
A blonde haired four-year-old boy stood in front of an old, broken down house. Next to him stood a red-haired three-year old girl. The boy was about five inches taller than the girl, and he was dressed in blue denim jeans and a gray tee shirt. His eyes were piercing silver gray, and he stood with great pride and dignity. The girl stood next to him in a pink dress that had patches in them. She was wearing pink tennis shoes and white tights that holes in the knees. She had deep red hair that curled at the very ends. Her hair was in a ponytail and it was falling out. Her eyes were a deep dark brown and had a light hint of blue. She was holding a ratty old teddy bear. She was also fidgeting with her necklace. It was sterling sliver and had a heart and where the ends met at the bottom was a topaz stone.

The house was very big. It looked like one of those houses you read about in books with witches and ghosts. It was very stormy outside. The clouds were very black and hinted towards a thunderstorm. It was starting to get chilly and it was the middle of summer. The wind was picking up and the house was creaking.

The boy asked, "Do you want to go in? I stay with you the whole time."

The girl looked at him with big eyes and she looked so scared. "Will you hold my hand the whole time?"

He smiled and nodded his head. He reached out and took her hand. She then took it back and took off her necklace and handed it to him. He looked at her confused.

"It's a gift for being so nice, never lose it, I will always be with you if you keep it."

"Thank you so much! Here since you gave me something to remember you I'll give you something." He took the watch he had off. It was silver and had emeralds in it. The face of the watch had the Malfoy emblem on it. He handed it to Ginny who smiled. They walked in together holding hands and walking beside each other.

Off in the distance a tall red haired man was running very fast trying to keep up with a slightly shorter blonde haired man. The blonde was skinny and dressed in elegant clothes while the red haired man was dressed in very worn down clothes.

"This is all your fault, I asked you to watch them for five minutes and you let them disappear? And you were a friend! What will Narcissa and Molly say?" The blonde asked.

"Since when were we friends. Molly and I agreed to watch him because we owed you. It's not my fault I had to pee and when I got back they were gone!"

"You're lucky that we were able to trace what the last place your fireplace went or we may have never found them."

"Do you even know where we are?" the red head asked.

"I have no clue! Why just because it looks evil does that mean I would know about it?" The blonde asked while looking shocked.

"Actually yes that was what was going through my mind. Anyway it's not my fault that Draco and Ginny are best friends and will do anything together. Besides how did Draco know about this place anyway?"

"Like I would know. I can't believe a Malfoy would befriend a Weasley anyway. Don't worry after we find them they will never see each other again."

Meanwhile Draco and Ginny were already upstairs and were looking at the bedrooms. The floor was rotting out in some places. Ginny picked up her right foot and set it down. The floor gave way and she fell through. Luckily Draco was holding onto her hand and made sure she didn't fall.

"Are you alright Ginny?" Draco asked while straining to hold her up.

"I'm fine Draco. Teddy fell down though."

"We'll get Teddy back. Do you think you can help me get your self up?"

"I can try." Draco pulled while Ginny tried to push herself up by her legs. It wasn't working. Ginny's hand started to slip. She started to scream.

Draco kept trying to pull her up. He was crying because he was afraid to lose her. She was his best friend. Ginny started to cry because she was in a hole that fell down four stories.

"Draco if I fall please don't ever forget me and remember that I love you!

"I wont ever forget you, I promise, I love you too. Don't let go though. I will try to pull you up."

That's when the two adults ran in. "Draco hold on to her please."

"Yes Mr. Weasley." Draco said while sniffling.

"Daddy please help me." Ginny wailed.

"Look what you've done now Arthur. My son is being used as a rope."

"He's saving my daughter Lucius. Now if you don't mind please help me get Ginny up."

"You'll forever be in my debt. Wait, if I help you get her up do you promise to never ever let Ginny see Draco as a friend again?"

"I promise, just please help me." Both men went over and helped pull her up. Arthur picked her up and held her. Ginny wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head into his shoulder. She wrapped her little legs around his waist and just cried. Lucius stood there hollering at Draco for one, disobeying, two, for crying, three, befriending a Weasley, and four and ruining his clothes. Draco was trying to stop his crying but it wasn't working. The tears were rolling down his face and he kept looking over at Ginny. After a minute Ginny looked over at him and smiled. Draco smiled back and mouthed, "I'm sorry." She just smiled and answered, "It's okay." Lucius saw what happened and slapped him across the face. Draco fell down but three feet away from where he was originally standing.

Ginny gasped and tried to get down. Arthur finally let go of her and she ran over to Draco. She knelt down next to him and whispered, "Are you okay?"

He looked up at her and said, "Yeah I'll be okay, I'm used to it by now."

Ginny leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. Draco looked up at her in surprise. Ginny giggled. "Charlie told me that kisses having healing powers in them that if you get a booboo always find someone to kiss them. If I get one he kisses them for me."

"Your right they do. It's starting to feel better already." That's when he saw a shadow over Ginny. He gulped. As he saw Lucius pick Ginny up and push her away. He grabbed Draco by his arm and picked him up. He dragged Draco down the stairs and walked outside and went to the fireplace in the shed. They flooed back to the Malfoy Manor.

"Daddy why does Mr. Malfoy treat Draco like that?"

"Not all people in this world treat their children right. Let's go home now."

"Am I going to see Draco again daddy?"

"I'm afraid not Ginny, Weasleys and Malfoys are not meant to be friends. You will never see him as a friend ever again."

"But Daddy he's my best friend, I have to see him again."

"No Ginny do as I say, you will never see him again." Meanwhile, Draco was being told the same thing but in a more crude and harmful way.

Both forgot about this. Ginny grew up to hate the Malfoys. Draco grew up to hate the Weasleys. Both forgot that they once were best friends. Ginny is now sixteen and a sixth year in Hogwarts while Draco is 17 and a seventh year at Hogwarts.

Flashback ends.

"Ginny dear you need to get up, we're leaving in a hour." Mrs. Weasley said while gently pushing me. I groaned and rolled over to face my Mum. She smiled and stroked my face. "You've grown up so much. You're so pretty."

I smiled I loved how my Mum would come in every morning and talked to me. Unlike most girls my age, I'm very close to my mother. We share a lot of secrets and we talk about everything. "Thanks Mum but only Harry thinks I'm pretty."

"Well you are dear, especially since look different than everyone else."

Most might have taken that as an insult but I didn't. I loved how I was different than my siblings. All my brothers have bright blue eyes. Instead I have very dark brown eyes and they have a hint of blue to them. It's a very pretty color. My brothers had bright orange hair and it was very straight. I had a red hair and it had loose curls on the bottom. They were all very tall and lanky, except the twins who are shorter and stockier but they are still tall. I am very short, about 5'5" and was a good weight for my height, 120 lbs. I wear a size 3 in jeans and I now have hips and a waist. I spent all summer trying to get a flat stomach and it has finally paid off. I also have a nice tan from being outside all summer too. That's also something different from my brothers, they burn and I tan. I also grew some curves in the upper area that makes Ron try to cover me up.

"Well Harry should think you're pretty, one because you are and two you're his girlfriend."

Harry asked me to be his girlfriend on the train ride right before summer started. I don't know why I said yes though. I don't really like him that much. Wait, well I like him, just not as much as I use too. I have a small crush on him, which works out well seeing as I'm his girlfriend. Harry has changed physically. He is 6' and has finally grown out. He isn't knobby anymore. He and Ron work out everyday so both now have some good chest and arm muscles. They also both had a six-pack. Harry's hair is now below his nose and down his neck and very unruly. His green eyes stand out even more than before and he now wears contacts. He's a lot happier because his scar doesn't show anymore. He, Ron and Hermione are very popular now. I am too, just not as much. Our relationship is a hot topic for the Daily Prophet. They have caught so many pictures of us. The first one got Ron into a rage.

They took it after we had been going out for a week. It was early morning and we were taking a walk around the burrow. We were holding hands. We finally reached the lake where we sat down on the dock. He then leaned down and turned my face to his and gently kissed me. I felt so happy but that's when I realized I didn't like him that much, I didn't get any fireworks. The next day us kissing were on the front page. Ron blew a fit. Somehow he missed the fact that he asked me out that afternoon on the train. So him finding out by the front-page news and we were kissing was not a good! It took about the whole day for him to get over the shock and actually accept it. Then it took an hour for Ron to talk to Harry and tell him that I'm his only sister and not to harm me.

We have been dating for two months and three weeks now. Harry's really sweet though. He never tries anything on me that I don't like. I like how he's the perfect size to curl up with, especially at night. Once a week he would slip a note to me saying he would spend the night with me. Usually that was days when Ron would spend the night with Hermione. He thought no one noticed but we did. Harry would sneak out of Ron's room and past everyone else's to get to mine. We didn't do anything we just slept. He would press himself against my back and put his head on my shoulder and his arms around my waist. No one has caught us, well my mum has but she just smiled and trusted that we didn't do anything. Harry was so embarrassed until Mum told him that it was okay that she knew me very well and knew how far I would go. Since then I would read the note and then slip it to her so she wouldn't barge in anymore.

"Ginny dear, you need to get ready, we have an hour until we leave." She got up off the bed and left. I stretched and pushed the covers off. I put my feet on the floor and stretched again. I stood up and walked over to my closet. I skimmed my clothes and finally settled on a pair of light blue jeans that weren't to low cut and flared at the bottom. I picked out a shirt that had the blue rugby type thing going on. It and the different shades of blue and it buttoned at the top of the shirt. I of course left it unbuttoned to about the third button. I grabbed my white vans and they had shoelaces that changed to the colors I wanted. I made the right shoelace blue and the other black. I walked into the bathroom and took a 15-minute shower. When I was done I got dressed and went back to my room. I put on my eyeliner, which was black but I didn't put it on as thick as most. I put on blue eye shadow that made my eyes stand out more. I put on black mascara and I was all done.

I put on my shoes and walked downstairs. As I got to the table for breakfast Harry stood up and I gave him a hug and a quick peck on the lips. Ron glared but ignored it. I sat down and grabbed a pancake, put some butter and syrup on it and started to eat.

"Is everyone packed?" My mum asked. Everyone nodded their heads and continued eating. "Well when everyone is done, I'd like if you guys would put your stuff in the car. We need to get to the station as soon as possible." We once again nodded our heads. She rolled her eyes and left the room muttering something about teenagers and their need for bloody food. We all smiled and continued eating. I was the first finished. I stood up and went to my room to get my trunk. I made sure I had everything. I was about to leave when something dawned on me. I walked to my dresser and opened the first draw. In it had a bunch of stuff. There was candy, papers, jewelry, and my journal. Also there was box. I grabbed the box and opened it up. Inside was a watch. I don't know how I got it but I found it one day under my bed when I was cleaning. Nobody but me knows I have it. I don't want to tell anyone either. I mean me a Weasley having a watch with the Malfoy emblem on it; they would think I stole it. It's real silver with 10 real emeralds. It's quite small though; it has a little bit of room to move on my wrist. I find it very pretty and it's like a good luck charm, I always carry it in my pocket.

I heard footsteps coming upstairs so I stuck it in my pocket. I turned around and saw that it was Harry. He walked into my room and put his arms around my waist. I put my on his shoulders and smiled up at him. He was the first to speak, "Hey Ginny this is last time we'll be able to see each other privately for awhile. Lets make it worthwhile." He leaned down and captured my lips with his. He turned me around and pushed me against the door closing it. His tongue slipped in my mouth and we started to make out. His hands slipped down to my ass and started to grope it. My hands traveled to his hair. I loved his hair; it was so soft and curly. I tangled my hands in his hair and started to moan. We came up for air. He stopped pushing me against the door and leaned down and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I squealed as he walked over to the bed and threw me down. He got down and leaned against me and we resumed back to making out. I flipped him over and straddled him. I had never done this before but it was worth a try. I slipped my hands down his pants and that made him break the kiss.

"Ginny, what are you doing?"

"Well what do you think Harry?" He moaned as I grabbed him.

"Are you sure Ginny, I mean I don't want you to do it if you don't."

"Harry trust me if I started it I'm sure I want to." I then leaned down and we went back to making out. As I started to massage him he started to groan and moan.

"That's it Ginny, that's it. Don't stop, don't stop." I just smiled and continued my job. Two minutes later I took my hand out and Harry whined.

"We have to go Harry. Don't think for one minute that Ron is not going to start wondering. Maybe after we finally get back to swing of these in school." I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and while he moped.

As I was leaning down to pick up my stuff I felt him wrap his arms around me from behind. He put his head on my left shoulder and said into my ear, "You were great for your first time. Thanks baby I really enjoyed that," and kissed me on my cheek. I just smiled and turned in his arms.

"Well your welcome. I enjoyed it as much as you did."

"Enjoyed what?" We turned to see Ron standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. He was clearly mad at one, Harry's in my room. Two, we're in each others' arms. Three, we're talking about enjoying something.

"Oh we were just finishing fucking each other and since it was my first time he was complimenting me." I finished my sentence with a big grin and Harry was trying his hardest not to laugh. Ron looked like he was about to die of a heart attack.

"You- you and him were-were- fucking each other? M...m...m...my best friend was doing it with my youngest and only little sister? WHAT THE HELL WERE BOTH OF YOU THINKING?"

Harry and I burst out laughing. We were using each other for support and I had tears strolling down my face. Ron looked absolutely livid.

When I had finally calmed down, I walked over to Ron and I hugged and kissed him on the cheek. "I was just joking my dear brother. We were just making out that it." Now go find Hermione, the poor girl is probably wondering what all the hollering is about." I pushed him out the door and closed it. I turned around and came in eye contact with Harry and we both burst out laughing.

"I-I ...I told you that he- he- he would come check up- check up on us. But that was just priceless." I said while laughing. Harry continued to laugh and tears forming.

"That was so- so mean to do to him though. You knew that- that he would react that way. Why do you- do you treat him like that?"

"He's always been the most overprotective brother. I use any chance I get to pick on him." He just nodded and we used the next five minutes to calm down again. After we calmed down I kissed him and grabbed my bags. We both stood up and he went to get my bags but I wouldn't let him. "You have your own bags to carry. Go get them, I'll be fine." He nodded and went to go get them. I hit his ass on the way out. He started to walk like he was on a model runway. I laughed at his retreating shaking ass. I walked downstairs and out to the car.

Harry had earned some money last summer and used some from his bank and bought our family a car. Well it's legally his but he lets us use it as a way to pay for letting him stay all these years. The invisibility button actually works, it can fly, and it has an engorgement charm on the inside. Our family can fit in there and still be comfortable. Its trunk has a charm that it can fit ANYTHING in it. It's a bottomless trunk basically. It can fit in any tight spaces, and it has option that you can go to sleep and the car takes over.

I put my stuff in the trunk and walked back inside. I grabbed my purse and checked my wallet. I had about 30 galleons, 45 sickles and 23 knuts. I had worked for the twins over the summer making a lot of money. I also had some make up, and medicine in my purse. I used some muggle medicine because they work so well. I had Motrin, Tylenol, Midol, and Sudafed. The potions for this stuff didn't work as fast as well and they tasted awful. I also had books that I had shrunk. I had the Da Vinci Code, Life Expectancy and Timeline. They were also muggle books but our books were informational books. I wanted fictional. I also had some lotion and body spray.

I put everything back when I heard everyone coming outside. I climbed into the car and sat in the middle row. Hermione and Mum were going to sit in that row and Ron and Harry in the back. Hermione smiled as she climbed in next to me. She slipped me a note and buckled her seat belt. Her and I were really good friends. She was my second best friend. She had changed a lot. Her hair was now wavy, not bushy just wavy. She's about 5'5" and wasn't as curvy as me. Her brown eyes now sparkled more and she isn't much of a bookworm or know-it-all. She was still smart and still studied like a maniac but she wasn't as bad as before.

I opened up the note and it read:


Hey girl! What's up? I am soooooooo excited to be going back to school! I cannot wait. I am going to be taking all the classes necessary for being an Auror. I want to stay with Harry and Ron even after school. They're my best friends and I want to stick with them. Especially to stay with Ron, well DUH! He's my boyfriend. And what about you and Harry? HUH? What are you going to do? I mean you'll be all by your lonesome self in that school. LOL just playing, you'll survive, I hope you feel better. We need to talk in private on the train. I'll meet you on the deck on the very last compartment. You know where right? The outside part of the train where there is like a little porch? I hope so, and meet me at 3:00 pm as soon as you can. I know you're going to want to spend some time with Luna after not seeing her for a whole summer. Hey I was wondering, you know how after school most students rent an apartment to get rid of their parents? Well I'm going to rent one and I don't want to share an apartment room with Harry and Ron. I mean yeah they're my best friends but I still want my privacy. They're going to get a room next door though. Well I also don't want to be by myself, so I was wondering if you want to come share with me during the summer and holidays? You'll be able to get away from both your family and Harry. But it's up to you though. Well time is running out, and so is the paper. Talk to you later on the train.


Hermione Granger

I smiled as I finished reading. I leaned over to Hermione and whispered in her ear, "Sure I'll live you with you, just tell me when Ron's spending the night so I can leave." She blushed so bad and nodded, too embarrassed to speak. I shifted back and looked out my window. Five minutes later the car pulled out of the driveway and we were on our way to the train station. Harry and Ron kept talking and talking and talking and talking. They were giving me such a headache. I pressed my head against the window and closed my eyes. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw it was Hermione's.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I just have a headache because of the two fucking idiots in the backseat."

Hermione just smiled. "I know they give me a headache too. And yes they are a bunch of fucking idiots. But that's what makes them, them. You should be use to it by now."

"Yeah I'm use to their talking but still it's so freaking annoying."

"True, but get use to the fact that they can talk something to death."

I just rolled my eyes and pressed my head against the window. After 15 minutes of them talking we were finally there. We all piled out of the car and grabbed out stuff.

"Hey, Ginny you want to walk in together?" Harry asked while shifting his stuff in his arms to put his arm around my shoulder. I looked over at Hermione and we came into eye contact.

"Sorry Harry I'm going to walk in with Hermione if you don't mind." Harry looked a little downcast but let me go anyway. I kind of felt guilty because after the morning, I've been treating him really bad, but friends always came before boyfriends. I gave him a quick hug and kiss and walked over to Hermione. We linked arms and ran through the barrier together. We came out on the other side the scarlet train. It smelled like Hogwarts in this train station. Hermione and I took deep breaths and giggled.

"Hola Ginny. Como estas mi amiga?" I heard the voice and turned around. When I saw whom it was I squealed.

"LUNA! Estoy muy bein! Y tu?" We hugged each other.

"Well, I'm not doing to bad myself. I have so much to tell you on the train though." Luna was still as eccentric as before. Right now she had her punk look on. Her skirt was knee-length and was black with hot pink polka dots. She had on a white shirt that had BOYTROUBLE written on the front in hot pink and glitter. Her blonde hair now had pink and black highlights in it. She wore it up in pigtails today. Her converses were pink and black too. She wore them with EVERYTHING! Her favorite colors were black and pink but that wasn't all she wore. Today that was just what she decided to do.

"Nice outfit Luna, new?"

"Yes, America was so much fun this summer! Daddy and I didn't find the Gribblyshornles we were looking for. But America was fascinating in itself. So much diversity and- and well I'll tell you on the train."

"Hello Luna, how was your summer?"ン Hermione asked.

"Hello Hermione. I loved my summer thank you. How was yours? Still going with Ron?"

"My summer was great and yes I'm stilling going with Ron." There was an awkward silence. Hermione and Luna weren't really friends even though they were my best friends.

"Well I'm going to go find Ron and see if he's okay. I'll leave you two on your own." Hermione walked onto the train.

"I saved us a compartment and no one's even going to be in there. Finally Neville or Colin won't be breathing down my neck." I laughed. Colin and Neville liked no more loved her. They tried to find any excuse to be with her. Colin hates Neville and vice versa while Luna hates the pair of them.

"Thank you Luna but do you think maybe we could slip the two in there with us?" I smirked while Luna glared at me. We then laughed as we got in our compartment. We got our stuff settled then we each took our blankets we made for each other and matching pillows and sat on each of the seats.

"So did you meet any guys in America?" I asked while laid down on my side to look at her. She did the same.

"Well now that you mention it, I did. He said he was from London and was just visiting for the summer."

"AWWWW! What did you guys do?"

"We were both there for three months. He said he had to leave because school started the first of September. I told him my school was starting that day too."

"Do you think he found out that you were a witch?"

"I don't think so. We didn't really talk much about what schools we went to and if it looked like I would give a hint about me being a witch I would either lie or just change the subject. I don't think he noticed."

I smiled shaking my head. "Well does he have a name?"

"Yeah but I don't think that's his real name. He said his name was Brian Britchly, but he would like take a minute before he would realize I had been calling him. But hey it was still a fun time."

"Well, what did this Brian look like?"

"OH MY GOD! He was sooooo hot! He was 6'3" and had summer upper body muscle, but not like a lot, just enough to show he did work out. He had dark skin because he had been tanning. His hair was black and wavy, a little more on the curly side and it was long. But like just past his eyes long. But his eyes stood out the most, they were bright blue, I mean BRIGHT BLUE! He wore a lot of black clothes but he wasn't gothic. He was really sensitive to girls' feelings and never forced himself on girls. He always listened to what I said and always asked what my opinion was."

I smiled listening to her description but one thing was bothering me. "Luna does that description ever strike you as a certain person in this school named BLAISE ZAMBINI?"

"That's what I thought when I first saw him. And he even talked like him, but he wasn't him or he would have recognized me."

"Do you think maybe he didn't, or you looked familiar but he didn't know you?"

"Could be, but we had fun anyway. When my dad had to go somewhere without me, he took me to Ocean City, Maryland. We had so much fun. Walking on the beach, swimming, and the boardwalk, under the boardwalk, our hotel room, H2O Under 21 club and so much more."

"Were you guys going out?"

"Yeah, but we broke up so we could go one with our lives after summer. There were a lot of tears and kisses and hugs but we got over it. I still wish I could talk to him."

I looked down at my watch and jumped up. "OH MY GOD! Luna I have to meet Hermione in three minutes. I'll talk to you when I get back, okay?"

"Sure, this will give me time to work on trying to get my laptop to work by magic." She smiled and I left. I walked to the back of the train were the porch was. Hermione was already there.

"Hey Hermione. How are you?"

"Oh good, you've arrived. And I'm doing fine by the way, just annoyed by the two boys."

"Well what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked while leaning against the rail.

"Okay Ginny, you're my best friend and I just can't see you being hurt this way. Do you remember that about the middle of July Harry would leave saying he had to go to something secret Dumbledore and not to ask questions?"

"How could I not? He would come back after a full day of being gone, smiling and not looking an ounce tired."

"Well we noticed too, so when he left Ron and I followed him. And well he went to see someone."

"Harry is cheating on me?"

"Yeah but we got so mad at who it's with. Well we just waited outside the door and when he stepped out he looked at us with shock. Then he asked as a best friend's honor not to tell you. But Ginny I couldn't wait any longer, I wanted to tell you but the longer I waited the worst it go and I was the afraid to tell you because I thought you would get mad at me and- and- I'm SORRY." She was in tears now and looked so nervous for my reaction. I clenched my fists and tried to hold my tears back.

"Hermione I am not mad at you, I'm mad at Harry for doing this. I can't believe this. Who was it?"

"Don't kill him or her when I say the name, Pansy Parkinson."

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! IM GOING TO KILL THAT BASTARD!" I opened the door and stomped to his compartment. I opened it and when the people inside the compartment took on look at my face they all went the farthest away from me as possible. Hermione stood by the door in fear.

I reached my hand up and swung it as hard as I could across his face. Within minutes his face was blood red going on to purple. "You fucking bastard, how could you cheat on me with that whore? WE ARE SO OVER!"

Harry looked at Hermione, "Why the hell did you tell her?"

"I couldn't stand you hurting her like that. She was my friend and had the right to know, no matter what you said."

"Look I'm sorry Ginny, we can make this wok."

"YOU BASTARD! NO WAY! NO FUCKING WAY I AM GOING OUT WITH YOU AGAIN." I slapped just as hard on his other cheek so then he had to purple hand marks on his face. I turned around a left. I stomped back to my compartment. I closed the door. I slid down it and pulled my knees up and started to cry. The next thing I felt was Luna's arms wrapped around me and she started to rub my back to get me to calm down. When I finally did I told her what happened.

"He fucking did what? OMG I cannot believe that. That bastard, well don't spend too much time one him he's not worth it. We can find new guys, trust me, we're hot and sexy enough too." I laughed at wiped my face. I got up and sat down and wrapped up in my blankets. Luna went back to her laptop. After awhile a fell asleep, I woke up to Luna pushing me awake.

"Get up it's time to go." I stretched and got up. I put everything away and put on my school uniform. I grabbed my purse and we walked out into rain. We got to the first carriage we could find before checking to see if it was filled. It had started to move before we could have changed our minds.

"Weasley and Lovegood, what a pleasant surprise wouldn't you say, Zambini?" Malfoy's voiced drawled.

"If I had known you were in here Malfoy I wouldn't have gotten in, but it was raining so I didn't care." I looked over at Luna who was staring straight on at Zambini.

"Um Luna, that's Zambini you know? And he's alive so stop looking at him like he's a ghost."

"Brian Britchly?"

"Sara Bellington?"

"Yeah, oh my god! I can't believe this!" Luna jumped forward and hugged Zambini who hugged her right back. Malfoy and I looked at them then at each other.

"Um Zambini, mate what's gotten into you?"

"Malfoy remember me telling you about the girl in America, this is her!"

"Lovegood? You've gone down loony along with her. It's a good thing you love her or I would have you committed.

"You love me?" Luna asked while looking at him.

"Every part of you." They then leaned forward and kissed each other like there was no tomorrow.

Malfoy stood up and sat down next to me, "Don't get any ideas Weasley, I just moved incase they start snogging and want to lay down. I'd rather not be under them at that point." I smiled then started to laugh. I started to laugh so hard I had tears running down my face. Malfoy was looking at me like I had gone crazy.

"Oh God I'm surrounded by crazy people, why oh why did I have to pick this carriage?" That only made me laugh harder, I then lost my balance and fell on him. I stopped laughing right then and there. I sat up as fast as I could and waited for his response. When I didn't get one, I turned and he was just facing out the other window. I just decided to drop it.

They were still snogging when we pulled up to the castle. Malfoy got out and I followed him. I turned expecting Luna and Blaise to follow but they remained still snogging.

"Don't worry about them, knowing Blaise he'll keep her there until the last possible minute and make sure she gets to the castle alright. They'll be fine, trust me."

"Well I haven't really been able to trust for you my whole life. But I know Luna and she wont do anything that could put her in a bad situation."

"Hey I can't trust a Weasley either but since they're both our best friends I guess I'll have to."

"Screw you Malfoy." I pushed passed him and started to walk towards the castle.

He shouted behind me, "I'd rather not, you're a Weasley remember?" I just smiled as I walked into the castle.

After the most boring sorting of all time we were able to eat. Luna and Zambini hadn't come back. I just shrugged it off remembering what Malfoy had said. I was sitting next to Hermione because she was sitting the farthest from Harry. I ate two helpings of the meal and one dessert.

When all the food had disappeared Dumbledore stood up. "Ladies and Gentlemen. I hope you all had a good time stuffing yourself silly. I have a few announcements. First are the usual, the Forbidden Forest is forbidden. If it weren't forbidden it would have been called Come and Play forest, so ALL years stay out. Second more items have been added to Filch's list, which is posted on his door. Please visit sometime this year so you'll know what is and isn't allowed. Third, this year we're having two dances, a Halloween dance and Yule Ball. If you receive five or more detentions before either dance you will not be allowed. Fourth years and above may only go to the Yule ball unless younger years are asked to go by older. That is it for now, please return to your dormitories."

Everyone stood up. I looked around but couldn't find Luna or Zambini. I looked around and found Malfoy already walking out with to my distaste Parkinson. I followed them as quickly as I could. When I got with in earshot I heard Malfoy trying to get Parkinson away from him. She finally got the idea and left.

"Malfoy! Malfoy! MALFOY!" He turned around and stood waiting until I caught up.

"You called?"

"Where the hell are they?"

"Where the hell are who?" He was smirking at me.

"Oh don't give me that, you know who I'm talking about. Where are they?"

"Actually I have no clue where they are. I thought Blaise would have been back by now."

"Same with Luna."

We stood there in silence thinking things over. Then all of a sudden Malfoy grabbed my hand and started to run.

"Malfoy what the fuck are you doing?" He turned left and ran down some stairs.

"Him and I have a way of talking to each other over a distance."

"Like what?"

"Cell phones that run by magic. We have to test them out for a year by Ministry's rules before we can introduce them to the country. We have a Patent so no one can steal our ideas. And they seem to be doing better than I thought." He walked up to a portrait and the portrait said, "Why?"

I looked at like it had gone crazy but the Malfoy answered with, "Why not?" I just smiled as he let me in.

"I have my own room because one, I'm head boy and two, my father's rich. Blaise is sharing it with me and I know Lovegood and him will go out so they'll be here a lot. I know you too are with each other constantly so you'll want to try to get in to see her so I let you know the password."

"But you're a Malfoy I thought you wouldn't want to let me in?"

"I don't but Blaise would tell Luna and then Luna would tell you. So it would be a lost cause anyway. Now let me get my cell phone and call him."

He walked across the room to his stuff and dug through his bags until he found his cell phone. I just sat on the bed waiting for him to reach Zambini so I could find out where Luna was.

He finally finished dialing. He had his back to me. "Pick up Blaise, pick up." I heard some ringing on the bed across the room. I walked over and saw the phone on the side of Blaise's bag. I picked it up and answered it. "Malfoy I don't think this is going to work."

He turned to look at me, "What the hell. We're never going to find them."

I hung up. "Malfoy I'm standing across the room from you, hang up." He hung up and sat down.

"Weasley! Do you have any idea where they could be?"

"Malfoy if I knew I wouldn't be here."

"Oh can't stand being in the same room with me?"


"Then why did you come in?"

"You dragged me in!"

"Oh yeah. Whoops. Well all we have to do is wait then."

We sat there waiting and waiting and waiting, until we both fell asleep.