Disclaimer: STARWARS is copyrighted to George Lucas

:Chapter Nine – Dreams:

Corusant – 11:04am. Observatory Room.

"Much fear I sense in him, easily angered Skywalker has become" Yoda said staring out the window to where Anakin sat in the Inner Temple gardens. Mace nodded in agreement before the little green Jedi Master continued. "Much distrust for Master Kenobi, he has. Arrogant to the end…"

"That could only prove to get worse when his memory completely returns"

Corusant – 11:06am. Inner Gardens.

Out in the garden Anakin said a reminisced about his family and tried to remember what happened. He sleepy, he was always feeling sleepy now. He wasn't sure why nor did he care, he just felt sleepy. Then he heard voices, all sorts of voices; kind ones, angered ones…and they were getting louder. Anakin massaged his temples in a vein attempt to make them go away. Then he heard Tera's voice above them all; "It still hurts doesn't it?"

Corusant – 11:07am. Observatory Room.

Obi-Wan greeted the two Jedi who were obviously discussing Anakin situation. "What of his family?" Mace asked.

"Stay strong, the young senator must…." Yoda replied.

"She is trying" Obi-Wan stated, he looked out the window and saw Anakin sitting on a bench. He was rubbing his head and looked to be in some sort of pain. "How long has he been like that?" Obi-Wan asked. The two other Jedi turned to see Anakin pass out and slip off the bench. "Anakin!" they ran out to him as surrounding Jedi looked on with great confusion and interest.

The desert was plain and although the sun shone fiercely Anakin didn't feel hot. Then he saw a little boy in front of him, just staring. Was that him? Possibly.

"Hey" he said with a light smile. The boy continued to stare blankly before turning on his heel and running away. "Hey wait!" Anakin followed the boy who had disappeared behind a rock .When he got behind the rock he found himself in the middle of nighttime, on Corusant. It was a landing pad and two hooded figures stood on either side of a body, Anakin looked up at the building they stood beside. Directly above the figures and body was a window three stories up, and it was smashed.

The glass from the window was around the body and Anakin slowly walked over to the first hooded figure. Looking down at the body he recognized himself immediately. He was alive, but not really moving. His head was bleeding severely and then he noticed a long gash, cut freshly across his own chest. He remembered the light line he had seen in the mirror and then Tera's voice came from the first hooded figure. "Pity…"

She took down the hood, it was defiantly her; or was it? "Still hurts doesn't it?" she said smiling at him.

He looked back up at the other figure, who removed their hood also. It was Obi-Wan and he just stared blankly down at the injured Anakin.

Four Years Earlier

"NOO!" Anakin was about to strike down Mace Windu when another blue lightsabre caught his. Obi-Wan glared at his old padawan, "Stop this madness now Anakin, before more people get hurt!"

"I need him!"


"I won't let her die!"

"Anakin, he's too dangerous to be kept alive"

Meanwhile, Master Windu continued to struggle against the strong force lightening that Palpatine's aging corpse was firing at him.

"I won't let her die!"

"The Sith are evil Anakin, they can't help you! Or Padme!"

Anakin stepped back, withdrawing his blade. Then getting into a battle ready pose he ignited it again; "I have no choice…"

The fierce battle between the two great heroes commenced, both fought strongly until they looped around back into Palpatine's office. Mace Windu was lying unconscious in the corner and there was no sign of Palpatine. And for that one moment that Anakin let down his guard, was the one fatal moment which would change everything.

With one swift movement, the end of Obi-Wan's lightsabre gashed from the top of Anakin's right shoulder and across causing him to cry out in pain. Without thought, without a moment's hesitation, Obi-Wan used to force to send Anakin flying backwards out the window.

He lay there, three stories down on the landing pad, bleeding and beaten. Unconscious, and Obi-Wan couldn't kill him, he looked so helpless. So innocent like the boy they took in from Tatooine. After that all he could remember was healers and doctors and loud sirens. His mind had drifted elsewhere. "Master Jedi?"


"About Anakin…"

"Will he be okay?"

"The bruising was taken care of by the local medical center's Bacta Tank. The gash is healing faster and luckily didn't cause any real damage. However the head trauma is quite serious. It seems he's gone into a deep coma, if he does gain consciousness there could be mental damage or severe memory loss. But it's highly unlikely he'll ever wake up…I'm sorry…"

He opened his eyes and sat up; looking around the room he rubbed his eyes when he realized what had happened. He felt betrayed and angry, yet confused about why they were doing this. He needed to find his master, and he didn't mean Obi-Wan.

When he left the room he was met by Padme, she was holding a mug of hot water and nearly spilled it when he ran into her. "Ani? Where are you going?"

"Out" he said quickly.

"Where out?" she asked placing the mug on a table and folding her arms.

"There are some things that require my attention Padme, I will be back soon enough" Anakin turned and walked out. Hastening down the hallway. "Ani wait!" she ran out after him, "You can't leave the temple" she stood in front of him with a hardened stare.

"Get out of my way Padme"

"You're going to him aren't you?"

"Yes but…"

"If you try to kill him you could die" Padme said starting to sound upset.

"I don't intend to kill him"

Realization dawned on Padme, "Ani?" she asked in a tiny voice, "You're back…You…You can't go…"

"I have to"


"Obi-Wan betrayed me; he's turned you against me!"

"So you've got you're memory back and suddenly he's betrayed you!"



Anakin grabbed her and half threw his own wife against the wall and stormed off down the hallway. Before he could reach the elevators Padme was in front of him again, tears forming in her eyes. "Ani, please! There must be something inside of you that remembers who you are!"

"I was weak"

"And what was I?"

He made no reply to this, he just stared. Swallowing the growing lump in her throat, Padme continued; "You don't just get your memory back and expect me to stop caring!"


"No! Don't 'Padme' me DAMMIT. I have lost you once to the dark side and I will die before I loose you again!" the tears were rolling down her cheeks now. "The last time you made this mistake you got put into a coma for four years! Having no memory made it a lot worse! You can't say anything about that because you have NO idea what it was like for me! Raising our children by myself! Worrying that you would die in your sleep and never see them!"

Anakin's expression softened as he watched her trying to control sobs.

"And what about Obi-Wan! He had the chance to kill you but he saved your life! You were dying Ani….He loved you too much to destroy you, you were everything to him. And you're everything to me…The council let us keep our family because they need you!" then in a tiny voice she said; "I need you…Don't leave me……please…"

"Angel, I'm so sorry" Anakin quickly wrapped his arms, Padme cried, letting go of being strong. "Don't leave me Ani…Don't leave me…" she said between sobs.

"I won't…"