WOOHOO! My first Case closed fic! I'm really excited! This story I've come up with has a complicated plot...

Disclaimer: I don't own Case closed.

JimmyxRachel/ ConanxAmy fic, and you'll see why!

Onto the fic!

Rachel came out of the Moore Detective Agency alone in the early afternoon. She had to go to a warehouse to get something for her dad for father's day. It was the following weekend.

She hid this fact by telling her dad she had to go see Jimmy.

She hoped Jimmy wouldn't be mad that she had used him for an alibi.

But Conan had seen through her lie, and promptly asked where she was headed, as soon as they were out of earshot of Mr. Moore. And so, not wanting to lie again, she asked him to keep her whereabouts a secret, and keep her dad from the department store.

'Hmm,' Rachel thought, suddenly suspicious, 'It seems whenever Jimmy is brought up, Conan is the first to see through me, and he's not even a true detective!'


Rachel turned the corner, paper with the address of the department store in hand.

3 Parker Ave.

They had told her that they had-- in stock-- exactly what she needed.

"Hello. my name is Rachel Moore, I'm looking for a complete set of the works of Yoko Okino,"

"Yea, sure. We have it," the serviceman sounded gruff, with a rough voice. It was almost creepy. "We're located at 3 Parker Ave., come by tomorrow to pick it up, I'll have it on hold just for you,"

Rachel shivered now, thinking about the conversation, but if they had it...

She turned another corner, onto Parker Ave.

The place seemed deserted, with old abandoned warehouses on both sides of the street. Rachel walked down, her head held high, trying to look like she wasn't scared out of her wits.

She paused at the third warehouse. '3 Parker Ave,' she thought.

"Ms. Moore?" a dark voice came from behind her.

Rachel turned around, where she was met with the but of a baseball bat.

She awoke, dimly aware of her surroundings.

The back of her head throbbed painfully, as if she had been hit with a-

Baseball bat!

The events came crashing down onto her like a ton of bricks. Her head snapped up, triggering a sharp pain that dulled her senses for a few moments. She attempted to find the spot emanating the pain, but found her hands had been chained to an old rusty pipe. About to scream, she hesitated. When she finally regained control, and the sharp pain reduced to a minor throb, she could hear voices.

"Yea, it's her. The kid's girlfriend,"

Rachel recognised that voice, it was the one she heard over the telephone.

"And where is the Kid?"

Rachel was surprised at how calm that voice sounded, considering they were kidnappers, and possibly more.

"I was hoping she could tell us, when she awakens, of course,"

"And how do you know that she'll know. Her boyfriend is a very devious man, and I should suspect that he was careful not to reveal too much,"

'My Boyfriend? But I don't have a-... Jimmy!'

"We have also cultivated evidence that the night Kudo was given the drug, a mysterious kid came to live with them,"

'Given a drug? What have they done to Jimmy? And what is this about Conan?'

"And where did you get this evidence?"

"My sources-"

"Your sources. Your sources! Your sources said that Kudo was dead, that's what your sources said. And was he? NO! Now you listen Gin and you listen good. I don't want any more of your 'trusted' sources. You bring me the evidence, if your 'sources' really have any at all,"

"Yes, sir... And what of the girl?"

"What of her?"

"Well, I expect she won't want to tell us anything willingly, sir,"

"I suppose then we should threaten her with the APTX-4869. She'll come around,"

"If you say so, sir,"

"Good, then. I shall take my leave. You know how to contact me if need be, which I expect it won't,"

"Right. I'll question her, threaten, and then give her the drug,"

"Good man,"

Rachel watched a shadow pass her door. The man was wearing a large overcoat and het. That was all she could make out. 'I suppose I did learn a few things from Jimmy after all,' she almost chuckled. The door to her call opened.

"Ah, Ms. Moore. Sorry to disappoint you, but we ran out of stock of Yoko Akino's works," he came over to her, making her stare him in the face. It was then that she recognised him.

He was the same man on the roller coaster that day she and Jimmy went to the amusement park. That was the night Jimmy disappeared. His colleague, she could only guess, had to be somewhere close.

A doctor was working in his lab. Sweating, he turned away from the strange mechanical device that was present in a corner. Standing a safe distance away, he flipped a small switch on a remote controller. The machine whirred to life.

Still sweating, but even more so, he quickly leaned down to an electronic racecar. Pressing the button, he watched as the car ran straight into the machine, and disappeared.

He started the set timer for 1 minute.

Apprehensively, he watched as the seconds clicked down.







A tiny toy racecar came whizzing back out at him from the depths of the machine.

The doctor gave a cry of victory and exclaimed with an accent, "It works! It works!"

Rachel was starting to get worried. The man was pacing the floor of the cell, still having not asked her a single question. His hand was to his ear. This was a move Rachel couldn't decipher, but she could tell he didn't know where to begin.

"Ms. Moore," he finally said. "I'll get right to the point: Where is Jimmy Kudo?"

"I- don't know," Rachel answered.

"Not true," Gin said, sounding disappointed. "If he told anyone, it'd be you. Now come out with it, dear,"

"Don't call me that!"

"Tell me, or things'll get rough,"

"I really don't know!" Rachel insisted.

"Okay, I was hoping it wouldn't come to this. My colleagues here and I have something that would be in your best interest to have safe,"

A glimmer of sweat ran down Rachel's forehead, "What is it?"

"Not what, ma'am,... who,"

"I know it's not Jimmy!" she shot back. "I could hear you talking, you don't have him, and don't know where he is. And I won't tell you anything,"

"No, not Jimmy... but we do have the little kid Conan, and his friend, what's her name,... oh! Amy,"

'Conan and Amy!' Rachel thought, alarmed. She couldn't bear to bring the two little kids into this. 'Please forgive me, Jimmy,'

"The last time I heard from him," Rachel said, head hanging down, "He was in the states visiting his mother and father who are both currently living there,"

"What part?"

"I don't know this time, I really don't,"

"I believe you, Ms. Moore. However, I'm still going to have to silence you-"

"You can't kill me! My father's a detective! He'd hunt you down and put you in jail for what you've done,"

"But that's just why I'll use an untraceable drug. They'll think you've had a heart attack, nothing more. Just for your information, this drug was used on your friend Jimmy. And that was the last day you saw him,"


Gin took from his breast pocket a metallic case. Opening it, Rachel saw 4 pills inside with two empty spaces. 'One of those pills was used on Jimmy,' she thought sadly.

"Open wide, Ms. Moore,"

Rachel resisted, turning and squirming, trying to get away from the strange pill the man was holding. She kicked out, hitting the case and sending one pill scattering across the floor until it hit the wall under a desk.

Outside the room, somewhere else in the warehouse, she heard two shouts and a scream, then two thumps.

"Conan! Amy!" she shouted back.

Gin angrily turned to her. He shoved her, making her head hit against the pipe. She went dizzy for a few seconds, during which time, she felt a circular tube go into her mouth, followed by a liquid.

And then she swallowed.

Gin hurriedly ran from the room. He never thought that two second graders could be so pesky.

He ran to the room where Vodka was supposedly holding the two kids. Sliding to aa stop, he quickly entered the room to revive his colleague.

He was very surprised when he heard the metal dool close and lock behind him.

Rachel felt a burning sensation just as Gin closed the door. It gripped her insides, giving her the feeling she was literally burning alive. This pain seemed to go on forever. It spread from her stomach, searing pain down to her toes, then up to her head. She felt as though her head was splitting open.

'I'm dying,' she thought. 'But I never expected I'd be murdered,' her thoughts slowly turned to the man she knew as her best friend.

'Jimmy... Is this what it felt like when you were exposed to this? I hope not. You'd never deserve this. But if you died, who's been calling me? Filling me with false hopes of your return? I'm so sorry Jimmy. Even if you are alive, I'll never get the chance to tell you... I love you,'

Suddenly, the pain ceased. Rachel blinked in surprise. 'Am I dead?' she thought. Sitting up, she discovered to her pleasant surprise that she actually wasn't dead.

She stood up, feeling the chains around her arms had loosened quite a bit. Slipping out of them, she went to take a step, but tripped over the hem of her skirt.

'When did this get so long on me? Usually my clothes get shorter,'

She looked around, feeling suddenly as if she was in a different place. Everything was... bigger.

'No time to think about that now,' she reminded herself, 'My life was just attempted on, and if I don't want them to make another attempt, I should probably leave.'

Hurriedly, she picked up her skirt, and fled from the room.

In the hallways of a warehouse, four companions ran in a group trying to find an exit, a girl ran by herself, two men were locked in a room, and one old man walked down the same hallway as the lone girl.

A girl turned to look behind her. 'Good, no one's following me... yet,'

She ran into a soft barrier. Turning to look, she found a large person in her way. She almost shouted, but then she recognised the man.

"Doctor Agasa?" a high-pitched voice sounded. She covered her mouth. Did that come from her?

"Amy? What are you doing here?" The doctor asked.

"Amy? I'm not Amy. I'm Rachel!" she said, thinking something to be seriously wrong with her voice.

Doctor Agasa looked cheerful, as if she was playing some sort of joke. But then his expression turned blank, and then it transformed into one of horrific realization.

"Rachel!" he asked, disbelievingly. "Rachel Moore!"

"Yes, doctor! That's me,"

Quickly, Dr. Agasa grabbed her hand and led her down a series of staircases. He broke into a run at the bottom, dragging Rachel behind him.

He threw open a door, making his way down the street.

When they reached his car, he flung open the side door and pushed her in. Then he ran around to the driver's side, hopped in, gunned the ignition, and took off.

"Doctor! We can't just leave Conan and Amy there! They're in trouble!"

"Not as much trouble as you're in, young lady,"

"Whaddya mean?" she asked, curious.

"Rachel, look at yourself!" Rachel took a glance at the rear-view mirror and almost screamed.

"Eek! I'm Amy!"

"Yes, apparently. Rachel, I need you to listen to me and answer every question that I ask. Did they give you anything to eat or drink, like a pill, or something?"

"Hey! How'd you know that!"

Dr. Agasa sighed. "Rachel, you have been given a drug that is called APTX-4869, is that correct?"

"That was the drug they talked about. They said they gave ti to Jimmy!"

"Do you see what the drug has done to you?"

"It shrunk me! What did it do to Jimmy!"

"I should think you'd be able to figure that out yourself,"

"Okay, so it shrunk him. Where is he? Is that why he hasn't been able to see me for years?"

"On the contrary, my young lady, he has seen you every day since he disappeared,"

Rachel was confused. She had turned into Amy, meaning she was in second grade. If Jimmy took the drug, he would have to be a second grader too, right? What second grader had she seen every day since Jimmy disappeared?... CONAN!

"Jimmy turned into CONAN!"

"You're smart for a second grader,"

She couldn't believe it. It had hurt for so long, never being able to see Jimmy. And now she finds that he was there every day with her, by her side, helping her in any way possible. It must have hurt him too, never being able to tell her that he was there, through thick and thin. She then realised something.

"Then how was there a Amy already in the past?"

"I believe that's where I come in. Rachel, I have just perfected an inter-dimentional time-space fluxuator,"

"A whosy-whatzit?"

"A time/space machine. You can travel to any time you want, or any space. One way ticket, though. I haven't made any others yet, so you can only travel to, not from. I think, that when it came to this point in time, I sent you back, specifically so that you could be in the past too,"

"But how do I have parents, then?"

"Your 'parents' are good friends of mine, I probably sent you to them asking for a favor,"

"So then, what's the plan?"

"I take you to my house, and send you through the time machine. I already know it works, since you're here right now, and you're also back there,"

"Right, so no worries,"


They pulled up in front of Dr. Agasa's house, quickly running in an going up the stairs to his lab.

It was here that Rachel caught her first glimpse of the first time machine in the world.

A hunk of wires and metal, the machine looked to be nothing special, just a pile of scrap sitting in the corner. But Rachel knew better. Dr. Agasa was very clever and good at disguising a machine's true value. She had found this out while doing the laundry and accidentally finding Conan's beloved bowtie. She was caught off guard when she found it to be a voice simulator, with the Agasa label.

Rachel smiled at the thought now.

Her thoughts.


that was all she would have when she returned to this place. She may never even be able to return to her body.

But she knew she would survive. Conan- Jimmy had. And she could do it too, as long as she was with him, and she knew she would be, as she had done it before-- that was a little confusing to her.

Dr. Agasa stepped back into the corner of the room, holding what looked like a toy car controller. He was about to flip the switch on the controller when his head snapped up ad he put the controller down.

Rachel looked at him quizically.

"I forgot to write the letter to your 'parents'. I can't come with you after all. Agasa's in the same place at family reunions is bad enough. But two of me?" he left his statement hanging, moving toward the desk and hurriedly writing a quick note for his friends. He folded the slip of paper, "Do not look at this Rachel," he instructed, leaving it at that. Rachel nodded.

"I shall send you to the front of their house on the day before Conan starts school, that way you can meet George and Mitch before you meet Conan. Remember, one way ticket, Rachel. You have to get back to this spot the long way. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see you here in two minutes,"

"That's a little confusing," Rachel said. The Doc chuckled.

Dr. Agasa flipped the switch. An array of lights showered Rachel and the technicolor gate posessed her sight. It was like an aurora recreated within a gate in the tiny lab. Rachel would have been in awe if it weren't for the coming task of time travelling. She would be the first person ever to go through it, and Dr. Agasa would be the first to ever succeed in creating a time machine. She could go down in history.

But those men were looking for her, and until she was safely back with Jimmy in their real bodies, they would have to lie low.

Now Rachel fully understood why Conan had never told her his true identity.

'It was for protection,'

"Ready, Rachel?"

"As ready as I'll ever be, Doc,"

And without another word, Rachel stepped through to the other side.

It was bright and sunny. Amy had to blink back the sun until her eyes adjusted. She stood in front of a beautiful house, three floors, white, with red shutters. She let a smile grace her face, the first time since that morning, when she was not Amy, but Rachel. Turning, she was surprised to see two familiar faces walking toward her.

The girl was a tall brunette.

And the boy with her was brunette also, but of a darker shade.

Amy's eyes welled up with tears at the thought.

The boy seemed to be trying to plead with the girl, who seemed angry with him. And Amy knew she was,...relatively. He had forgotten his promise to take her to the amusement park.

But that's where they were headed, anyway.

'But this is the last time she'll ever see Jimmy,' Amy thought sourly.



I thought of the idea while watching a TiVo's CC and then saw how much Rachel and Amy looked alike. PLZ review, I will not hold chapters hostage, tho.
