Whoot 2 updates in a week, pats herself on back im so wonderful lol its been a while folks and school has kept me from writing darn waste of time…anywho I hope you haven't forgotten me and give this a read.

Heiresstothethrone: Lmao! Ur review was hilarious it made me laugh so bloody much. Well I am a Goku/Chichi fanatic and they get bashed like hell so im bashing everyone else in that process. And also the whole "we are better then everyone else" title goes to Vegeta and Bulma in fanfiction so I think its Goku and Chichi's turn in that light. Everybody has a different opinion on the whole 17 affair, some of my other readers hate 17 or think that Chichi did nothing to him…Hehe I love writing this all round drama!

Thank you all for sticking with me…you are all awesome people.

Disclaimer: Don't own Dragonball z or spiderman


Tears fell from her eyes, as she rubbed her face into the already soaked pillow. She looked at the time it was 4.00pm, she had left him, 6hours 45minutes and 36 seconds ago. Chichi rubbed her red eyes gingerly and slammed the clock down in annoyance. What was happening to her! The minute she left she felt a burning sensation where he had given her a hickey, and a serious tugging on her heart. All she could do was cry when she got back. She wanted him back after 6 hours she didn't know him so why did she pine like baby.

A small knocking interrupted her thoughts, Yamcha came in with a bowl of popcorn and a DVD in his hand. Chichi was about to curse him out for coming into her room but Yamcha spoke quickly.

"Look Chichi I know I'm the last person you want to see but I can't let you cry yourself into depression. I know you hate girly films so I bought Spiderman and some snacks"

Chichi's face softened at Yamcha's determination to make her happy, she saw him walk to her DVD player and load the film in. He then plopped down on her bed and put the tray of snacks between them. Chichi gave he a teary smile and snagged some popcorn from the bowl. Yamcha smiled he knew how it worked, he would give chichi her time and she'll open up. She was never the one to quickly snivel to anyone and would rather deal on her own eventually she would cave and tell him.

Chichi let out a sigh as peter parker took pictures of Mary-Jane, "He is so cute, I hope she can love him back" Yamcha rolled his eyes, no matter how many times she had seen the film she acted like it was 1st time.

"He is a loser nerd, and lazy too I worked for these muscles and all he had to do was get bitten by some bug" Yamcha commented flexing his biceps.

Chichi laughed and clipped him on the head, "green isn't your colour Yamcha"

Yamcha sighed in mock exasperation, "Fictional chichi"

Chichi sighed as another tear came to her eye, she wiped it away quickly as she tried to enjoy the film. "Do you believe in aliens Yamcha," she said, trying to keep emotion out of her voice. Yamcha quirked an eyebrow at her random question but answered non-the less.

"Well they are fictional too, I mean the chances of green bug eyed creatures coming down in a flying saucer is highly unlikely" Yamcha said cynically, grabbing some popcorn and eating.

"Well say you fell in love with an alien, and they said they need you to go and live with them in their planet would you" She asked, causing Yamcha to give her a weird look. "Figuratively speaking of course," she said quickly.

"Well…it depends, how long I've known her and how much I care for this alien" Yamcha said shaking his head at the nature of their conversation, "Jeez what's with the weird alien talk?"

"Say you have known her a few days, but it feels like years and also your love for them was limitless" Chichi said determined not to let the conversation sway.

"Mmm…that's tough, but if you feel that way in a few days and that alien feels the same way too, ill say that's a special relationship, unless it's just the sex"

Chichi nodded, Yamcha had said all she needed to know.

"Thanks Yams"

Yamcha smiled and ruffled her hair, "What are buds for, although I don't understand how this alien talk has helped you"

Chichi smiled and slapped his hands away, "I'm not some dog, you know stop messing my hair"

Yamcha let out a booming laugh, "I'll thought I would never see the day when tom boy chichi cared about trivial girly things like hair!" He spluttered wiping at his eyes, while chichi gave him a mock angry look. "Man you have changed since high school"

"I can't go around in big t-shirts and jogging bottoms forever," Chichi said pouting slightly, she picked up a chocolate bar and unwrapped the wrapping. She was about to bite into it when the doorbell went.

"I'll get it" Yamcha said with a smile, he hopped off the bed and walked into the corridor.

The doorbell continuously rung, Yamcha scowled at the impatient person quickened his pace, "Yeah I'm coming, I'm not deaf"

He opened the door, "Hey you shou…."

But before he could finish his sentence he was hit with a quick chop to the neck knocking him out instantly. The intruder frowned at Yamcha and dragged him out of the doorway with a bit of struggle since he wasn't expecting him present.

"YAMCHA WHO WAS IT!" a popcorn muffled yell came from the bedroom.

Chichi was getting annoyed Yamcha had gone for a full 5 minutes with no word; "If this is a joke it isn't funny" She yelled still crunching popcorn.

The intruder dragged the unconscious Yamcha to the bathroom and locked him in. He then grinned maliciously, stroking his cast-laden arm he walked to the bedroom with slow cautious steps.

Today he would have her, today she would give herself to him and nobody could stop it.


"Kakarot how are you sure she is coming?" Radittz said as he tried valiantly to stop his brother from packing.

"When you get a mate you will understand" Goku said as he started capsulising all his clothes, he hummed a happy tune and went to his desk full of paper work.

"Come now Kakarot, she said she wouldn't Vegeta and I were listening" He then held his mouth after receiving a dirty look from Goku. "I mean we just over heard, you know having saiyan hearing and all"

Goku still scowled but continued packing, "She'll come round, we are mates where ever I go she goes, and as much as I don't want to put her through this that bond is going to be hell for her" Goku said trying to shove all his paper into a briefcase.

"But wouldn't it affect you Kakarot, I've seen how mated Saiyans act" a confused Radittz commented.

"Well I'm not rejecting the bond, she is and it's going to hurt her but until she comes back to me I can't do anything" Goku said slamming the stubborn briefcase down. "Besides I'm going to get her whether she likes it or not. She'll hate me for a bit, but then she'll get used to the idea," He said with a grin.

"But your business Kakarot, and Vegeta's club I don't think the prince will like this" Radittz said desperately.

"My decision is made Radittz, I'm leaving the business to the villagers of mount Paoutz, discuss your stay with mother and father as for me. I'm going back home"


"…And that's the story" a drowsy 18 said to a shocked Bulma.

"O My gosh, so your fight was over that…you two are massive idiots"

"What?" a weak 18 said, she wanted to scowl but the side of her head throbbed.

"Well before I judge I have to hear Chichi's point of view, but from what I can see you two fighting was very stupid. You didn't have to it was between 17 and chichi. You shouldn't have interfered 18"

18 held the ice pack to her head and fought the urge to hit Bulma with it. "He had just crushed 17's hand, and your telling me I should have just let my brother suffer?"

"Well Chichi would have sorted it, she would have stopped it. You know she cares about 17 like a brother"

"She was going to but I…" 18 held her tongue as Bulma gave her a foreboding look. "And you withdrew that bit of info didn't you?" Bulma said with a cross of her arms.

18 just ignored her and stared ahead, "You have known Chichi since forever, and this fight is so stupid…do you want to sacrifice your friendship for some fight that can be resolved?"

18 ignored Bulma and continued to stare ahead, "I'll give to time to think 18" she said with a smile and walked out of the room and into the corridor, where Vegeta stood leaning against the wall, (A/n: SEXSAY Lmao)


"Yeah, knowing 18 she wouldn't want me to stay too long"

Vegeta nodded and began to walk outside to his car he hopped in on top and waited for Bulma who followed suit. Then he revved up the engine and drove, "Where are we going?" Bulma asked curiously.

Vegeta rolled his eyes and tapped a clock displayed on his glove compartment. "I do have a business to run"

Bulma rolled her eyes, "All work and no play Vegeta" She then whipped out her phone and rung Chichi's house. She waited patiently as the phone rang but she was met with the answering machine. Bulma lifted an eyebrow at the abnormality, but dismissed it and tried her cell/mobile phone.

When that reached the answering machine again Bulma stared at her phone, chichi always answered her phone. She itched her head at it but then a grin graced her features seems like she might of made it up with Goku. With that assumed knowledge she leaned onto Vegeta's shoulder and kissed his cheek, everything would be better tomorrow.


Gosh dudes I haven't updated this forever…well at least I did now…so what did ya think, im not too pleased with it but you know not all chapters can be A-OK cheers and review for me please