Yes it's true this is the last instalment!

And I have to say to you all I thank you so much for reading. And reviewing THANKYOU!


She looked up at the house she grew up in, whishing she had never grown at all. Whishing she could still be the carefree child she once was, the distant memory of a happy family in that manor, her home – it was just that a distant time almost another Life. She pushed her hand through her hair as she thought of just what her life had come to. He mother and farther taken when she was at such a young age and from that time on it seemed nothing was to work out. Prue had become her mother, yet she didn't live up to it…not when she had gotten together with him anyway. But how could she hate her sister, a sister who herself had been through so much?

Paige stood from the car and walked up the steps, she had buried her boy friend, he babies farther two weeks ago to the day, and to the hour and now here she was. Lifting her hand she knocked on the door. Didn't take too long for Prue to answer, when she did she looked at the woman stood in front of her so shock. This wasn't the Paige who she remembered. Her Paige used to have that glint in her eye, that smile which lit up the room, she used to be happy. Now in front of her stood a sister, who looked herself as if life had ended for her…which it had. "Paige?"
"Come in" The oldest moved to the side, as she shut the door she turned around, "I didn't think I'd be seeing you around here"
"Yeah me neither…look, there's something I want to tell you before you hear from anyone else…"
"Which would be?"
"Prue look, what happened…you can't go on thinking it was your fault."
"Can't I…"
"Prue, you never shot him Jack did"
"Yeah but who brought Jack into your life?"
"So what you want me to be angry with you?" Paige asked
"No…Yes…look I don't know, I just want to give you back what was taken"
"Well in that case you're going to feel guilty till the day you die; because Prue you can't give me back Rich and you can't give me back the past five years…and I doubt that you'll be able to give me back the mother I lost…"
"What do you want?" Prue asked, "What can I give you to make this better?"
"Nothing will ever make it better" Paige explained, "Prue look, you'll find this out eventually I'm…pregnant."
"Your?" Prue was shocked her hand instinctively rose over her mouth,
"Pregnant…and right now I'm not dealing to good. I can't live like this. I can't lye in the bed I slept next to him in, I can't live in the place where I planed a future with him in so I'm leaving…I don't know how long for but, once I get back in that car, I'm out of this place until I sort this out in my head"

"Paige I'm…"
"Don't say sorry…say anything but SORRY"
"Don't go" Prue attempted, "I'll do anything for you Paige"
"Too late Prue, just…I want you to remember what ever has happened between up, or will happen…I'll always love you. You're my big Sister and nothing will change that I just need to get away from everything"
"Where will you go?" Paige looked at her oldest sister who was filled with guilt and sadness. "Glenn's meeting me in New York – he's set up there."
"And I can't do anything to persuade you to stay?" She asked, as tears did in fact fall.
"Nothing…" Paige choked out, "I'm…I'm not wanting to fight anymore Prue…I've done it for too long, and it's cost me too much." Paige walked forward and kissed her sisters cheek, "You're my sister and you always will be…live Prue, and look after that kid" Paige now had full on tears rolling down her cheeks as she turned and walked away, out of the manor shutting the door behind her.

Prue wanted to reach out and pull her into a hug, tell her how much she loved her but something wouldn't let her. Bitter memories maybe? Or how about fear, guilt… Prue was unsure all she knew was she was in directly responsible for it all. And in some cases responsible. She may have well have shot Rich herself and killed her baby sister along with it. She walked to the door, wanting so bad too pull it open and run down the steps pulling her baby sister from the car and hugging her, holding her tight. Promising to never let anything hurt her again but, she was too late, nothing could hurt Paige more than she was hurting right now. Prue had failed, she knew that herself.

Paige looked up at the manor one last time before putting her foot down and speeding of, she made one last stop to the grave where her love, and a great portion of her heart was laid to rest. Then she headed off towards a future where she hoped she would be able to deal, live and love this baby with all she had. Maybe one day she'd be able to return to this place, and deal with it all but now was not that time…
She had no idea when that time would be but she knew…
She'd know in herself when it was.

Piper sat crying into Leo's arms, the reality of never seeing her baby sister again to real for her to cope…she two wanted to believe Paige would return, Someday.

Phoebe sat above it all, tears falling as she was losing yet another loved on. She looked over the land from the mountain top and hoped that Paige would come back, be able to deal and live back with them all. Maybe SOME DAY!

Each sister sat crying, the four Halliwell's moved on with their lives as a new chapter of living formed. Each was stood at a cross in the road. Each way was sign posted UNKNOWN and all of them took a turning into that dark unknown which wouldn't bring about a future, different to the past they were leaving.

MAYBE one Day, SOMEDAY hopefully soon they would be reunited.

But not one of them knew when that day would be!

IF that day would be!



i am thinking about, at some point when i get around to it create a sequel to this fic but i'd love to hear your ideas on where you'd like this to be taken. Thanks again like i said for reading this and to those who reviewed you helped me get threw the chapters thanks