Family Secrets
Chapter: 7
A New Understanding
I know...I know I have a bad habit about starting fics that everyone likes and then moving on to something else. Well, here is my promise that I haven't forgotten this fic.
Lina awoke to the sound of birds singing in the morning light. She yawned lightly while looking out of the cave into the wilderness. As Lina was about to move she heard a light sigh before she felt something rub against her neck. Lina's eyes went wide as she felt warm breath on her cheek and the nuzzling motion on her neck. Lina looked back to see the top of Zelgadis' head before she felt the arms around her waist. As she was about to try to move away she felt one of Zel's hands move slowly down her flat stomach. Lina could not help but moan as she felt the light pressure through the shirt she was wearing. 'This isn't good...if Zel wakes up with me like this it will be so embarrassing...,' Lina thought to herself.
Lina began to try to wiggle out of Zel's grip just to have him grunt and hold onto to her body. As Lina continued to struggle she felt Zelgadis' hand move up her body before, "Ahhh!"
Lina let out a combination of a scream and a moan as one of Zel's hands took hold of one of her breast. Her face was red as a cherry tomato as she felt Zelgadis' hand still on the sensitive area. Lina was about to try to move again when she heard Zelgadis yawn and his body shift slightly. She went stiff as a board as she Zelgadis' breath stop for a moment. The next thing Lina knew the offending hand quickly moved from the spot before both arms retreated from her form. Lina slowly looked back, face still as red as her hair, and saw that Zel had turned from her. He kept his eyes trained on the back of the cave before he whispered lowly, "Sorry..."
Normally, Lina would have attacked him and called him a dirty old lecher. But, for some reason she did not want to attack the man that was facing away from her. Lina slowly sat up and wrapped the cloak around her lower half since she was only wearing Zelgadis' shirt. She turned towards the count and asked, "Are my clothes dry?"
Zelgadis looked to where he had laid Lina's clothes out to dry the night before. He stood up and grabbed the articles before turning and handing them to Lina. Before the young countess could open her mouth Zel had turned around and said, "I know...I peeking or I'm dead."
Lina smiled as she began to put on her normal clothes. 'At least he's a quick leaner,' Lina thought as she finished pulling her shirt on.
After a few more moments of straightening and making sure all was right Lina then turned towards Zel. She smirked before saying, "You can turn around now."
Zel turned at hearing Lina's voice and replied, "Good, we need to get back to the castle before Sylphiel has a panic attack because we haven't come back."
Lina looked at Zel as they walked out of the cave before asking, "She gets that worked up about things like this?"
Zel nodded before smiling, "Yeah, Sylphiel is a good girl that just wants to take care of all those that live in the castle. It's almost like she is the mother of the castle."
Lina smiled as she thought about how caring Sylphiel could be as she continued to walk behind Zelgadis. After a few minutes they came to a clearing where a horse was tied. Lina recognized the horse and said, "It's amazing the horse didn't run off during the storm."
Zel walked over to the horse before petting the animal slightly before replying, "I trained Hermes for when he was young. He only listens to me and me alone."
Lina looked at the pale horse before asking, "Hermes? Like the Greek god right?"
Zel nodded before saying, "Yes, he is the fastest horse I have come across so I thought he deserved the name of the messenger of the gods."
After answering the question Zel saddled up on Hermes before he offered his hand to Lina. Lina took his hand and mounted up behind Zelgadis. As Zel turned the horse around towards the road he said, "Hold on."
Lina wrapped her arms around Zelgadis as Hermes took off down the road at an unusual speed. She drew herself closer to Zel as they continued down the forested path. While Lina held on she felt the contour of Zel's chest through the shirt that he had reclaimed from her. 'I've never noticed how fit he is,' Lina thought as she continued to hang on for the ride, 'Maybe being close isn't so bad...What am I thinking?'
Lina shook her head to rid herself of the train of thought that she had gone on. When she looked back toward Zel she saw that he was looking at her. She blushed slightly before asking, "What?"
He shrugged before saying, "I thought you said something."
Lina shook her head and replied, " must be hearing things."
Zel cocked an eyebrow at Lina for a moment before turning back to the front. He continued to control the horse as they headed back towards the castle. 'I could have sworn I heard her say something...oh well,' Zel thought as he continued on.
Lina's blush began to calm as she thought, 'That was close...good thing he decided no to ask anymore questions. Though it's kind of odd that I thought something and Zel thought he heard me say it.'
Lina looked up again to see Zel looking back again with a odd look on his face. She was about to ask what he wanted but he turned away before she could open her mouth. Lina looked at the man in front of her and wondered, 'Is he going insane or something?'
"For your information I have never been and I'm not going insane," Zelgadis said as he looked back at Lina.
Lina's eyes were wide as she asked, "How did you hear that? I only thought that I wasn't even saying a thing!"
The horse abruptly stopped and Zelgadis looked at Lina with wide eyes to match her own. Zel stared at Lina for a few moments before whispering, " can't be."
"What cant' be," Lina asked before she threatened, "Tell me or I'll do something drastic."
"It's just that the only Inverse that was able to communicate with me telepathically was Alfred so many years ago," Zelgadis replied with shock in his voice and face.
Lina's eyes widened again as she asked, "You mean that whatever I think you will hear?"
Zelgadis shook his head before replying, "Only the thoughts that you project...the thoughts that have a lot of emotion tied in them or thoughts that are commands towards me."
Lina thought about the idea as Zelgadis got the horse to continue on it's way. As they finally got back on the main road Zel could not help but think, 'If she communicate with me telepathically then she might be able to master the magics of old...if that is so then she might can free me from this curse.'
Disclaimer: Any characters or ideas from The Slayers do not belong to me. I am not selling this material, just writing for the heck of it as I go.
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