For The Love Of Flay
Chapter 7
Disclaimer-I do not own the song "At the Beginning" by Donna Lewis!
Loudspeaker...Good morning ArcAngel. This is your captain speaking. All crew members are officially off duty today. I repeat all crew members are officially off duty today. Thank you. "Ya." Cheered an injured Kuzzey as everyone in the cafeteria heard the annoncement. Everyone was excited about the day off. It was the first in a long time. For Kuzzey it was just healing time. Miriallia had caught up with him and oddly enough lost her calm exterior. Let's just say Kuzzey has a broken arm. We don't need to get into detail. Neumann thought he should spend his day off trying to seduce Flay. What were the chances of her dumping Kira for him ? Probably slim to none but it's worth a try.
"Where's Sai ?" Tonomura suddenly asked. That was a good question thought Kuzzey. He hadn't seen Sai for a long time. Maybe he got caught for the little Flay fiasco he caused. Would Flay rat on him ? Or maybe Kira did. Either way no one has seen him.
Captain Ramius and Lieutenant La Flaga stood on the bridge together in their own little worlds. They were both thinking about what might happen if their plan didn't work, or if they get caught. They were going to have Captain Ramius go up and meet Le Creuset on the deck. From there she would lead him to La Flaga's room. She would pretend it's her room and begin to get undressed. Once Le Creuset got distracted enough La Flaga would come out of the closet and kill Le Creuset. If all went to plan then no one would ever have to know that Le Creuset was on the ArcAngel and he would just be reported missing. Also, if all went to plan Ramius would never have to sleep with Le Creuset. The ArcAngel would be safe for the time being. La Flaga just worried about how far Ramius would have to go before Le Creuset would be distracted enough for him to kill him. It would be a difficult time for the both of them, but they could do it. The time was growing ever so near. That's when Captain Ramius went over the loudspeaker...This is your Captain again. Please note that the deck and upstairs hallway is now officially off limits I repeat the deck and upstairs hallway is now off limits. Anyone who is caught up there will be severely punished. There is no reason to be there as all crew men except La Flaga, Natarle Badriguel and myself have rooms up there. That's all.
Sai walked down the main hallway wondering if anyone actually missed him. He had been hidding out in the basement washroom (a place where no one went) for the last bit. After being forbidden from seeing Flay sing the second time he decided to go cool down somewhere in which no one would bug him. The basement washrooms seemed like a prudent idea but he had become bored. Now he was walking around kind of hoping that he'd run into Flay. He hadn't yet though. He could always wish. He decided to hang out in the washrooms on the main floor. They were pretty close to Kira's room but the excitement of hiding from him would keep Sai busy. So Sai walked into the main boys washroom and sat on the counter. Someone was taking a shower in there. He wondered who.
"Flay...what are you doing?" Kira asked in a shaky voice. When he turned to see who had gotten in the shower with him the last person he expected to see was Flay. Especially since she was now standing in front of him naked with the spray of the water on her.
"I wanted to join you. You told me to feel free to."
"I know but I didn't think you'd actually take me up on the offer."Kira was so stunned.
"Do you want me to get out?"
"Hell no!" Kira didn't want it to seem like he didn't want her there. Flay smiled at his definite answer. She walked up to him and gently pressed a kiss to his lips. OH GOD! thought Kira. He wasn't going to be able to control herself if she kept this up. "Flay... if you're planning to leave this shower a virgin you better leave now." Kira held his breath, scared of her answer.
"I don't wanna leave." Flay answered and Kira let out his breath and smiled.
"Don't talk." Flay commanded as she once again kissed him. This time Kira returned the kiss. He wrapped his arms around her and she placed a hand on his face and wound her other arm around his neck. Kira knew it would hurt her at first so he had to get her really turned on so that her body would lubricate things for him. He wanted to hurt her as little as possible. He gently cupped her breast with his hand as they continued kissing and she moaned. "Kira..."
Sai sat silently on the counter trying to figure out who was in the shower. If it was Kira he'd run. If not he'd stay. He listen closely but the pounding water made things difficult to hear. Then he heard a moan. Wow! Sai thought. Someone's having fun. Then he heard a familiar voice say "Kira..." No. He would not let Kira take Flay. Not now not ever. But how could he stop them without them knowing it was him ?
Kira could tell that Flay was finally ready which he thanked god for because he was throbbing so bad right now. "Flay...are you ready?" He wanted to make sure she was mentally ready. She nodded into his shoulder and he lifted her legs around his waist. She automatically tightened them. He then slipped into her gently. She cried out. He didn't move to let her get use to the feeling of him inside her.
Sai was still thinking what he should do when he heard Flay cry out. DAMN! He was taking her. Well there was only one thing he could do now. He had to stop them, by any means possible. It didn't matter now if they knew it was him or not.
Once she was used to him inside her she started moving. "Kira please..." Kira didn't waste any time and started thrusting. Slowly at first but Flay kept making it faster. She didn't want to wait. She had her head turned into his shoulder and she was panting. He felt the tension build and then her cry as her orgasm hit. He waited until she was done, then thrusted one last time for his own pleasure. "'re amazing." Flay whispered into his neck.
"Flay...I lo-"
"Get the hell away from her!"
Captain Ramius stood on the deck waiting for Le Creuset to come. What was taking him so long ? What was she saying ? She didn't want thi to happen so why was she rushing him? She knew why. She was so nervous she just wanted to get it over with. You never know when something can go wrong and something could go really wrong in this case. That's when she seen him flip over the side rail and onto the deck, his longish blond hair whipping in the wind. "'re more beautiful in person." Le Creuset said. Ramius didn't say anything back to the slimball. "So my love, lead me to your room."
"You really get to the point of things don't you ?"
"Of course my sexy. That's how things get done." Ramius was gagging on the inside. She was ready to chicken out.
"Follow me." She walked to the elevator to the deck. It would lead them to the second floor and from there she was to walk to La Flaga's room and pretend it's hers. I can do this, I can do this Ramius kept thinking to herself. Suddenly she felt Le Creuset's hand on her butt. She had almost retaliated by punching him but caught herself just in time. Le Creuset got out of the elevator before her and opened the door to her actual room.
"Come my dear, you're taking too long."
"How did you know that this was my room?" Ramius asked trying to sound cool instead of panicked. If she was in her room how would La Flaga stop Le Creuset ?
"I know everything about you love, now get out of them clothes!"
La Flaga sat in his closet waiting for Ramius to come in with Le Creuset. After a good ten minutes La Flaga started to worry. Where could they be ? What was taking them so long ? Did something happen ? He couldn't stop the bad thoughts from entering his head and for some reason he knew that Ramius was in trouble.
"What the hell are you doing here ?" Kira asked Sai who stood just outside the shower holding a gun at him and Flay. Flay was still wrapped around him so gently pushed her off and put her behind him so his body was between her and the gun.
"I said get away from her."
"Well I don't really care what you said." Kira snapped. "Give me the damn gun."
"No! Did you think that I would give her to you that easily. She's mine!" Sai screamed in a crazed way.
"Sai..." Kira tried to reason with him."Please just give me the gun. We don't want anyone getting hurt." Sai didn't want to hear what Kira was saying. He cocked the gun and Kira decided he had no choice. He jumped to tackle Sai. Sai fired the gun.
La Flaga decided to hell with the plan. He had to help Ramius. He walked quickly out of his room and looked around, he saw no one. He pulled out his gun and kept walking when he heard Ramius voice. "We should wait. Maybe we're moving to fast." Then he heard the sound of someone getting hit and then the sound of someone hitting the floor. La Flaga quickly kicked Ramius door in.
Le Creuset was moving really fast and Ramius was trying to stall for time so that La Flaga could have a chance to help her. "We should wait." Ramius was trying to convince Le Creuset that she was nervous. "Maybe we're moving to fast." Le Creuset just looked at her with a nasty smile on his face. Then he punched her in the face so hard that she crumpled to floor. She lay on the floor looking up at him holding her face when La Flaga kicked her door in.
Flay screamed as the shot rang out. Lucky for Kira, Sai was a crap shot so he missed completely. He hit Sai and made them both fall to the ground. Flay cowered in the corner of the shower. She looked like she was trying to make herself disappear. Kira started punching Sai in the face. On the fourth hit he fell unconscious on the floor outside of the shower. Kira grabbed the gun and put it on the counter. He reached for Flay. She was still in the corner and she looked so frightened. He went to her and picked her up. She shivered in his arms. "It's ok honey. It's over." He gently wrapped her in a towel then set her on the counter. After that he ripped up one of his shirts and tied Sai up as tight as he could. "Come on." he said to Flay as he picked her up off the counter after wrapping a towel around his waist. He quickly walked to his room and placed Flay on his bed.
"Climb under the covers." Flay nodded meekly and did as she was told. "I'm going to go find the Captain ok?"
"NO!" Flay cried. "Please don't leave me alone." Tears started to spill down her cheeks. Kira couldn't leave her. He climbed onto his bed and held her in his arms.
"Everything will be ok." he whispered into her hair.
Le Creuset whirled on La Flaga but not in time. He shot Le Creuset in the chest and he crumpled dead to the floor. La Flaga looked down gently at Ramius. Her blouse was ripped and she already had a huge bruise forming where he hit her. La Flaga walked over to her and picked her up. He then carried her to his room and placed her on his bed. "Murrue..."
"Mu, I love you."
"You took the words right out of my mouth." He whispered and then gently kissed her.
Kuzzey sat in the cafeteria with Miriallia two days later telling her what he had found out. "Apparently Sai was put into a crazy room until he comes back to his senses. Word also is that La Flaga shot Le Creuset to death too."
"Wow." Miriallia said.
"A lot has happened. I'm glad it's over though and that everyone has their happy ending." Then the lights dimmed in the cafeteria except for on the stage. Flay was performing again. She walked onto the stage in her civilian clothes. The music started. "I heard she wanted Kira to sing with her. I guess she didn't convince him to do it." Miriallia told Kuzzey.
We were strangersStarting out on a journey
Never dreaming
What whe'd have to go through
Now here we are
And I'm suddenly standing
At the begining with you.
That's when Kira came on stage in his civilians clothes to start the duet.
Kira : No one told me
I was going to find you
What you did to my heart
When I lost hope
You were there to remind me
This is the start
Both: Life is a road
And I wanna keep going
Love is a river
I wanna keep flowing
Life is a road
Now and forever
Wonderful journey
Flay : I'll be there
Kira : When the world stops turning
Flay : I'll be there
Kira : When the storm is through
Flay : In the end I wanna be standing
At the begining with you
Kira : We were strangers
On a crazy adventure
Never dreaming
How our dreams would come true
Now here we stand
Unafraid of the future
At the begining with you
Both : Life is a road
And I wanna keep going
Love is a river
I wanna keep flowing
Life is a road
Now and forever
Wonderful journey
Flay : I'll be there
Kira : When the world stops turning
Flay : I'll be there
Kira : When the storm is through
Flay : In the end I wanna be standing
At the begining with you
Kira : I knew there was somebody somewhere
Like me alone in the dark
Now I know my dream will live on
I've been waiting for so long
Nothing's gonna tear us apart
Both : Life is a road
And I wanna keep going
Love is a river
I wanna keep flowing
Life is a road
Now and forever
Wonderful journey
Flay : I'll be there
Kira : When the world stops turning
Flay : I'll be there
Kira : When the storm is through
Flay : In the end I wanna be standing
At the begining with you
Kira : Life is a road and I wanna keep going
Flay : Love is a river I wanna keep going on...
Both : Life is a road I wanna keep going
Love is a river I wanna keep flowing
In the end I wanna be standing
At the begining with you.
Everyone started applauding. They loved the duet.
Flay and Kira sat together on Kira's bed looking at each other. "I told you you'd do great." Flay whispered.
"I only did great because you were with me." Now was the time to say it. He knew it was.
"I love you Flay." Flay's eyes widened and Kira held his breath waiting for her response.
"I love you too Kira." Kira let out his breath and raised his arm in the air with a whoop. He then leaned down and kissed Flay hard on the mouth. "I love you..." She whispered again against his mouth. Kira knew they'd be happy together now.