I'm sorry that I havent been updating. Ive been busy wit school and other site ive been on and writing three or four stories can be tiring. Also the reason for my absents (damn spelling) is because ive been going through some shit wit my family again. sigh My dad ran off and got married literally, my mom was about to move to California, I was about to kill meself, I started school somewhere new, I made new friends and enemies, I got my first kiss but not only a kiss but a French one, ny stepbrother was sent away by my stepmother aka wicked witch of the east because she thought he was not doing good in school, mom was sent to jail twice for nothing, I fought my dad because he put his hands on my stepbrother, I had nightmares of him beating me and raping me and nightmares of all my friends and family hurting me killing me even the one I love the most, and just this Saturday my auntie called saying that she found a blood covered teddy bear with a knife through it on my mother's front porch. All that night I thought my mother was dead but now I know she is fine. I had to deal with all of this and the only people I could talk to and know of my pain is my stepbrother and my best friend Sierra.

If this was too much for you im sorry but I just had to get it out. Writing makes me feel bester… opps I mean better. Ha and to think that this is jus a brief summery. Well I say whatever don't kill me makes me stronger. I will try to keep up with things here.

Til next time Sayonara
