Title: Monkey business

Authors: Abbot of Beregost & Natters

Rating: T

Warnings: Minor cussing.

Disclaimer: Not ours. We don't own 'em, we just like fiddling with 'em

Pairings: Sam/Jack & Daniel/Janet

Summary: SG-1 are invited to Hammond's other daughter's wedding.

Authors note (Natters): Here is our first collaboration together, so grab a drink, sit back and enjoy

Feedback: makes the world go round. and abbotofberegostyahoo.ca

Chapter 1: Jack's POV by Abbot

My head was pounding.

The music and the booze weren't helping, either. Well,

not the music- there was a mob of servicemen and women

up on the stage, tuning instruments. Why I decided to

come to this debacle, I'll never know. Wait, let me

explain. Decide I did not, young Skywalker. Ordered

was I.

Hammond's daughter was getting married. She was half

Irish-Catholic, so her mother demanded a large

ceremony. A large, Celtic-themed ceremony. George,

never one to let me quietly slink off into the

shadows, invited us all out. I knew the daughter, she

wasn't a bad person or anything. We got along. There

were plenty of people from the mountain, and since

SG-1 had become practically his children...well, we

got dragged along. Carter, of course, was all excited.

Talked about it for weeks. Weddings always excite


GAH! Women! Ruiners of lives, killers of buzz, utterly

unfathomable beings. And I managed to find the perfect

one for me. Christ.

Kilts. Kilts everywhere. Daniel was trying to explain

the importance of a whole bunch of stuff to Teal'c. In

an effort to hide his forehead-thing, poor Teal'c was

wearing a beret. The civilians looked at him a little

odd...but the airmen just laughed to themselves. I

sorta fell asleep during the ceremony, only to be

poked back into awareness by Daniel. He didn't seem

all that bothered, like it was expected, the smug

bastard. I hadn't seen Sam the entire time. Everyone

was leaving for the party already, so I followed


"Slainte!" they all yelled as soon as everyone had a

glass in hand. I took a big gulp of beer, and leaned

back against the bar. That's how I got here, to a big

outdoorsy wedding. Servicemen were playing Irish

music, people were chatting, and I was getting ripped.

Why, you ask? Why not? The woman I've lov...cared for

(that's it- no el word for you!) for as long as I can

remember. Yeah, it started off as a mild attraction,

but it grew. Oh, how it grew. And now, look at her,

what she'd done to me. She'd broken my heart.

So, what else was there to do? Free Guinness, right?

Just drink until the hurt goes away.

I knew all the songs.