So I cleaned up the look of this thing, since I have to keep going. I gave my word, did I not? Ahem Please proceed.

Chapter One

A figure hovered in the cold night air, waiting. She had been sent for one purpose, but she was too distracted to think about her mission. The rain didn't help her situation at all, seeing as the only clothes she wore were designed for summer. And summer this wasn't.

"I'm here, B, what now?" She spoke softly into her wristband communicator. Nearby lightning illuminated her soaked red-orange hair.

"Act like you own the place – but discreetly. Be like your subject, don't overdo it, and remember your mission. We don't want to get sidetracked, do we?" The voice on the other line sounded irritated, as if remembering some past mistake.

The figure rolled her eyes, saying, "But what do I do now?"

"Get in there and complete your mission! This is the real deal, what you've been training for your whole life. And don't mess it up!" The line went dead.

"Great," she said. "Thanks a lot." Who picked out these stupid clothes! She shivered. The girl flew to the door, preparing for the greatest performance of her life.


"How much longer is she gonna be away?" asked Cyborg.

"She said 'not long,' but I don't know." Robin sighed. Starfire had gone to Tamaran to visit her Galfor and see how he was doing. The safety of her home planet had been a priority ever since she found it in the ruthless hands of her sister, Blackfire.

"Well, until she gets back, we'll have to do without her," Raven commented.

"Do you always have to be the voice of reason?" Beast Boy asked. He was sitting on the couch next to Cyborg, who was feeling a little sad. But BB was tickling Silkie, making the creature giggle and squirm.

Cyborg had missed having Star's cheerful aura around the tower. "No, that's Robin's job, too." The boys high-fived, and he began to feel better.

"Yeah, they sure get—" he was interrupted by the swish of the door as a dripping wet figure came in.

"It is – er, I believe the term is – 'raining cats and dogs'?" smiled Starfire as she approached the group.

"Starfire? Wow…uh, you're back soon," Robin smiled.

"Just like she said, huh?" Raven mumbled.

He shot her a look, and then directed his attention back to the wet girl. "Why didn't you call? We woulda picked you up with the ship."

"Because the phone lines were down…I mean, I tried…"

Raven and Beast Boy exchanged looks of disbelief, and she said, "What about the communicators?"

"Oh! I did not think of that…"

Something's not right here… Beast Boy thought. Silky wriggled in his arms, and Star's eyes grew wide. "He missed you," BB said, raising him up to her.

"Uhh, no thank you, friend, not right now…" she shook her hands.

"Hungry Star? I could fix ya somethin'," Cyborg got up and walked to the kitchen, followed by Robin and Starfire.

Beast Boy sat on the couch with the oversized larva. Didn't anyone notice she was different? She had a ponytail for crying out loud! "And she was wearing blue," he murmured to Silkie, rubbing the creature's stomach.

Rae leaned next to his head and whispered, "We need to talk later. My room."

He gave her the thumbs up. Maybe they're just too excited to notice the changes she's made.