Hello everyone and welcome to the last sniffle chapter of Yami Springer. Now, I know some of you were upset due to the fact that this is the last chapter but do not fear….drum roll
Joey: Medoriko has already written a new fic with the same style of writing. happy dance
Medoriko: Yes and it will be called: The Joys of Camping! It will be out as soon, and I mean as soon, as I can get this fic done. Okies? Now on with the show! AND REVIEW!
/ Grand Finale/
Yami: Hello all and welcome back to yami Springer. Where we last left off…new drama. Joey, our guest has discovered his once lovely sports car is now totaled and is on the prowl for Tea. In case you don't remember his response lets show a recap. Oh and in case I forget Marik and Joey have released poisonous snaked and spiders…so be careful!
Marik: Erm…sorry?
Random Person: AHH! IV'E BEEN BITTEN!
Yami: Umm…. In case I didn't mention…Yami Springer is NOT responsible for ANY death or injuries obtained before, during, and after the show.
Marik: Yeah so don't sue… I wanna go to college…plus Joey will convince Seto to hire a lawyer to counter sue and you'll lose anyways. /smile/
/In tech room/
Yugi: Now which button is the right one….hmm…well I like the color green so…this one /pressed green button/
Yami: And here's the recap from before the commerci- OO!
Everyone: OO/nosebleeds/
/ Instead of a recap video of Joey freaking out there is a video playing of Seto and Joey having sex./
Seto: memories…. /licks lips/
Yugi: OO! Sorry…/turns off video/
Audience: Awww….
Yami: Erm…anywho. Let's skip the recap and just get on with the present time shall we? Marik will you do the honors?
Marik/wearing a duck outfit/mutters/ im gonna kill that idiot…OH! I mean…hehe…Yami has ever so cleverly put a tape on tea that will show everything from tea's eyes.
Yami: Very good but aren't we forgetting something?
Marik: ………………..quack quack ¬¬.
Seto/snicker snicker/
Yami: Very good. Now everyone turn over to your left to see the large plasma screen so we can watch the action first hand!
Everyone(except Seto)/turns to the right/
Everyone: Ohhhh.../turns the other way/
Yami: ……ok. Roll em'
/Screen fizzles a bit then comes on and all that's can be seen is some buildings. /
Yami/chuckle/ Tea must be trying to hide….it seems like she may be safe.
Yami: or not /smile/
Tea/starts to run/
/Joey can be seen running in the background as tea turns to look/
Yami: And he's getting closer…. /pulls out popcorn/ Mmmm….buttery…
Seto: Just watch the video…--;;
/Screen stops bobbing as tea nears a tree and climbs it to the top. Joey can be seen as the bottom yelling obscenities. /
Joey!#&$$&$&$ /takes a deep breathe/ &$&!
Yami: OO/blushes/
Yugi/the horror/
Seto: Such a potty mouth….
/Joey appears to walk away and tea wipes her forehead in relief until a loud rumbling noise is heard. Screen adjusts to see Joey with a chainsaw. /
/Tea's screams is all that's heard as the ground becomes closer and the screen goes black…/
Yami/applauds/ what a show!
Seto: Oh my puppy's not done yet.
/Screen turns towards the sky bit fizzles out as tree makes contact Joey's maniacal laughter is heard/
/Screen turns on once again to see Joey in pursuit of tea once again/
Yami: OO! Wow, she survived that…
Seto: I think this chase is over. Take a look.
/Screen shows Joey hot wiring a car, getting in and driving towards tea at maximum speed/
/ The ground is now visible as tea trips and falls. Screen adjusts to see the car's tires coming. Screen fizzles out as tea screams. /
Audience: OO!
Yami and Seto: XDDDDDDD!
Yugi :...
Joey: Im back you guys. Did ya miss me?
Seto/grabs his butt/ I know I did…/wink wink/
Yami: erm…well I guess that's it than…oh and Joey's pregnant!
Everyone: OO!
Joey: YAMI/drags him to a closet and yami's screams are heard/
Joey/comes out wiping his hands/
Seto: Pregnant? o.O?
Joey: Don't worry Seto…it's your kid. I did a DNA test and everything. Besides, as much as we go at it im sure it is…though I am a bit surprised that I haven't gotten pregnant sooner….
Yami/comes out of closet beaten and bloody/ Well that's all folks.../passes out/
/ At School/
Teacher: Well class you all have had months to do this project and its time to present. Yami your group is first.
Yami: But…/Joey won't go up there because he's 6 months along and won't strain himself…and Kaiba's being a lazy bastard…¬¬/
Yugi: Ermm… our group did a rendition of Jerry Springer so…play the tape…
/Tape shows random acts of violence (mostly on Joey's part), the model contest, Joey running around Naked, Marik beating Yami with his duck suit on, the death of tea, and the poison incident/
Class: OO!
Yami: well…that's it. So what's our grade?
Teacher: Umm…I'm sorry but you get an F.
Yugi: OO!
Yami: AN F! But why?
Teacher: The rules were…NO violence
Joey: Oopss…that was me.XD
Seto: Don't worry about it pup. /rubs Joey's swollen belly/
Teacher: NO swearing!
Joey: Me again XD
Teacher: NO nudity or sexual preferences!
Joey: MAN when will Ilearn? XD
Teacher: And NO SEX!
Joey/Seto: That was us XDDD
Yugi: ¬¬
Teacher: Oh coarse Mr. Kaiba and Mr. Wheeler pass with an A. Now please be seated. Next group?
Yami/sniff/ Not fair….oh well I guess next time we'll have to do a cleaner show like…CROSSING OVER WITH YAMI! XDDD
Yugi: But yami…you're not even psychic…
Yami: Nooo…but Joey is…/looks pleadingly at Joey/
Joey: Oh no…I am NOT doing another idiotic show with you…
Yami: Fine than…how about…YAMI LAKE!
Seto: idiot --
/Later on they did the Yami Lake show. Joey walked around naked, cussed, and blew up a supermarket (moods swings), Seto just chilled, Yugi passed out a lot. Yami got attacked by a bear (Joey's doing) and was a great host (Seto disagrees). Seto and Joey passed…Yami and Yugi failed once again. Some people just never learn./