Parenthood: A New World War
Newly Parents
The new parents Horo and Ren had brought their newborn twins home Yume a delightful bouncy little girl and Koby a peaceful prince. Ren and Horo were learning the true meanings of being parents as they woke up early every morning for almost 2 weeks feeding burping changing and lulling the Tao twins to sleep in the hope they could do the same. Horo would find himself panicking over everything some nights not being able to sleep just encase something happened to either of them while he slept.
2 Weeks after the twins came home-
It was late and Ren and Horo were tired to say the least, the twins were a handful and it became almost instinctive for Ren to wake up about 4 every morning to feed them both even before they started to cry. He would lay awake for a while till they did then took action, it took him less than a week to develop this instinct. Ren was doing his usual laying in bed with his eyes closed but awake waiting for 1 of the twins to start crying which made the other. Yume seemed to be the ringleader when she cried Koby cried it was a viscous circle to say the least. Horo snored quietly but soon shot up when he heard one of the twins start to cry followed almost instantly by the other. He turned and looked at Ren who opened his eyes and started lifting himself out of bed. Horo did the same turning to Ren yawning and stretching.
Horo: I'll take Koby…
Ren: ...And I'll take Yume (Finishing Horos sentence)
Ren went over to the cots and got Koby out handing him to Horo who headed out and down the stairs. Ren then got Yume and followed. Horo put two bottles out Ren put them in the microwave for a few seconds then tested the temp on Horos arm. After Horo nodded to say it was fine they both took one and fed the twins slowly. Ren sat at the kitchen table till Yume had finished stopping her crying and just moving around restlessly. Horo on the other hand had just finished feeding Koby still with bottle in hand he yawned and closed his eyes just for a second to rest them but that second became 2 then 3 eventually leading to the Ainu sleeping while standing… Horo kept a firm grip on the now asleep Koby but didn't keep a hold of the bottle and it dropped making a loud clank. Ren heard the clank then Koby starting to scream and cry after the noise woke him up. Ren after hearing the clank and his only sons crying he turned around hurriedly to see what happened and there was Horo still asleep. Ren stood and went over to Horo shaking him gently till he woke up then scowling at him when he opened his eyes.
Ren: Wake up you baka!
Horo: Huh? Oh hey Ren… Shhh Koby it's (Yawned) all right
(Yume started crying because Koby was crying)
Ren: Look you've started them both off again
Horo: How did I do that? (Clueless)
Ren: You woke Koby up and made him cry
Horo: Then how did I make Yume cry?
Ren: When ever one cries the other joins in (Rocks Yume to hush her)
Horo: Why do they do that? (Rocking Koby who was beginning to get sleepy again and quieten)
Ren: How am I supposed to know? (Ren hushing his voice as both twins started to fall asleep again)
Horo: I think they are falling asleep again (Whispered softly along with Ren) Think we should take them back up (Ren nodded)
They both headed back up carefully and slowly Horo set down Koby and Ren set down Yume. They both left the bottle where they were too tired to go put them in the sink right now. Ren just wanted to sleep he knew he had an early morning going to the clinic to get his stitches removed. He still was forbidden to return to the gym but his physique basically had gone back to normal except for the gash across his stomach that would definitely leave a scar. Ren lay down with Horo curling up in his husband's arms falling asleep again. Horo did the same but not for too long. He started to fall asleep feeling Rens body move while he slept, if it weren't for these slight movements and the feel of Rens breathe Horo could almost swear Ren wasn't breathing at all. You could say this trade was passed on to the next generation.
Horo was dozing off listening to Kobys very light snore and Yume who… didn't make a sound. Horo strained to hear her breathing but he really couldn't, not a bit. He peeped an eye open and looked over to her cot but he couldn't see her move either. Not a single movement Horo shot up so fast it woke Ren up quite harshly who also panicked at the way Horo shot up into a seating position.
Ren: What is it?
Horo: Yume… I think she's stopped breathing (Horo got out of bed and went over to the cot to inspect his daughter)
Ren: What do you mean you THINK she's not breathing? (Followed to the cot and looked over his daughter seeing nothing wrong)
Horo: Listen you cant hear her breathing (Went quiet so they could both listen)
Ren: (Shook his head and took Horos hand gently) She's breathing you dolt here (Put Horos hand just below her mouth making sure not to touch her so he could feel her breaths in and out) See
Horo: Dam she scared me half to death (Cuddled into Ren)
Ren: It's not her fault it's you panicking
Horo: Can you blame me she's as bad as you
Ren: (Glared at Horo) What do you mean as bad as me?
Horo: You look dead when you're sleeping too
Ren: I do not
Horo: If it weren't for the fact you breathe on me I wouldn't know you were
Ren: Lets just go to bed before they decide to get us up again
Horo: Sure
They both got back into bed with Horos mind now at ease
Later that morning-
Ren and Horo had been woken up an hour earlier than the were planning on getting up by Yume and Koby who decided they had enough rest and now wanted another feed and to be fussed over. Horo and Ren switched between the twins so each handled both equally. It wasn't Ren constantly dealing with Yume or Koby and Horo constantly dealing with the other it was a shared effort between both. Twins weren't easy especially when one cried the other joined in. Even if there was nothing wrong with the other one they cried till the other stopped. Horo and Ren had a small breakfast with Ren running late. Ren didn't want to leave Horo in the house on his own with the twins not that he didn't trust Horo its just they out numbered the poor Ainu. So Ren invited Yoh over, Anna actually agreed to let him go thinking it would be just as hard as any training she could give him.
Yoh arrived on the scene just in time for Ren leaving. He knocked on the door and waited. Not long after Ren opened the door with Koby in his right arm and Yume in his left.
Yoh: How did you manage to open the door with no hands?
Ren: You learn when you have your hands full (Handed Yume over to Yoh) don't tilt her or drop her or ill drop you got it
Yoh: Got it (Yoh said with a nervous look holding the Tao in his arms very very carefully. Horo soon came through and took Koby)
Horo: You set
Ren: Yes, you know what to do? (Said putting a scarf around his neck and tucking it in)
Horo: (Nodded) Good-luck (Ren started walking on but Horo grabbed his wrist and turned him around) and where's my good-bye kiss?
Ren turned a little pink in the cheeks then looked back at Yoh who was smirking before leaning up pecking Horo and leaving quickly still slightly blushing. Once the door was closed Yoh figured it safe to comment.
Yoh: Horo you sly dog
Horo: Well he can't resist me (Horo said with a smirk himself)
Horo left the room and took Koby with him. Yoh followed with Yume putting her down with Koby on the floor mat in the living room. Horo was beside them laying down looking tired and ready to nod off.
Yoh: Tired?
Horo: You have no idea
Yoh: The twins keeping you up?
Horo: Yeah, but Ren seems to be sinking into it he's awake ready even before they cry
Yoh: Who would of figured Ren to be the motherly type?
Horo: That's the father of my children you're talking about (Horo said with a smile)
It didn't take long for one of the twins to start the crying over again with the other following. Horo picked up Koby who started the crying and Yoh again took Yume who didn't seem to like a stranger trying to comfort her while she was crying. She gained in volume making Yoh feel a little stressed after a minute or so. Horo was dealing with Koby who needed a nappy change. It took Horo record time to get Koby changed carefully putting a fresh diaper on. Koby stopped crying for a brief moment but when Yume didn't stop he soon started over again.
Yoh: Shhh Shhh… I don't get it, what's wrong?
Horo: I don't know hand her over (Horo took both Yume and Koby in each arm and cradled them till they both stopped their shrieking)
Yoh: They got a set of lungs haven't they? No wonder they keep you awake at night
Horo: Trust me its not just that (Put the twins down on the mat again) Yume has Rens sleeping habit and Koby has colic
Yoh: Colic… that must be tough don't they scream and cry for hours?
Horo: (Nodded lying back down) He was crying for almost 3 straight hours yesterday and when ever Koby cries Yume cries
Yoh: Well ad least they are cute now while they are quiet and peaceful
Yohs words fell to deaf ears as Horo had fallen asleep, Yume and Koby were looking around and every now and then tried to grab each other's hands or roll over. Yoh couldn't help but smile, 'Anna was wrong this isn't harder than training' Yoh thought to himself, he should just wait till Kobys colic kicks in.
A Few Hours Later-
Ren came up to the door after just getting his stitches removed and his stomach itched like mad but he had been told not to scratch it, it was slowly driving him round the bend. He heard Koby crying and Yume also screaming trying to compete with her brother's voice. Ren steeped in to find Yoh was holding Koby looking desperate with Horo shushing Yume. Ren took action he missed the twins while he was out even if it was just for a matter of hours. He took Koby from Yoh who collapsed on the sofa holding his head in his hands from the severe headache that was forming.
Ren: How long has he been like this?
Yoh: 2 whole hours
Ren: Colic? (He looked at Horo designating the question to him)
Horo: colic (Horo came and stood next to Ren who now sat next to Yoh)
Ren gently patted Kobys back with his legs crossed and Koby firmly pressed against him while he gently rocked him till his cries died down. As the tiny Tao got quieter his sister did until they both calmed down completely. Yoh let out a relieved sigh and sank back into the sofa loving the peace and quiet. Yoh looked stressed beyond belief and now regretted blowing off the training session with Anna.
Ren: Have fun?
Horo: Usual
Yoh: Fun? My ears are still ringing (Yoh joked)
Horo: No long-term damage he'll be fine (Horo gently pressed his daughter close as she again fussed)
Yoh: I pray that if I ever have children… its one by one (Yoh said fake fainting into the sofa) Anna's training is looking good about now speaking of Anna she wants me home for dinner
Horo: Thanks for the help (Walked Yoh to the door) Bye
Yoh: Bye Horo, Bye Ren
Ren: (Ren said this quietly) Good-bye
The house was quiet, Yoh had left and two-exhausted shaman held two sleeping babies in their arms. They guessed they should join them. Horo and Ren took the twins up to their cots and curled up on their own bed for a long rest. It was only going to develop from there after all fatherhood isn't easy.
Nights were long and days were longer but even though the twins were a handful Horo and Ren loved every second they got with the two. Everyone agreed that Horo was seen as the fatherly figure and Ren the motherly but not a soul dared to tell that to Ren, even Anna kept her mouth zipped up tight. Horos parents came to visit about 3 weeks after the twins were born and Ran came with Ching to both see the twins and meet Horos parents. It was a squeeze but they all bunked the night though they didn't get too much sleep. Ren and Horo settled into a routine after the first month or so and soon everything was coming naturally though the lack of sleep still got to them. Ren being the motherly figure was the one the twins both loved comfort from and Horo being the more energetic was the one they loved to play with. Horo had a game called monkey see monkey do. He would stand so far away and pull the weirdest faces, which the twins tried to mimic like sticking their tongues out or winking or opening their mouths really wide.
Yoh, Anna and Manta had been out of town for a while doing some shaman king duty but when they came back they stopped by to see how things were. The twins a mere 1 and half months already could roll over and mimic lots of movements. Yume was the first to get moving with Koby following days later. Horo was sat in the front room trying to teach Koby how to stick his tongue out. Horo sat there sticking his tongue out at Koby with Yume doing the same but Koby just stared blankly wide-eyed. Ren answered the door and let the 3 visitors in leaning on the frame of the living room door as they all sat down watching the strange Ainu pull faces at Koby trying to get him to copy. Soon Yoh joined in and Manta too but Koby got uninterested and a little overwhelmed at all the different faces getting unsure so turned away from the 3 looking to his confidante for help who stared on uninterestedly. Koby looked up to Ren who immediately noticed his son staring at him, first Ren just smiled faintly then let his smile fade. Not long after Koby tried to do a half smile as well not getting very far. Ren noticed and again smiled with the tiny Tao straining to copy. Ren thought while no one is looking he might as well try Horos little technique and stuck his tongue out a bit. Koby hesitated before doing the same. Horo noticed Kobys attention had wandered and he was now sticking his tongue out. Horo looked to where Koby was sticking his tongue out at and saw Ren doing the same. Ren quickly seized when he saw Horo turning to him with Koby stopping as well. Ren blushed slightly being caught out
Horo: Hey Ren you got him to do it (Smiled broadly)
Yoh: get him to do it again please I missed it (Yoh said turning to Ren along with Anna and Manta)
Ren: N-no (At the sound of Rens voice both twins now looked at Ren eagerly ready to mimic him)
Horo: Come on, you did it a second ago
Ren: So
Horo: Please (Pulled off his puppy eyes) it would mean the world to me
Ren: Stop that you'll teach them things
Horo: I'll stop when you get him to stick his tongue out (Saddening his eyes making Ren give)
Ren: Stop it… now… Horo! … Fine… (Hesitated and quickly stuck his tongue out again getting both Taos trying it, then as quickly as he did it he stopped) Happy
Manta: I think it's great that they look up to you Ren
Horo: (Stood and went to hug Ren who growled lowly at him for that display) They sure love their dad don't they (Horo is talking about Ren there if you don't get it)
Anna: Be careful Ren or people might think you've gone soft
Ren scowled at her but would never openly abuse her verbally when the twins were around, with them mimicking his and Horos every move they might pick up on something. Ren looked at the clock realising it was about time they took the twins through the park, they had done every few days because they found the twins slept longer after a good walk. Yoh and the others didn't stay long mainly because of Anna suddenly getting inspiration on a new torture I mean training session. Good byes were said and Yoh eagerly said good-bye to the twins in a cute baby voice, Yoh had a way with kids but the Tao twins were hard to impress. This was the Ren part of them showing through but the explorative nature was all Horo.
Horo put on that ridiculous looking Bjorn Carrier that Pirika got them for the baby shower and with the help of Ren put both Yume and Koby in it together. They were both on Horos front looking innocent and facing him of course. Ren set about finding them tiny hats and tiny gloves so they didn't catch a chill. Horo joked about Ainu blood and how they wouldn't mind the cold but Ren would hear none of it bundling them up protectively. They did their usual walk but Yume got a little fussy so Horo decided to let Ren carry her for a while to ease her. Ren would never admit it but he noticed he was the main care giver and god could he even think motherly one… he hated to think that but he actually seemed it.
They stopped near the middle of the park sitting on a bench and Horo taking Koby out the carrier that was starting to discomfort his shoulders just a bit. Horo let his sons eyes wander over the park, he seemed to enjoy soaking in everything he saw even though he wasn't the most active of people unlike Yume. Horo could see the short blue hair just like his own and yellow eyes and it just seemed perfect. It was like a perfect mix of him and Ren. He looked at Yume who was energetically trying to wriggle around and explore she wasn't too interested in everything else just getting herself moving. She has dark hair like Rens; she looks so frail yet she does amazing little things for a baby only a month and a half old. Ren sat sleepily holding onto Yume firmly and affectionately. Horo couldn't help but smile at his koibito for looking so cute and cuddly with a baby in his arms, it was a Kodiak moment, the kind of moment you wish you had a camera for.
Ren soon looked at his clock and realised they hadn't long before it was feeding time. Ren kept them on a tight schedule being the organized one he made sure they were fed cleaned and put to bed or given a nap at the right time of day. Horo followed willingly mainly because the schedule seemed to work they had a few extra hours a day to sleep that way and Horo couldn't argue with that. Ren stood up with Horo following Rens lead and putting both twins back in the Bjorn. Horo and Ren both agreed it looked ridiculous but Ren made Horo use it out of spite for him carrying the twins for 9 months. They came back to the house and set the 2 down ready for feeding time. Horo prepared the milk while Ren talked to them, they say you should talk as much as you can to your babies from the day they are born onwards how else they going to learn how to talk? Ren wasn't going to let his children be late speakers he was going to give them a leg up on it. Parenthood is not easy as both discovered but Ren really couldn't imagine life with out them anymore. He liked that when he woke up they were there and when he went to sleep they slept quietly in their nursery. After the first month it was decided they could have be moved to the nursery as it gave Horo and Ren alone time. It was the only alone time they got so it was a blessing but didn't stop Ren worrying, thank god for Lysergs present of a duel receiver baby monitor.
Horo came through with the milk and each fed a baby then burped them. By Rens watch it was naptime so blankets were set out and as per usual Horo sang while Ren cradled, as soon as they fell asleep and rested down for a nap Horo and Ren took advantage having a nap too. They laid down on the floor next to the two cuddled up and fell to sleep easily. Twins are a handful.
First chap not the best but it's all right for an opening I suppose, Hope to update soon but exams and all prevent me doing too much but I'll try