ARK Misadventures

Authoress' Note: These misadventures take place in the Sonic Universe and mainly focus on Sonic Adventure 2 or Dreamscape Light and Darkness. The chapters have random insanity taking place and aren't in chronological story order as they get posted.

Disclaimer: Sonic and Co. are (c) SEGA
Unknown characters like Mona are (c) Imperfection07

Now that that's finished, enjoy the hysteria!

(No characters were actually harmed in the making of these skits)

Misadventure 1:"Hair Dye"

Everything on the Ark was normal…except for the fact two girls were sneaking around.

"You ready for this?"

"Hehehe…let's try a new color scheme…"

About a few minutes later Mona and Rouge were standing "absentmindedly" by the bathroom. Shadow was walking towards them with towels and a toothbrush. He had yet again woken up from a nightmare about the incident 50 years ago.

"Good morning Shadow!" Mona and Rouge said simultaneously in singsong voices. Shadow only groaned in response before he walked into the bathroom and both girls heard the sound of a shower turning on.

"Gee…he doesn't look that good…" Mona observed.

"Ah don't worry…in just a few minutes he'll change." Rouge smirked.

Inside, Shadow was mainly focused on washing the sweat particles out of his fur with some hair gel he snatched from a store in Station Square (noticeably the one Mona and Rouge messed with). A moment later he had turned the shower off and dragged his feet along the ground, dripping water as he headed into his room.

"What a nightmare…" He moaned, pulling a towel off his spikes. No sooner had Shadow looked into a mirror his eyes widened and twitched.

Let's say Mona and Rouge decided to dump blue hair dye into his hair gel.


The whole Ark shook from Shadow's yell. Well…you'd feel aggravated if your hair color was changed without you realizing it. Especially if was the trademark color of your rival.

That's Shadow's idea of a nightmare…

In another room, both girls were playing "Kings in the Corner" before the door opened to show a ticked off hedgehog. Shadow's black fur and white patch had turned blue and his stripes were now royal purple. His eyes were twitching and his hands clenched and unclenched.

"Hi Shadow!" Rouge smiled.

"Did the shower temperature go below thirty degrees?" Mona inquired, looking as though she had no clue as to what happened.

"Ten second head start…" Shadow snarled, showing his teeth.

Both girls nodded before running out the room.

Eggman continued walking to the restroom whistling before white and violet blurs sped past him. He disregarded it before a blue blur knocked him over.

"What the-!" Eggman sat there stunned. "Okay Robotnik…you're hallucinating. The only people here are Me, Rouge, Mona and…" It took Eggman at least three more seconds before running into the bathroom and pulling out the hair gel.

"Blue hair dye…interesting…" He grumbled beforegoing to the sink and brushing his teeth. What he didn't know was that both Rouge and Mona had put pink food coloring in the toothpaste after they messed with the hair gel.

((((Loud yell in background))))



Shadow: (scrubbing himself with terpentine) You're evil...

I know...