Living Without You

Chapter 24...By CallmeMaddy

Disclaimer:I'm not that rich.

A/N: Eventful couple of days. I wrote a one shot for High School Musical (If you've seen the movie, go read the fan fiction) and I've started a Zoey 101/High School Musical Crossover Fanfic. If you haven't seen the movie, you still might be able to catch on. Why not give it a shot, right? THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER.

Chapter 24 (Last Chapter!)

Nicole looked at him and shook her head.

"Nicole, Amber is my EX girlfriend," Paul emphasized 'ex'.

"Looks like your current to me."
"Nicole, that's not fair," He caught up to her and pulled her to sit on the bench, "I don't like her like that."

"Really?" Nicole asked.

"Really. Now, look, I was going to save this until after the gig, but Nicole will you be my girlfriend?" Paul asked sweetly.

"What about Amber?" Nicole questioned.

"What about her? She broke up with me. And I wouldn't ever take her back, especially since I met you..." Paul convinced.

She kissed him, "Really?"

"Really..." Paul agreed, "So about tonight's gig..."
"OH MY GOD! THE GIG!" Nicole had totally forgot with all the Paul/Amber going on. They needed to practice.


After Nicole had text messaged Dana, Chase, Michael, and Logan to come to the boy's lounge to practice, they started arriving.

Chase looked in love, "Zoey and I are officially back together..." There was a loud squeal from Nicole.
Paul looked at Nicole, "Should we tell 'em?"
"Paul asked me out!" Nicole gushed.

"About time..." Logan mumbled, "Where's Dana? I need to talk to her..."

"Oh my god! This is so wonderful! We are all dating now!" Nicole said in her bubbly voice.

"No officially..." Logan started. He told them all about the general and how Dana dumped him.

That reminded Michael, "Dana quit the band."
"WHAT?" Paul asked, "We have a gig tonight. How are we suppose to play without a keyboard?"
Logan had a devilish look on his face, "Leave it to me. All you guys have to do is make sure Dana's there tonight."
"Oh, and that'll be easy," Paul said sarcastically.

Logan glared, "Did anyone tell her we have a gig?" That was true, Paul had only told Nicole and Logan and Chase found out moments ago.

"I'm not following..." Nicole said, dumb as usual.

"Just tell her you, Zoey, and her are having a girls' night," Logan demanded.

Nicole nodded.
"Now, I need Chase in our dorm. Paul and Nicole, why don't you practice your duet now? We know all of the other songs by heart now," Logan said and him and Chase left in a flash.


Michael was in the guys' dorm when Chase and Logan came in.

"MICHAEL!" Logan commanded, "I need you to call the number 555-1234 and pretend you're a wounded soldier."

Michael gave him a weird look, but did as told. He knew what Logan was going though.

"Chase. Listen closely..."


"I can't believe I had to break up with him!" Dana complained to Zoey, "I hate my dad!"
"I'm sorry, Dana..." Zoey said, but wasn't really concentrating on Dana's issues because she was too happy to be with Chase. Nothing could bring her down.

"I mean I felt bad for Logan, I still really love him," Dana confessed.

Zoey's head flashed up from her painted her nails purple, "What?"
"I still really like him," Dana corrected herself.


"Shut up and plus it doesn't matter. I can't be with him," Dana kicked the chair.

Nicole came in, "First off, I am with Paul now!"

"About time..." Dana mumbled.

"Hey, that's exactly what Logan said!" Nicole said, amused.
Zoey looked at Dana and chuckled.

"Second, I call a girls' night, we have to made up for the past couple weeks." Zoey heard Chase was busy so she agreed and Dana had nothing better to do.

"Cool, we are going to a new club—Club R&J!" Nicole told them.

"Like Romeo and Juliet?" Zoey asked.

Dana sighed. Romeo and Juliet are what she wished Logan and Her were. (Minus the death...)

The plan was going perfect...


"All the equipment here?" Paul asked nervously.
"Yep," Chase answered.

Logan was the most nervous of all of them. He looked into the audience: No Nicole yet, No Zoey, and No Dana. He did however see his special guest: The general.

The manager came, "You guys get three songs..."
"But we only have two planned!" Paul informed him.

Logan stepped on Paul's foot, "Oh no. We have three." Paul looked at him. Logan looked at Chase and Michael. They nodded.

Nicole, Dana, and Zoey arrived. "I'll be right back," Nicole excused herself.

Nicole ran up on stage and told Logan that Dana was here.
"Good, let's start," Logan said, "Come on Chase, Michael. Paul, Nicole you stay here. They is our special song."
Logan walked out on stage. Dana saw him, "Nicole..." She mumbled to herself.

Logan cleared his voice, "Our first song is entitled Living Without You. It was written by me with drastic help from my friend Chase, who will be playing guitar and my other friend Michael is playing drums for me. This song is dedicated to Dana Cruz, who I still care about very much, even if we can't be together." Dana blushed and the General seemed interested.

(A/N: Living Without You is by Me. Don't laugh and don't steal w/o permission)

Logan took a deep breath and sang while Chase played guitar, "Her face was beautiful

Her eyes unforgettable

Her personality describable

We were in love

Both of us now

Those days spend together

Were the best of my life

She said we couldn't be together

My heart broke in half."

The music got more intense and the drums kicked in.

"Because Living without You

Is like living without air

It's not going to happen..."

Michael yelled, "Unless you're a fish!" He then had a long drum solo.

"Can't you see I'm dying over you

And Crying over you

Because Living Without You

Is like Death from the Start..."
Tears grew in Dana's eyes. She looked at the general, but the general wasn't making eye contact.

"I know it's not your fault

But Can't you See

What you're doing to me

Is Tearing Me Apart..."
Logan looked at the general, the general nodded at him. He smiled. He went down to the audience.

"I never thought

A gift so great

could be lost so fast..."

He got closer to Dana

"Living without You

Is a life

I don't want to live..."
Chase finished up the song.

"I missed you, babe," Logan embraced Dana into a kiss. Logan had finally won over the general's respect. Paul finally got Nicole. Chase and Zoey got together. Lola got what she deserved...nothing. And Michael and Quinn, well, they are just happy with their weird experiments and potato chips.


A/N: THE END! It's been 24 chapters of fun but it's time to end it. Go read my other stories! I mean there's 11 others, you probably haven't read them all. AND 3 of them are in progress.

Please review.

(And those wanting a sequel: Probably not. I have way too many fanfics going on right now. But hey, who knows?)

Always, 3
