AN: Hey, My name is Bliss and this is my first FanFic. I hope y'all like it. It's a bit of a plot bunny, but isn't everything now. The thing is, I don't know anyone on this site and I'm really looking for a beta, so if anyone would like to, let me know. Thanks! Enjoy…

Disclaimer: Oops, almost forgot one of these. The characters that you recognize belong to the great JK Rowling, who is wonderful for writing this, but horrible for killing off Sirius ( I was going to bring him back, but figured that was too unrealistic)


The last thing he remembered seeing was red. Blood red. Staining the sheets. Staining the floor. His own blood running in rivulets off his body. The brilliant riot of red, flash of light, before everything went black.


The darkness was all he had now, overwhelming him. The darkness and the pain.

What would the wizarding world say now? How would they like their dying hero? Blind and helpless at the hands of muggles. A bitter laugh escaped his throat, emerging hoarsely; it had been so long since he'd laughed. It was amusing though. Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived, could not even defend himself properly. He had beat Voldemort four times and couldn't even fend off one angry mustachioed muggle.

He remembered how it had all started, him back at Number Four Privet Drive for the summer, the Durseley's ignoring him due to Moody's threats as they had got off the train. Harry had reveled in the solitude. Wallowed in his grief and his anger. Sirius was gone. It was his fault. Dumbledore had betrayed him. Everyone betrayed him. Sirius was gone. He was all alone. At least he could find peace in his misery.

Until the letter came. Uncle Vernon had been fired from work, Dudley kicked out of Smeltings. The letter had said it was his fault. That he, Harry Potter, had used his magic to make it happen.

Ignoring the fact that it was impossible due to the expulsion that would result from the use of magic outside of school, Vernon had flown into a rage, knocking Harry halfway across the kitchen, before dragging him upstairs swearing.

The beatings had begun from there, starting with the belt, then progressing onto heavier objects. Every evening, Vernon would make sure that he was well enough to send a letter off to the Order. Harry didn't understand why they couldn't see through the letters, their mechanical nature and hollow assurances. But no one came. Finally, Uncle Vernon had him write several letters, just dating them differently.

"You going to kill me?" Harry had croaked, hope sparking in his eyes. He wanted it all to end.

But his uncle had just grinned. "No, can't have those freaks show up later. Just don't want to have to keep making sure you're hands still work. You've got to be punished. We clothe you, we feed you, and this is how you repay us."

That night had been the worst, Harry had blacked out from the pain on his back and chest, his breath ragged. Finally he felt someone haul him up.

"Open you're eyes boy," Harry did as told, wishing he had the courage to use magic and risk expulsion to the only place he had ever been accepted. He looked around his room, taking in the blood and mess, before his head was jerked back and his eyes began to burn, first the right, then the left.

"Lets see you try to do your bloody magic now, freak." He heard his uncle chuckle. His head was released and his hands instinctively went to his eyes. But the blackness wouldn't fade, the pain wouldn't recede, his screaming didn't fade until his voice was too hoarse to scream anymore.

The days began to blend, fading in and out of consciousness, but the blackness remained. Now, he felt sweet relief in nothing but the dull ache that was ever present. Vernon, he refused to think of him as uncle anymore, must be off looking for a job or something. Harry attempted to sit up, banging his head on something. Giving himself some time to let the pain recede, he ran his hand over what he had hit, discovering it was the side of the bed. Using strength he didn't realize he had left, he pulled himself clumsily up onto the bed and sank into the softness. Peace.

The door banged open suddenly. "What, trying to rest, freak?" Harry heard Vernon snarl from across the room, as he picked up something that sounded hard and metal. "You don't think I'd forget you're birthday did you?"


AN: There it is, first chapter. The rest will be longer I swear. Again, pleas for a beta, cause I really want to improve my writing. Also, even if you don't want to beta, please review. This is going to be my only project on fanfic, so enjoy and reviews will keep me updating faster