
by Phishy chan

It was a bit past 12 PM when Shikamaru heard his front door creak open. He didn't move. He didn't move when slow, cautious steps made their way up his stairs and into his room. He did move, however, when he glanced at his doorway and saw a rather timid-looking Ino in (unbearably adorable) pink jammies, looking at him with clear, azure, apologetic eyes. He gave a start and his body jolted in surprise.

"Ino? It's the middle of the night. You're always troublesome, but why must you come in the MIDDLE of the night and be troublesome here, too?" Shikamaru asked in a tired, resigned tone. Ino disregarded his mentions of her "troublesome-ness."

"I…couldn't sleep," she admitted with a sideways glance, carefully avoiding his eyes.

Shikamaru cocked an eyebrow. "Uh huh…So you came all the way to my house…?"

Ino nodded much like a little, blonde girl would nod after confessing her crime of stealing cookies out of a jar.

"I dunno… I just sort of wanted to see you? You're always the first person to come to mind when I need some comfort, Shika," Ino murmured quietly.

Shikamaru gave her a slightly surprised look. "Oh. Hm," he said unremarkably. "Okay."

"Do you mind if I…um… snuggle in?" she asked. She was met with a slightly incredulous look from her friend.

"'Snuggle'?" Shikamaru asked exasperatedly. "'Snuggle' ? Why must you troublesome females come up with such…frivolous words?"

"I like 'snuggle'," Ino replied with a pout. Then she gave him a cute sort of smile and asked again, "Do you mind?"

Shikamaru rolled his eyes and scooted over slightly. "Do what you want, I don't care." This was followed by some mumble of 'troublesome this' and 'troublesome that.'

Ino smiled gratefully and slowly crawled in next to him. She sighed contentedly as she burrowed her face into the warmth of Shikamaru and his blankets. Thanking him drowsily, Ino fell asleep almost instantly.

Shikamaru looked down at her with curious sort of look. And he was not blushing at the female in his bed; it just got warmer because Ino had to come in and shamelessly send her own body warmth all over him and his bed. That was all.

Though, that really didn't explain the arm he had draped over her when he woke up.

A/N: Shameless fluff. Because I wanted to. It IS a One Shot. How the hell would I be able to expand on such a mindless piece of work like THIS?

Revel in the fluff.