Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from "Gilmore Girls" they belong to the shows creators and The WB.

Chapter 1: "To go or not to go that is The Question"

The alarm shrieked through the pool house of the large mansion a small hand creped out from under the white comforter. It was ten o' clock and Rory had to be up and ready for Logan to pick her up at eleven. He had told her he had a surprise for her, perhaps the only reason she chose to roll out from under her warm blanket.

She lazily dragged herself over to the counter to prepare her morning coffee. When she had finished her task of preparing the coffee pot she sauntered over to the bathroom where she would shower and prepare herself for Logan's arrival. As she stood under the warm water she couldn't help but let thoughts of him enter her mind. A lot was going on in her life, but she was sure of one thing. She was happy to be with him. He was sweet he called her everyday. She felt safe with him.

Rory took one last sip of her coffee before she heard the horn of Logan's new BMW. She grabbed her purse and ran to where his car was parked outside of her grandparents oversized home.

"Hey you" she said as she leaned in for a kiss from her boyfriend.

Logan eagerly kissed her back it had been a week since he had seen her and he would have given anything to touch her at that moment, but he couldn't. He had something important to ask her and it couldn't wait.

"So what's the surprise you couldn't wait to tell me" she said nonchalantly, even though they both knew she would burst if he didn't tell her soon.

"uh uh, you have to wait Ace, we're almost there"

"Where's there Logan?"

"Not happening Ace just look out the window and enjoy the ride"

Rory gave a sigh or disapproval before giving him her outstretched hand for him to hold onto.

It took fifteen minutes for the BMW to pull up to the realistate office. Rory looked around in disbelief.

"Where are we Logan?" Rory asked.

"Well, Ace hopefully our future, but I have to ask you something first." Logan cleared his throat before continuing. He was usually a pretty smooth talker, but at this moment he couldn't think of anything he would rather do then crawl under a rock and pretend he had never even brought this up. "Well see I'm interning in New York this summer, my dad's making me, and well I was hoping you might come with me, to New York, the big Apple, ummm…."

Rory cut him off before he could continue his pointless ramble. "You want me to move to New York with you?"

"Um yeah I just figured you could use the vacation, all expenses paid, no worrying about home, or your mom."

This was it, they hadn't even said "I love you's" and he wanted to move in together. Her head was screaming no you idiot you've barely begun dating this could ruin everything, but her heart was screaming yes, maybe more so because the last time someone had asked her to New York she said No. She listened to her head then, and now she was done listening to her head. She had done it her entire life. It was her hearts turn. "I would love to go to New York for the summer with you."

The Next morning

Rory started down at the white phone that had been in her hand for the past hour. She had never been afraid to call home before; in fact she loved calling home. Her mother had always been her best friend. If someone had told her two weeks ago that her mother would shut her out of her life she would have never believed them, but she had and now Rory sat with the phone in her hand wanting to talk to her best friend more then anything, but the pain of Lorelei refusing to talk to her made her fear the numbers on the phone more then anything.

Rory had made a lot of stupid decisions over the past couple of weeks, hell the past year, but she had never expected her mother to disown her. She let the words resonate in her mind, her mother had disowned her. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she wiped it away angrily. Lorelei may want to pretend she didn't have a daughter, but she deserved to know that Rory was leaving for the summer. Rory took one last deep breath before dialing the one number that had always brought her comfort before now.

"Someone better be dead" Lorelei said groggily into her bedside phone.

"Mom it's me"

Lorelei sat up immediately. She hadn't expected it to be Rory. She hadn't talked to her since she had made her life altering decision and quite frankly she didn't know if she wanted too. Gone was the innocent little girl with dreams of Harvard and journalism. In her place was a person that Lorelei didn't know. For the first time in Rory's entire existence she didn't know who her daughter was anymore.

That more then anything made her push her away. She had wanted to support Rory, but she didn't want her to make the same bad decisions she had. She may have been childish by pushing her daughter away, but it hurt to know that Rory didn't trust her judgment anymore. Rory had confided in her parents of all people, Lorelei had always been the outsider in her family, but Rory was there with her. Now she was looking at Rory from a different perspective and it hurt Lorelei more then she would ever voice.

"Mom are you there?"

"I'm here, what do you want?"

A/N: reviews are always appreciated. Don't worry it may seem like a Logan/Rory pairing but it will turn into Jess/Rory very soon.