Same Mistake Twice

Tears flooded her hazelish green eyes. She thought to herself "how can this happen twice?" Silently, she cursed herself for once being so careless. She knew that this situation was worse than the last. Last time, she had someone who had once loved her. This time, she had someone that thought of her as only a sexual object.

Although last time, Lucas had broken her heart with Peyton. This time, Felix had publicly humiliated her best friend by writing "dyke" on her locker and had betrayed her trust, exactly the way he told her that he wouldn't. She looked down at the test in her hand and saw the two little blue stripes and knew exactly what they meant. She knew that there was a chance that it was not true, just as it happened the last time, but it still scared her shitless. She felt completely alone in the world.

She knew that she could go talk to Peyton, but she had her own drama going on with Jake and Jenny. She thought about talking to Lucas, but for some reason that seemed all too weird, especially because just a few months earlier, it had been the two of them in that exact situation. Just then- the thought hit her- Karen. Over the past months, she and Karen had, what some might call, an interesting relationship, but she knew that she could trust her. She knew that she needed to talk to her, but first she wanted to make sure that it was true before she went around worrying about the "what ifs".