chapter 1.

"Ugh!" Lily Evans exclaimed, pounding her Transfiguration homework with her fist for the millionth time that evening. "I am never going to get this!"

"Why don't you just get James to help you?" Katrina Bell said absentmindedly, finishing her essay for History of Magic with a flourish. Then, almost instinctively, her hands flew to her ears to cover the bellowing voice.

"Get JAMES to help me? What will that freak do other than try to curse me or something?"

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry for the idea, Lil. But you could use his help. He is the best in the class, you know." She glanced up and noticed Lily glowering. "On second thought, just ignore me."

Lily 'humphed' [A/N what else would it be? not a grunt!] and turned back to her homework. "Does McGonagall *expect* me to be the best at everything?"

"No, she doesn't. And I definetely don't either. I mean, just look at yourself!" Lily looked up and saw James Potter coming down the boys' staircase, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin behind him laughing. She glared. Suddenly, a thought came to her.

"James," Lily said full of fake sweetness, "would you like to help me with my Transfiguration homework? I'm most dreadful at it, and you're the best in the class..."

"Me, help YOU with your homework? Are you out of your MIND?"

Sirius and Remus stared at James. If they had been in his place, they would have gladly accepted the girl's offer. Lily was the prettiest girl in their year, and something was obviously between her and James.

James walked quickly towards the portrait hole and climbed out, muttering something about visiting Peter Pettigrew in the hospital wing. Remus and Sirius followed, sort of reluctantly, eyes still on Lily. Lily and Katrina looked away, at the fire. They missed seeing Sirius turn back and run up the wrong stairs to the boys' dorm.

As soon as the boys were gone, Lily fell on the ground into peals of laughter. Katrina looked at her, hands on her hips.

"That was really rude, Lil."

"Yeah, but it made him leave."

"So? Does that mean you'll do anything to get him to leave?"

"If he was in my face? Definetely!"

"If he was in your face, he'd be kissing you."

"Spare me the thought, Kat. That's just disgusting." She got up and sat back in her chair.

"What? Every sane girl would be happy if James Potter kissed them."

"Correction: every INsane girl would be happy if the king of the idiots kissed them. That leaves me sane, and you 'in' it."

"Ha, ha. I'm sure it does. So, are you ever going to finish that homework of yours?"

"Nah. I think I'm going to go look up a hex to throw at little Jamsie."

"No, Lil, don't! You remember what happened the last time you cursed him, don't you?"

"Yeah, and it was ridiculously funny!" She burst into laughter again.

"I don't think it was even remotely funny to see James's face turn different shades of green every time he smiled."

"It turned purple when he glared at me! It was so funny!" she said, between burst of laughter.

"No it wasn't."

"Yes it was." She stopped laughing and regained herself. Then, gathering her homework under one arm, she swept up the girls' stairs.
* * *
[A/N good? even if it isn't, review!!!]

[Disclaimer: if i seem crazy or fazed at all to you, feel free to beat me with a smelting stick.]

[Real disclaimer: of course, all the characters are mine. am i creative or what? seriously. okay, fine. i take everything in this disclaimer back. except the creative part.]