
That get your attention? I hope so... ahem Anyway, welcome to the 'new' Naraku's Transformation. I'm redoing every chapter before I do the Epilogue. And just replacing the chapters instead of making an entirely new story.

For now, this is the title. Don't ask. It just came to mind. It's certainly better than Naraku's Transformation. If you noticed the giant, gaping, bold-ed letters that SHOULD have attracted your attention, then this is answering the questions found in my reviews for Chapter 19. Er...if this is your first time reading this, ignore the review answers. They'll just be confusing.

Yasha'z Wifey Kyome: Of course! What kind of person would I be if I left them all to die? ... heh. And...no. His entire aim from the beginning was simply to confuse her enough to swipe the counter-spell from her. Or maybe the book that gave her the spell. He might have had some feelings, but not enough to distract him from his original goal.

blackXheart: Well, you now have the ability to re-ride it! My paragraph long first chapter will soon become longer... and I'll continue from there.

Saccharine Death: Depressing...really? I'm glad you think I'm articulate though! I have a problem with choosing which words to use...doesn't help that I'm lacking any type of spell check. Anyway. Onto your questions!

Yes. Thus the "Are you trying to recreate History?" line from Kagome. Whether he was trying to make it easier or harder for her, depends. I'm fairly sure he just wanted to make her do a double-take.

Kagura came from nowhere. She was only an illusion set up by Kanna, to distract Kagome. I really, really wanted to include Kagura, but there was no time. So I couldn't do justice to her.

Kikyou, in the first part, was fighting Kanna. When she lost, due to the fact that Kanna's awesome like that and a bit more motivated coughfatherfigurecough, she attempted to follow Kanna into the cave, but only managed to reach the entrance.

Darn...I wanted more questions...These are fun to answer!!

Igor Lollipop: W-well...there's at least a little while until the final chapter. And until then there are a few new things hidden in the updated chapters...

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. If I did, would I be writing this?


They were beyond hope. The final shards of the Shikon no Tama had fallen into Naraku's hands, completing the jewel. There was no more Onigumo, no trace of his existance any longer within a full demon Naraku, so they only assume he was wished away. The jewel itself remained, black as night, its power at Naraku's disposal. And yet...they survived.

Well, none of his 'children' were still alive. Kagura and Kanna had perished eventually, from the combined efforts of them all. Or rather, they liked to think that. In truth, it was probably because Naraku had no need of them anymore. And of course, Inuyasha and the rest of their group had destroyed the others soon after they were 'born'.

But she, Kagome Higurashi, had a plan.

A daring, suicidal plan that would stretch the boundaries of reality and time and space! ...Okay, maybe not. But she was still risking her neck. And if it actually, somehow, some way, worked, then Naraku wouldn't be able to hurt another human.

True, he could kill all the demons that he wanted, but most of them would be safe. Especially Kohaku. They'd dragged his near lifeless corpse from the clutches of the spider and, with some pleading on Sango's part, and a bit of persistant begging on Rin's, they managed to convince Sesshoumaru to revive him.

Brushing away her inner thoughts, Kagome began her journey to Inuyasha's Forest to collect the final ingredient for her little spell. Nimbly avoiding the bustling villagers around her, she smiled and waved at the villagers, most of whom returned her greeting. She paused when a batch of children clustered around her from nowhere, one of whom was hopping a bit, she noticed.

The hopping one tugged lightly on her pants, his other hand attempting to keep cloth and dirt away from what looked like a skinned knee.

"Priestess Kagome! Priestess Kagome! Do you have any of those magic bits of sticky paper on you?"

"They're bandaids, remember? And, I just happen to have my very last one!"

With a grin she produced the item the inside of one the bell sleeves the preistess outfits were known for, unwrapped it, and placed it over the boys knee carefully.

"Thank you Preistess Kagome!"

She waved him off with the almost obligatory warning to be more careful, barely blinking at the now familiar 'Preistess' added on to her name. It wasn't as though the change from school uniform to preistess outfit was permanent. It was simply, between the demonic attacks recently most of her clothing had become impossible to wear. At least, not without drawing some very unwanted attention.

It was simply back-up clothing, a variation of the norm so that she didn't feel like Kikyou's clone. And so she didn't get a double take every time Inuyasha saw her.

A flash of color caught her eye as she crossed the fringe of trees into the forest proper, a smile crossing her face.

Speak of the devil...

Humming softly to herself and letting Inuyasha continue to watch over her, she continued to gather the remnants of her spell. It was the little things like this that she would protect, keeping them untainted and away from Naraku.

She wasn't as good as Kikyou, as powerful as Sango or Inuyasha. Her own powers were weak, only a fraction of her predecessors, and this spell, or rather, this curse, might turn her fragile soul into a tainted mess like Tsubaki's. Whether it worked or not. But she had to try. It was the least she could do for her friends.


Dang... I couldn't help the shortness of it... there's only so much useless randomness you can tack on... Heh.