the very beginning. The very first morning... The very last morning...
The day Amy Rose had died.
Sonic woke up groggily to the sound of his alarm; he clumsily pushed the button only to reach too far out and fall of the side of the bed. He hit his head on the dresser and muttered out a string of curses. After complaining over the pain for a while, Sonic got to his knees, rubbing his sore head and eventually standing up. Once he did, however, he heard a knock on his door.
"Sonic? Sonic, are you okay?"
Amy's voice. What Sonic wouldn't give to hear Amy's voice...
"I'm fine, Ames... I-I just hit my head." Sonic said. She must have heard his err... "creative" language and wonder what was the matter. Amy opened the door and walked inside, smiling lightly at him, as if to say. What in the world am I going to do with you?
What Sonic wouldn't give to see her walk in the door right now.
Amy had walked over to him and made him sit down on the bed, looking at the small bruise behind his ear. She gently stroked his quills, pulling Sonic into a constricting hug, despite Sonic's agitated squirms. Sonic tried to push her away.
"It's just a bruise, Amy... stop it!" Sonic protested, trying to push out of her arms. Amy chuckled and gave the bruise a quick kiss, then letting Sonic go. Sonic stood up, a little angry. He gathered up his dignity, (or what was left) and stepped away from her. It's not very dignifying to have someone cuddle you to death after you get hit in the head. It makes you feel small. Amy smiled, a little embarrassed, and walked over to the door.
"I'm sorry, Sonic, I can't help it." She said, turning around to face him as she opened the door. "Sometimes I can't help thinking about you as my precious little baby."
"W-well I'm not!" Sonic protested. Amy sighed.
"I'm sorry. Breakfast is ready, if you're hungry..."
"Not right now, Ames." Sonic said, lying back down in bed. (RHYME! UNINTENTIONAL RHYME! YAY!) "It's Saturday; and I'm tired."
"Suit yourself." Amy said, smiling. Sonic turned to face away from her. Amy was about to leave, but paused and turned back to get another look at Sonic. She smiled. "Rest up, my hero." She said under her breath, and walked out, closing the door behind her.
That had been three days ago, those three, long, tourmenting days. Later that day, around noon, an alert came up that Eggman was storing a powerful explosive device in his secret base and threatened to smuggle and detonate it inside a heavily populated city. Sonic, Amy, Fliara (not important, OC, read Fear, which has good summary if important) Tails, and Knuckles all left to the location of eggman's discovered base to stop him from sending the bomb to the city.
They had snuck into the base in-groups. Sonic and Amy went through the northeast entrance, while Fliara and Tails took the southern side, going through different routes, and Knux took the northwest entrance. They made their way into the main chamber, the holder of the bomb, simultaneously. Eggman was awaiting them, controller in hand.
"I see you've found me at last. Welcome to my humble abode."
"Welcome this!" Fliara said, throwing a fireball at eggman's face. His robot walker jumped out of the way. The villain fired some shots at Fliara, but she jumped to the ceiling, sticking there, clambering around upside-down for a while, and dodging the bullets. Sonic did a dash attack to the robot, only to get knocked aside. However, this did give Fliara a break from being shot at, and took the opportunity to jump on top of Eggman, wresting the gun from his hands and bashing him over the head with it. Knuckles then came into the picture and started beating up the robot walker that Eggman sat in. Dents began to appear in the steel of the metal behemoth's legs, and groaning complaints floated from the machinery inside. Fliara dug her fire-adorned hands into the robot's metal arm and pulled out some wires that snapped noisily and fizzled in the flames. Sonic got up from the ground, with Amy's help, and turned to Tails.
"Tails! Get rid of the bomb!" He shouted. Tails nodded, and flew to the explosive device, picking it up and began to fly away with it, possibly to drop it in the ocean.
"Oh no you don't!" Shouted Eggman, pushing a button. Suddenly, Tails heard a beeping nose from the bomb. A timer indicated 1:00. Two seconds later it read 0:58 Tails gasped and dropped it to the ground.
"Get out of here! Everybody out! It's gonna blow!" Shouted Tails. Tails picked up Knuckles, (the nearest person who couldn't fly) and flew off as fast as he could. Fliara shot through one of the second story windows, glass scattering on the ground, and started running down the hall behind it. Sonic and Amy ran in the same direction, only through the first story hall. Eggman laughed maniacally as he escaped, his robot taking to the air. His robot guards started escaping as well; A few entered the hallway that Amy and Sonic were using to escape. The robots, at the sight of Sonic, started firing at the two. Amy turned around and smashed two with her hammer, then turning to run again. Sonic followed her. Pretty soon, more robots closed around them. Sonic and Amy fought them for a while, Amy often doing more damage then her spiny blue hero. Finally, after what seemed like the seventy-fifth robot, Amy realized...
They weren't going to make it.
She turned to Sonic. "Run! Get out of here!" She shouted. Sonic looked at her, confused.
"No! I- I'm not leaving you!"
"Go!" Amy shouted at him, clearing a way for him.
"No! I wont!"
"GO!" Amy shouted, hitting him with her hammer. Sonic stumbled back, hurt, cradling his injured arm. He didn't understand. He stepped towards her.
Sonic turned and took a few hurried steps through the hall, but turned around, deciding he just couldn't leave.
Amy hit a button on the wall with her hammer; a steel door closed in front of him.
"No!" Sonic exclaimed, running to the door, hitting it, beating against it, calling Amy's name. "No! Amy!" Sonic took a few steps back and attacked it with every ability in his arsenal, distressed to find that it would not budge. He leaned against the steel door and breathed heavily, panicked. Suddenly, one of the ceiling tiles gave loose and Fliara dropped from above.
"Sonic! What are you still doing here! Get out!"
"No! Amy!"
Fliara, not understanding, grabbed Sonic's arm and dragged him along the hallway. Sonic fought back but soon couldn't as his feet were lifted from the ground. Before Sonic knew it, he was too far away to get back in time.
"No!" He shouted, punching at Fliara's arm. The dragon glared back at him, and once she exited the building, threw Sonic into the ground.
"Just what do you think you're doing? Come on, we're still not clear of the blast yet!" She said, picking Sonic up and flying even further from where Amy was. Fliara nearly exited the valley: setting Sonic on a small cliff.
"No! Fliara, its Amy! She's still in there!" Sonic protested as Fliara set him down on the ground; now far enough away. He found himself next to Knuckles and Tails.
"Sonic, I'm sure she can get out by herself. She-"
"NO!" Sonic screamed, punching Fliara to the ground and running towards the edge. Knuckles grabbed him and held him back. Sonic shouted various curses and fought against knuckles, when suddenly the distant base exploded. Sonic froze. He... he was too late... She was gone... she was gone... Sonic had fallen to his knees and wept. Long, hard, convulsive sobs that bit savagely into his soul with every heave of his shoulders; for he couldn't believe it.
Amy was dead.
Sonic again found tears in his eyes after reliving that day. He couldn't take it. He just couldn't. Sonic sighed and picked up his bag, knowing very well what was in it. He walked slowly out the door, through his house and into the street, taking his time as he neared the ocean. He sighed. Was this the right choice?
It was the only thing left to do.
Oooh, Sonic's going cahraaaaazaay! Yep! He's going to the ocean, and his head's all discombobulated and GUESS WHAT HE'S GONNA DO! WRONG! GUESS AGAIN! CLOSER! WHAT WAS THAT? DID I HEAR 'JOIN THE CIRCUS AND GO TO CANADA?' WRONG! I guess you'll have to tune in tomorrow. yeah, that is if I decide to continue this story... hmm... well, I'll need input first. See you all later! ...That is trusting that the government won't find me...