Hey...The only names I've seen for Naraku/Kagome is Kagraku, and Nar/Kag. Why doesn't this pairing have a neat name? I mean, the entire Avatar fandom has awesome names... Zutara...Kataang...Tokka...ect. We need a cool name too! I propose... Narome! er... Karaku...? ... ... huh. Maybe there's a reason all we've got is Nar/Kag.

Yasha'z Wifey Kyome: Of course! What kind of person would I be if I left them all to die? ... heh. And...no. His entire aim from the beginning was simply to confuse her enough to swipe the counter-spell from her. Or maybe the book that gave her the spell. He might have had some feelings, but not enough to distract him from his original goal.

blackXheart: Well, you now have the ability to re-ride it! My paragraph long first chapter will soon become longer... and I'll continue from there.

Saccharine Death: Depressing...really? I'm glad you think I'm articulate though! I have a problem with choosing which words to use...doesn't help that I'm lacking any type of spell check, or...um...thesoraus. I know I spelled that wrong. Anyway. Onto your questions!

Yes. Thus the "Are you trying to recreate History?" line from Kagome. Whether he was trying to make it easier or harder for her, depends. I'm fairly sure he just wanted to make her do a double-take.

Kagura came from nowhere. She was only an illusion set up by Kanna, to distract Kagome. I really, really wanted to include Kagura, but there was no time. So I couldn't do justice to her.

Kikyou, in the first part, was fighting Kanna. When she lost, due to the fact that Kanna's awesome like that and a bit more motivated coughfatherfigurecough, she attempted to follow Kanna into the cave, but only managed to reach the entrance.

Darn...I wanted more questions...These are fun to answer!!

Igor Lollipop: W-well... ... ... I have no idea how to make you feel better...

amyrosey: It shall be up soon... I'm just a terrible procrastinator. ...Hope I spelled that right.

Disclaimer: Last...Disclaimer...For Chapter...YESS!!!


I wish...everyone would be happy...

Her first thought, had been her wish. And her first thought after that...had been how stupid of a wish it was.

Thwack, went her head against the wood.

Why that wish had sprang to mind, out of all the things she could have wished for, she had no idea.

I could have wished for world peace.

The old, rotting wood, that stank of death and blood and age.

Or Naraku's death.

Just like she stank of death and blood and age.

Or that I knew for sure whether Inuyasha loved me or Kikyou...

It was probably because she strived to make people happy, to cure their troubles away. That was why her wish was, what it was. It was the truest thing she wished for.

The scene had changed from burning miasma, to grassy fields. Cliff walls to freshly cut wood.

Why here?

She hadn't noticed the whispers as she raced towards the village, as she spotted Kaede and ran to her, terribly confused.

"Kaede! Kaede! I was fighting Naraku, and made a wish on the jewel and now..."

Thwack, went her head against the wood of the Bone Eaters Well.

She had stopped once she saw the strange look on the old woman's face. Not confusion, like herself. Not working out why what had happened, happened. It was...


"Ye are not...Sister Kikyou..."

The well that ate bones.


But never her bones.

"What manner of demon be you?"

She never died when she went through the well.

"I-I'm not...Kaede! Stop fooling around! Naraku is..."

And neither did Inuyasha.

"Leave now demon, peacefully, before my sister and her husband arrive. Though ye hath tried to copy her form, ye did a mighty bad job."

She had left. Or rather, she had plucked away the various things of hers scattered around the village, things no one seemed to be able to see except her. It wasn't that she cared about the random textbooks and unopened ramen cups. It was more that...she wanted to see if Kikyou's husband was really Inuyasha. If they had forgotten her as well.

She wasn't bitter. Or angry. She really wasn'"What is wrong Inuyasha?"

Peered around the corner, caught of a glimpse of white ears and, yes, rosary beads! He caught more than just a glimpse of her, and clawed hands sprang towards the hilt of his sword.

Not angry. Not bitter. It was her fault, not the Jewel's. Not Life's.

"Some bad imitation of you. Probably a weakling demon."

She had pulled away from his sight, startled by the instant attack, stopped only by Kikyou.

"Ah, yes. Kaede told me. It's probably harmless, like that fox that keeps following us around. Don't shed unneccessary blood Inuyasha."

Maybe...she should have sought out the 'fox' they had mentioned. But if Shippo, if it was Shippou, hadn't remembered her either...

"...I told ya, ya shouldn't've healed it."

And then she really had left, down the Bone Eaters Well and out the other side, no problems whatsoever. At least, until she had tried to go back, and failed. No shards of the Shikon Jewel. No more connection to Inuyasha through his rosary beads. No object, or memory left of her in that world.

Weeks had passed, and eventually, she had stopped trying to get through every day. The visits slowed to once a week, then every couple of weeks. And so on and so forth. It had been a month or two since she had last tried. It was just too hard to sneak past her family, and then keep on failing. There was just no proof anymore.

"Just...a dream. It's not like it actually happened. This place is just comforting... It won't really take me to the past."

She leaned back once more against the wood of the bone eaters well, tracing designs in the dirt with her fingers. A girl with a boomerang, and a boy with a scythe. A boy with dog ears, and another boy with crudely drawn beads. And a child with a giant tail.

Frowning at the drawing she wiped it away with her hand and stood, climbing up the ladder quickly. There was nowhere she really had to be, but anywhere was better than here.

"This time...I'm not coming back..."

She pulled herself over the lip of the well, and stopped, staring at a book lying in front of her. It was tattered and ragged, the cover dirty and smudged, so that the title was almost unreadable.

She traced the letters on the front and turned the cover, looking at the back in confusion. Scribbled in her own handwriting was, most definitely, her name. Her hand hovered in confusion, until a larger hand wrapped around it and pulled her from the well.

"It was difficult to find you...Kagome Higurashi."

She couldn't tell by the face, drowned in shadows. The eyes didn't glow like a monster from a horror movie. But the voice struck something like a memory, and she shivered, swallowing the name that flitted back and forth on her tongue.

"...Have you forgotten? Just like the rest of them? Did you forget...yourself?"

Peering up into the face she couldn't see, she tangled her fingers in his jacket, trying so hard not to remember. And trying harder not to hope.

"Do you remember? Do you remember, who I was?"

"Enough to try and find you from nothing but a name."

The first tear landed on her hand as she pulled close, deathly afraid that he would fade away into nothing.

"Everyone else is dead. Five hundred years is a long time Kagome. We're the only ones left."

The laugh surprised even her, mixed in with a pathetic sniffle. Why was she crying? It was just Naraku!

"What? Do you want to find everyone's descendants, make a couple more incarnations, and start fighting again? Or do you just want me to finally remove that curse?"

Maybe...she was a little bitter... because she knew he was smirking, could practically feel it, but when she looked up he was simply staring at her calmly.

"The curse vanished along with you. I can kill everyone in this world easily."

She hovered on the brink of something, and wondered if maybe she should just destroy him now.

"Then what is it you want?"

Familiarity pricked at the edge of her subconscious, a feeling that screamed at her to remember. Remember what? Glittering just beyond her reach...It was so distracting...

"You have to ask?"

Her gaze flickered at movement, a shadow springing to the doorway. But unlike Naraku, this shadow stayed within the light, her features easily discernible. Brown hair and eyes, and a large round bag at her hip. She peered closely, catching a flash of silver from inside.


The brown haired girl clutches at a wriggling figure, and she thinks she sees red, but before she can catch more than a glimpse, Naraku blocks her path.

"Make your decision quickly Kagome. Will you stay here in the past? Or move forwards? Your future awaits you."

She slips her hand into his and frowns at him when he smiles.

"I still hate you. You still caused so much pain for my friends. I just...don't want it to end yet."

He continues smiling at her and leads her out, where a girl with a mirror, and a struggling teen await them. And, briefly, his hand brushes against a gem thats buried in his pocket, flickering from pink to black. He always wins.


This is the Epilogue. If you don't like it...pretend it ended last chapter. She went home and lived happily ever after. Or stayed with Inuyasha. Or...whatever. Although...I think Epilogue's are supposed to wrap up all the loose ends of a story...and this one really didn't... Well, if a question is repeated too much I'll probably answer it in my profile... Which means I get to make a FAQ!! All that aside though, thanks for reading this story through. I really appreciate all your reviews and lack of flaming. Without further rambling, I officially end this story.
