I'm really, really sorry for the l8t update! midterms week! have meeercy! haha...lol.

Chapter 5

A n g e r

"Hello, Yoh" It smiled. "It's been a while, but never mind that, mother has told me that you have been very, very bad."

Yoh's insides squirmed as he saw the grotesque, yet familiar face. He racked his brains for a single memory that would aid him to remember, certainly his head paid more attention and gave it to him.

"The one who should disappear is you, Ohoni..." The female voice, who he recognized it to be as Anna's, echoed in his head.

"It can't be..Ohoni." he whispered, yet audible to the giant.

"Yes, Ive returned, and mother has given me an incredibly large ammount of power!"

"But..I-I killed you!" He shouted, an unfamiliar feeling of and hate anger flared through his body. "Impossible..." He dropped to his knees, unaware of the stinging feeling the sheets of snow on the ground gave. His feelings were a blazed, yet his thoughts were mixed. Just when they decided to take one huge, very HUGE step on their relationship, It crumbles just like that, it fades away as quick as light. And for that, he hated himself even more.

Ohoni advanced, taking huge earth-rumbling slow steps, he was ready for his first kill since his imprisonment for eight years. He smirked, and croaked out one heartily laugh that only demons like him could enjoy. He was craving for another bloodfest, he missed the taste and supple skin of infants, he knew he loved savor of adult blood, just like wine.

He raised one red calloused and meaty palm, and balled into a fist, before bringing it down on the boy, he spoke.

"Your pathetic, you know that?"

"W-what?" He froze, unable to speak for a second. He stared at the boy, his head still bowed. Yoh didn't care anymore, whatever he said, what just happened, his life on the line, his HIDEOUS life on the line.

"You heared me, your pathetic, It is almost unbelievable that a scrawny little girl controls you."

"Don't you dare speak of her like that!" The demon spat, his lips twitching. The boy was quite right, he thought, how would it feel to be the master of his own soul? To become more powerful? To be free? 'All the children you can eat...' his mind tempted, so he decided, to free himself from a large hindrance to his so called happiness.

"I'll eat you someday, Asakura Yoh..." The boy was shocked, yet the demon smiled.

"...for being such a wonderfull inspiration, now, where did mother run off to?" He turned, and scanned for a figure of interest.

Yoh's mind sprang back to life, he bolted up from his kneeling position, eyes wide. "N-NO!" He yelled, his voice strained. But the demon already crossed the white snow field.

"Sh-Shiiiittt!" He cursed to himself out loud and sprinted accros the field to the demon.

Firstly, ive this new one-shot! check it out pls! here's the i.d. 2530732
So here it is! sorry, ill make it longer next update! and pls. review! and tell me some more stuff to add! im fresh out...i can't possibly continue unless i have satisfactory review..with ideas..! so please..help me out! thanx!