James Potter, My Father

Disclaimer; I own nothing to do with Harry Potter.

A/N 1; Back in December, moping for Christmas and glaring at the presents under the tree that tempted me so, I thought what it would be like for Harry if he suddenly hadhis father back. It's been growing since, and here's the first, trial, chapter. If people like it I will continue, but you have to review to let me know either way. There are loads of holes as the story isn't finished yet, and I'm not sure what 'fine points' I'm going to make. If you see conflicting data please let me know so I can go back and sort it.

September 12th, 1996

Attack on Manchester

12 dead

Alison Kison, 83, Avada Kedavra

Jennifer Kison, 12, Cruciatus

Julie Kison, 57, Avada Kedavra

Michael Kison, 12, Avada Kedavra

Kirsten Miles, 3, Hara Kiri

Luke Miles, 7, Suffocation

Oliver Miles, 34, Suicide

Opal Miles, 31, Avada Kedavra

Kirsten Rouge, 70, Heart Attack

Lucy Rouge, 15, Avada Kedavra

Karl Rouge, 4, Hanged

Jonathan Samson, 8, Blood Loss

May all that is holy and good keep them safe on their journey.

Harry closed the notebook and looked up from his bed. The room was empty. He wiped his eyes and locked the book, before placing it on his bed and moving to his bedside table. He took out his photo album and began to flick through it, allowing the tears to fall freely.

This was the only time he let emotion show nowadays. At all other times he presented a stolid, slightly hostile mask. He refused to let emotion show. He kept a firm grip on them so Voldemort would have no access to his mind.

'Clear your mind,' Snape had said. Well, Harry had learnt to do that all right. He thought about nothing except work now, training constantly to be able to defeat Voldemort. He had stopped doing homework, much too many of his teachers annoyance, in favour of working out in the room of requirement. He had had them all talking to him firmly, and detentions set. He just didn't turn up.

When McGonagall called him to her office to ream him out earlier that day he had merely replied, with a raised eyebrow, "I see death every night, professor. What punishment could you give me that is worse than that? I would willingly be subjected to Cruciatus twenty times a day than witness what I witness nightly." He had turned on his heel and left then, and come to his room. He got his notebook out and wrote last nights deaths out, allowing the tears to fall.

He curled on his side as he watched his mother and father laughing and holding each other tenderly. As he watched they shared a soft kiss. He smiled sadly. He would never understand what they had felt for each other now. He had cut off all emotional ties. Nothing mattered in his life except for killing Voldemort. After that? He was going to move to New Zealand and live like a Muggle. Up sticks and get away. What was there to keep him here? Realistically? His friends? He didn't let himself care about them anymore. That frustrated Voldemort no end. The man had lost a bargaining tool. His family? Ha! Voldemort could take them with pleasure. The only thing keeping him here was Voldemort.

Harry looked up when he heard the dorm door open, frowning. The others knew to keep a good distance away from him when he came in. They let him have the dorm to himself for as long as he was there. So who had come to invade his privacy?

McGonagall looked at him through narrowed eyes. Harry's face was dry now, and his mask in place.

"Professor Dumbledore would like to see you, Harry." Harry picked up his notebook silently and rolled off the bed, straightened his school robes, and swept past her, through the common room, out of the portrait hole, through the corridors, to the gargoyle. She gave the password when she caught up with him, and caught his shoulder before he could take a step.

"What might happen up there might be a shock Harry." She warned calmly. "If you need to talk, come and find me. Alright?"

Harry raised a sardonic eyebrow. "Professor, I ran out of the need to talk to people long ago, when the only people I had to talk to hit me if I tried to." He strode onto the stairs and up, leaving her gaping below.

He knocked on the oak door and was admitted entrance. There were two occupied chairs, and Dumbledore. He could not see one of the people, but the other was Snape. Harry closed the door and leant against it.

"If this is about detentions I explained to McGonagall. If this is about homework I was busy. If this is about Voldemort, trust me I probably already know. If this is about Snape hating me, go figure, he's an arse, let's move on people. If this is about Aurour training forget it, I'm concentrating on surviving the war too hard to think about work yet, and if it's about if I have any news, then no, I don't. Now that is out of the way is there anything else you want to talk to me about?"

"You haven't told him?" A slightly rough voice, from the unseen seated man. Harry didn't recognise it.

"He has not been the most approachable person recently." Dumbledore said mildly.

"Like you in sixth year." Snape muttered into his tea.

"Severus," Dumbledore said warningly.

"Yawn, tired, was a tad busy when McGonagall came in."

"What were you busy with, Harry?"

Harry took a gamble. "Totalling the death count so far. Did you know twelve people died last night? And here we are just nattering about the weather! How very jolly."

"How did you know that, Potter!" Snape snapped. Harry rolled his eyes and jabbed at his scar.

"Direct link though this, remember? You go on about it enough, what with me being an attention seeker because of it."

"Harry, I have some very important news for you." Dumbledore said, leaning forwards. "A close relative of yours has recently been found, when we believed him to have been dead. He has… been adamant about taking you into his care."

"Well whoop de doo." Harry said, deadpanned. "Are we sure he isn't a Death Eater?"

"I can say, with a certainty, that he is not a Death Eater. He has been in their care for the past fifteen years. Namely, Lucius Malfoy's care."

"Lucius Malfoy. The Lucius Malfoy who was released from prison two months ago? The Lucius Malfoy who has a son called Draco? That Lucius Malfoy?"

"Yes, he negotiated that if he was released he would inform us of this relative's location."

"Not being rude or anything, but we are at war here. Sacrifice one to save the many and all that. Lucius was having a lot of fun last night. Twelve counts of fun, to be imprecise. There are of course seventeen raped girls, three raped boys, all of them children, three tortured until they are in a state like the Longbottom's and an old lady who is not expected to live out the night."

"My god, he is nothing like me." The invisible man said.

"He's utterly like you!" Snape exploded. "He's angry because we interrupted him during a childish bout of sexual gratification I'm sure!"

Harry narrowed his eyes. "One, I was not 'wanking', second, I am… I was not angry, just slightly annoyed at this pointless meeting, third, I don't 'wank', and fourth, I most likely will never be able to achieve, as you said, sexual gratification. Fifth, I don't know that that is your business anyway."

"With all the girls after you for your fame, Potter, and you think you won't ever have a girlfriend. My heart bleeds for you."

"No, Snape. I will never have a girlfriend. But please reflect that I said I will never be able to achieve sexual pleasure. But enough about that. Who is this relative, and how do I tell him thanks but no thanks, I don't need another person to look after in this war."

"Would you like to introduce yourself?" Dumbledore offered the man in the chair. Harry cursed inwardly, but stood his ground. The chair turned and his eyes widened in shock.

"James Potter," his own face said back at him. "Nice to meet you, Harry."

A/N 2; Not really a shock, who was in the chair I suppose. Please review, I really don't know wether to continue with this or not.