My All

Pairing: Tsuzuki/Hisoka, Muraki/Hisoka
Rated: PG

Summary: After Hana to Yume. Hisoka was to undergo Kurikara's test. At the same time, Muraki wanted to kidnap Hisoka for some purpose. What is EnMa's true intention? Will Tsuzuki and Hisoka's force overcome everything? Warning for spoilers.

AN: I've not been doing fanfics for a long long time, so forgive me for bad languages and grammars. Sniff. I own nothing in Yami no Matsuei, they all belong to Matsushita Yoko sensei. I'm just borrowing the characters and plots for my fanfic, so please don't sue me, I've no money for that. Though the starting is same as the one in adultfanfiction site, the story is going a totally different way.

A hand lifted within the eye-level as the silver hair owner stared. He angrily pulled out his hand and threw across the room he was now resting in. It was a mechanical hand used to replace his broken ones. His legs were also of similar condition.

The room was bright as daylight, but his emotions were as dark as night.

During the Kyoto incident, an agent from the demon world rescued him. Ever since, Muraki had to survive using mechanical limbs that professor Satomi had left behind after his death. He could not even visit Orlya for fear that the Shinigamis would be able to find him and kill him before he could see Ukyou again.

He remembered someone with healing power. An evil smirk gleamed in his silver eyes.

Kurosaki Hisoka