
A/N: Okay I just got back from vacation so that means a new fic. This is another Medieval one and it nothing to do with my other series, which I'm taking a short, break from. It is as usual Takari but will have some new couples for me. I hope you like it and please review.

Disclaimer: I still don't own them really really big companies do.

Power Hungry-

Price Takeru of the Kingdom of Server forced his blue eyes open once more as yet another one of the subjects came before the court. He was only there because royal protocol demanded it, if he had his way he would be curled up in front of the fire reading a book, but he didn't have his way so he was stuck there.

He let his eyes wander around the room hoping to find something to amuse himself. His eyes first fell on his beloved brother King Yamato and his new bride Queen Sora. Even thought the marriage had been arranged there had been love at first sight, so the pair now ruled happily waiting for Takeru to find a bride so they could return to Sora's Kingdom to rule.

Next to the king and queen sat Lord Joe Kido, his family having been at the Ishida's side for hundreds if years even going as far as too arrange Yamato's and Sora's marriage to ensure their dynasty continued. The Lord offered the prince a small smile before returning his attention to the patrons.

At Sora's side was her lady in waiting, Yolei; she had also with the queen long before the marriage. Her hand rested on the hilt of her sword that lay at her side. Though the girl was young she would never let anything happen to the queen ready to die for her if necessary. Her eyes however told a different story for they were focused on Takeru's guard and tutor Ken. Like her he was young but very clever and brave proving himself in battle many times over.

Finally the young princes eyes fell upon the prime minister of the land Aru. She was an older woman with long hair as white as snow. Her eyes were dark and always sent shivers up Takeru's spine. Her clothing was made of the finest silks and always in red and purple, complete with a red hood that hid most of her face. In many ways she reminded the prince of a spider…

Takeru had wished many times that she would leave or be cast out. She was the one who had brought up the law that if he wasn't married by his next birthday he would either give up the crown or marry her. That thought again caused him to shudder because his birthday was only a few months away. He had pleaded with his brother to abolish the law only to be undermined by the woman at every turn. She seemed to have a clause that blocked every one of his solutions.

Blaring trumpets shot him and the rest of the court out of their daze. Every eye in the room moved the entrance to see what the commotion was about. The large wooden doors opened to reveal a very fat man whose face resembled that of an over fed hogs and a large rolled up red carpet.

The pudgy man smiled and bowed to the royalty before speaking. "Your majesties I come from the land of File and bring with me a gift from my Lord Myotismon as sign of good intentions" as he finished he kicked the carpet causing it to roll down the middle of the throne room. The roll got smaller and smaller until it ended revealing a girl, she rolled a few feet passed the carpet landing face down.

"An angel of light" the man said pointing to the girl grandly. As if her cue she looked up her dark brown hair fell around her face almost matching her eyes perfectly. Her eyes seemed to be full of fear as her hands moved to cover what the skimpy outfit she had been but in didn't. A pair of shimmering white wings were attached to her back completing the look.

The man walked forward enjoying the stunned silence of the room, no one had ever done anything like this. Meanwhile Takeru's eyes locked with the girls instantly feeling something he had never felt before accompanied by an overwhelming desire to hold and protect her. By then the man was upon her, pulling her to her feet "Now dance for them" he said squeezing her arm for emphasis.

Yamato gripped the armrest of his throne in fury; he would never condone anything of this nature on his lands. Sora gripped his other hand silently pleading for him to stop the visitor. Before the king could speak the girl did.

"No" she said meekly her eyes still locked with the young princes.

This angered her captor as he gave a forced smile to the court "I said dance for the king".

She tore her eyes away from the price and she looked at her captor defiance now filling them "I said no".

He screamed with inhuman rage throwing her to the stone floor hard bringing up blood and bruises. He then pulled out his whip bring is down with a loud crack. The end struck her back snapping one of the thin straps holding up her costume. "I told you what would happen in you disobeyed," he bellowed bringing the whip up again.

He stopped in mid swing when he saw his target was no longer in sight. Prince Takeru shielded her with his own body, anger filling his normally bright blue eyes. Yamato's voice echoed throughout the chamber it matching his brother's anger. "Sir, I have never see such inhumane treatment in my entire life, treatment which I don't condone on my lands. You will return to your master and tell him that I wish no contact with vile such as he and if I ever hear of anything like this from him again I will personally cone and tear his castle apart".

The man slowly lowered his whip when Joe, Yolei, and Ken surrounded him at sword point while the king continued to speak. "You will be escorted out of the land by some of my men who will first search for any more prisoners…now get him out of my sight".

The piggy man wasn't going as quietly as one would have liked "I want compensation for my property" he said pointing to the girl safely hidden behind the prince.

Takeru took a few measured steps forward reaching within the folds of his cloak pulling out a large bag of gold throwing it with all his might at the stranger. The bag hit him squarely in the eyes and even as the man pulled himself off the floor a black eye could be seen forming. "I'll have you know she's not a piece of property but a person" the prince shot.

As the man was escorted out the price removed his gold cloak wrapping the girl up in it and picking her trembling form up like a baby. "Joe as soon as you have finished dealing with that scum come to my chambers, the lady is in need of your services". With that he left the room without another word leaving the stunned court in his wake.

Aru was the one who broke the silence "It's nice to see the price getting a backbone" she said watching the two go, her eyes flashing with contempt for the girl. She had seen the way they had been looking at each other, and if they continued that way her plans would seriously go out the window.

Sora leaned into Matt's embrace "Perhaps she might be the solution to all of our problems. Now I believe I have some clothes that may be in her size, we can't let the girl run around in that horrid thing forever" she said absently rubbing his arms.

The blonde smiled giving his wife a hug "You may be right, after all that is your department. Joe I believe my brother wanted you and Ken I want you to select a party to get our guest out of here then do a security sweep, I don't want to take any chances. Yolei I want you to find out everything you can about this Myotismon".

The three bowed and hurried to complete their tasks. As Matt headed out for his and Sora's personal chamber he had one last order to give "Aru see that the rest of the patrons are sent away, no one else will be seen for the rest of the week".

"At once your majesty" she responded through gritted teeth. She watched the two leave before letting a cruel smile cross her lips "It wont be long before that twit is taking orders from me" she said opening the large wooden doors to send away the remaining gravelers. After getting them out of the way she moved across the room disappearing behind a hidden panel.

TK bathed the girl's head with a cool rag, taking care to avoid her newly cleaned cut. Joe had arrived checking her over and cleaning her wounds. When he was done he had told her to get some rest and he would be back soon. Her eyes fluttered open and instantly locked with his. "Thank you" she said her voice sounding like a thousand angles singing in heaven.

"Think nothing of it" he responded "by the way my names Takeru but you can call me TK".

She delighted him with a small smile "Hikari, but everyone calls me Kari".

"Kari" he repeated "Beautiful, just like you" he said blushing with his last comment not quite sure where it was come from so he quickly changed the subject. "So where are you from and how did he get you?"

A fresh wave of tears filled her gentle brown eyes as the memories flooded back. TK pulled her into a hug and waited for her to start her tale. After taking a few calming breaths she began "I'm from the land of File and part of King Kushiro's (someone please tell me how to spell it correctly) court, my brother's the king's personal guard, so we were given a seat. A few weeks ago an evil digimon by the name of Myotismon began to attack the castle, seeking the crown. Our army held them off best they could but one terrible night they fell and his forces entered the castle. Taichi, my brother, got the king out…but I fell. Tai tried to come back for me but other members of the court stopped him, not willing to lose two of us." Kari paused to compose herself while TK still held her listening to every word.

"Myotismon got me and tried to get me to tell where the others had gone, when I didn't tell he got really mad and beat me. Realizing I wasn't going to talk he got this idea about using me to make friends with your brother, another one of his plans that backfired…" she trailed off snuggling deep into the princes arms feeling safe for the first time since her capture.

They sat in silence for a few moments before Takeru spoke "Well then first thing tomorrow I will send a party to File to find your brother and friends. We'll get them back here and then figure out how to get rid of Myotismon".

Her eyes glimmered with happiness "I don't know what to say".

TK put his finger to her lips "Nothing, now I believe that Lord Kido said you needed to rest". Kari smiled and closed her eyes trying to sort through the new feelings running through her body. The affects of her ordeal didn't take long and within moments she was fast asleep, still in the princes arms.

He felt her breathing slow and become steady as she drifted off into a peaceful sleep. He also felt his cheeks heat up as anther blush made it's way onto his face. He tried to comprehend what was going on in his head. Holding her felt as if he had a little bit of heaven in his lap and his heart longed to never be away from her again.

The princes thoughts where startled when the door to his chambers slowly creaked open to reveal his brother and Sora. As their eyes fell on the young pair small smile crossed their faces. In her arms Sora held a bundle of clothes and a pitcher of water. "Well I guess she won't be needing these tonight" she said quietly laying them on the dresser.

TK looked down at her angelic face once more "Matt we have to help her" he said his voice determined and firm.

Surprise flashed across the king's blue eyes, his brother rarely spoke with such passion, yet in the presence of the girl he had done it twice. "What does she need?"

TK proceeded to retell her story ending with the promise he had made to her just a few moments ago. Matt listened patiently narrowing his eyes at the mere thought of using her as an olive branch. "Not only will we bring her friends here, but we will help them get their kingdom back" he said firmly "but there is nothing we can to until morning so I suggest we all get a good nights rest".

"Someone's already way ahead of you" Sora said indicating the sleeping Kari. She moved over to remove her from TK's arms in order to get her into the bed under the cover away from the chill of the castle. TK looked hurt as Sora gently moved her over jumping back in surprise when Kari began to whimper a quiet protest.

Takeru immediately took her hand and whispered into her ear calming her in seconds. Matt moved to his wife's side and watched the scene in awe; little did they know another eye was watching the entire scene as well.

Aru paced her secret chamber wringing her hands in angry anticipation; she had sent her most devout follower to check on the prince and the little witch that seemed to have some odd power over the boy.

She needed him to miss that deadline so she could claim the crown. The evil woman had no intention of marrying the prince for he was far to young and pure for her tastes, all she wanted him to do was forfeit the crown knowing full well he would marry a rock before even considering her as a bride.

"My love?" a timid male voice asked breaking through the stillness of the night. Her eyes flashed as she turned to meet the source of the voice.

"I told you to never call me that" she shot not holding back any of her anger letting it all seep into her voice.

The man cowered before her on the floor allowing the dirt to stain his blue suite "Forgive me, I have brought the information you requested".

She gave him a quick nod indicating for him to begin. "Well she's from File where apparently a guy named Myotismon took over. She was separated from her brother before her capture and sent here as a gift, now our little prince has a rather large soft spot for her…to be honest I felt something odd coming from the two".

"You don't know what you are talking about you fool!" Aru bellowed tempted to slap him for what he was suggesting. She then lapsed into deep though, after a few moments a nasty smile crossed her lips and she pulled out a scroll scrawling out a letter "I have a plan, I want you to go to File and find her brother before the kings men do. Give him this letter and then we'll wait for the fireworks to begin," she said priding herself at her own genius.

The man bowed gently taking the letter savoring every moment of being close to his mistress and love. He wasn't going to fail her and when she was queen he was going to rule by his side.

To be continued…

A/N: Okay I'm going to leave it hanging there for now. Do you know who the prime minister is? Tell me if you want to continue, and don't worry the other digidestined as well as the digimon will come in later chapters. I know some of the couples are unusual for me but I wanted to try something different. As always I'm open to suggestions…