A Forbidden Dance

Disclaimer: We do not own InuYasha, because if we did...We would be living in Tokyo...sittin' in a Hot Tub...drinking wine...and writing more Inu stories... We also do not own the songs 'Scars' by Papa Roach, 'Shut Up' by Simple Plan, 'Shut Up' by Kelly Osborne, and/or 'Behind These Hazel Eyes' by Kelly Clarkson.

Chapter 2:

Last Time:

"Why did you help me, I mean, why did you kiss me?" InuYasha asked. She walked out the door, but he followed. She turned around and said,

"I remember…"

This Time:

"Why did you help me, I mean, why did you kiss me?" InuYasha asked.

She walked out the door, but he followed. She turned around and said,

"I remember…"

InuYasha just stood there...his mouth hanging open.

'She remembers? I can't believe she helped me...' InuYasha thought, as he walked back into his office.

With Kiko:

Kiko walked into his office, still steaming. She walked over to him, while he sat at his desk, correcting some papers. She wiped them off of his desk, and sat on it, staring seductively.

"Can't you take some time to pay attention to your wife?" She asked, while he got up, and picked up his papers.

"I want a divorce." He said, so coolly, it made her shiver.

"But, but... why? Sesshomaru... why?" Kiko asked.

(A/I- Bet 'cha weren't expecting that!)

"..." He hesitated.

"Why Sesshomaru! Tell me!" Kiko exclaimed.

"Because... I love... someone else..." He trailed, picking up the remaining papers, and setting them in his drawer, locking it with the key.

"..." Kiko couldn't find the right words. She just blew up, yelling, screaming, and throwing papers around, while she smacked Sesshomaru over and over again.

"You CAN'T LEAVE ME! I AM YOUR WIFE! I MARRIED YOU IN A CHURCH! You... can't leave... me..." She trailed, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Get out." He said, while she cried, and walked out of his office, and his life.

With Kagome:

"Man... I can't believe I... kissed him..." She mumbled, before she heard a car horn, and twirled to see her friends' Mokie, and Gizzi riding in Sango's midnight purple 'Mustang Convertible', waving.

"HI!" Kagome yelled as she ran over to them.

"Hop in! We're heading over to the 'Demon Den'. Wanna come?" Sango asked.

"Demon Den? I've never heard of it..." Kagome said, as she hopped into the passenger seat.

"That's because it's new. Some kid our age started it, and it became really successful, so they opened it into a real club!" Sango said, as she drove out of the parking lot.

"Yeah! I hear the owner is totally hot!" Mokie said, as she leaned forward to whisper

'You could totally get with him Kagome!' in Kagome's ear.

"WHAT! NO! I found someone that I like..." Kagome said, as she blushed a little light pink blush, but only Sango noticed.

"What did you tell her Mokie?" asked Gizzi.

"Oh...Nothing..." Mokie said.

"Suuurrrrrreeee..." Gizzi mumbled.

"Well... how about we go in now? I mean, we ARE here..." Sango said, stepping out of her 'Mustang Convertible', while Gizzi and Mokie hopped out. Kagome hopped over the car door, while Sango clicked her alarm, as the hood went up.

"Whoa..." Kagome trailed, staring at the huge club. The sign was lit, and read, 'The Demon Den,' in big blood red letters. As they stepped into the club, the heard the music blare. Kagome held her ears for a moment, before letting them go.

"It sure is awesome..." Kagome said to Sango. Sango smiled, before yelling,

"What did you say?" to Kagome. Kagome yelled in reply,

"It sure is awesome! And loud!" Sango nodded, while they made their way up to the dance floor, to get their groove on. The song ended, and the D.J. began to speak over the microphone.

"Now, we're taking requests! Anyone got a song you want to hear?" The D.J. yelled. Kagome smiled, and walked over to the D.J. stand, whispering something to the D.J.

"Everyone! Clear the dance floor for these four, fine young girls!" The D.J. yelled, stressing the word, 'fine.' Everyone cleared the dance floor, while the girls' got onto it, instruments popping up out of the floor, and people walked over to them, one sitting at the drums, another taking the base guitar, while two others took the guitars. The people started to play the music, while Kagome, Sango, Mokie, and Gizzi began to dance, with microphone in their hands.

"You say,

I should do it differently.

I don't,

Necessarily agree.

Stand up!

Sit down!

Be nice!

Did ya hear me ask for your advice?" Sango sang, Kagome, Mokie, and Gizzi dancing wildly in the back.

"Don't bother,

Trying to tell me your beliefs.

Your point of view is pretty screwed to me!

Do this!

Do that!

On track!

Do me a favor and don't talk back!" Kagome sang, Mokie, Sango, and Gizzi dancing wildly behind her.

"Round and round,

But the conversation always ends where it began.

Round and round,

And I need a vacation.

I've got a headache from you." They all sang, dancing like maniacs.

"Shut up!

Don't want to hear your voice.

Shut up!

I'm sick of all the noise.

There's nothing you can say that means a damn thing to me.

Shut up!" Mokie, Gizzi, Sango, and Kagome sang, running around the dance platform. People were banging their heads, and going wild in the crowd.

"Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah.

That's what,

It sounds like you said to me.

You nag and you brag and I gag,

There's so much beauty in what we have." Mokie sang, Sango, Kagome, and Gizzi banging their heads to the music.

"You must,

Have better things that you can do.

Or does your world revolve around me too.

What you want,

What I need.

Oh please!

I think you get off,

On hearing yourself speak." Gizzi sang, Kagome, Mokie, and Sango dancing, while people in the crowd danced 'hard rock' style

"Round and round,

But the conversation always ends where it began.

Round and round,

And I need a vacation.

I've got a headache from you." All four sang, dancing wildly.

"Shut up!

Don't want to hear your voice.

Shut up!

I'm sick of all the noise.

There's nothing you can say that means a damn thing to me.

Shut up!" Kagome sang, banging her head to the music.

"Don't want to be polite.

It's messed up,

How you always think you're right.

There's nothing you can say,

That's gonna change the way I am.

Shut up!" Sango sang, dancing, and banging her head with the beat.

"Round and round,

But the conversation always ends where it began.

Round and round,

And I need a vacation.

I've got a headache from you." Mokie sang, jumping up and down, while she smacked some people in the crowds' hands.

"Shut up!

Don't want to hear your voice.

Shut up!

I'm sick of all the noise.

There's nothing you can say that means a damn thing to me.

Shut up!" Gizzi sang, holding her arms in the air, and banging her head, her tongue sticking out.

"Don't want to be polite.

It's messed up,

How you always think you're right.

There's nothing you can say,

That's gonna change the way I am.

Shut up!" They finished, striking a pose, with their tongues sticking out.

"Okay... how would you like to hear another one?" Mokie asked.

"HELL YEAH!" The crowd yelled.

"HIT IT!" Gizzi yelled to the band.

"Seems like just yesterday,

You were a part of me.

I used to stand so tall,

I used to be so strong." Kagome sang, Walking around 'high fiving' people in the audience.

"Your arms around me tight,

Everything, it felt so right.

Unbreakable, like nothin' could go wrong.

Now I can't breathe,

No, I can't sleep,

I'm barely hanging on." Sango sang, doing the same, only hugging some people.

"Here I am, once again!

I'm torn into pieces!

Can't deny it, can't pretend!

Just thought you were the one!

Broken up, deep inside,

But you won't get to see the tears I cry!

Behind these hazel eyes!" Gizzi sang, doing the same as Sango, but she was kissed by one person in the audience, and she smacked him so hard, he fell unconscious.

"I told you everything,

Opened up and let you in,

You made me feel alright,

For once in my life,

Now all that's left of me,

Is what I pretend to be,

So together, but so broken up inside,

'Cause I can't breathe,

No, I can't sleep,

I'm barely hangin' on..." Mokie sang, feeling a little blue, because this actually happened inn her life, a few months ago.

"Here I am, once again!

I'm torn into pieces!

Can't deny it, can't pretend!

Just thought you were the one!

Broken up, deep inside,

But you won't get to see the tears I cry!

Behind these hazel eyes!" Mokie sang, walking into the middle of the dance floor, and started to do an awesome dance.

"Swallow me then spit me out…

For hating you, I blame myself!

Seeing you it kills me now!

No, I don't cry on the outside…

Anymore!" Gizzi sang, as she walked to the front of the group and started twirling, and flipping, and doing things that seemed impossible for a girl her height.


Here I am, once again!

I'm torn into pieces!

Can't deny it, can't pretend!

Just thought you were the one!

Broken up, deep inside,

But you won't get to see the tears I cry!

Behind these hazel eyes!" Kagome sang, as she started to do her own dance.

"Here I am, once again!

I'm torn into pieces!

Can't deny it, can't pretend!

Just thought you were the one!

Broken up, deep inside,

But you won't get to see the tears I cry!

Behind these hazel eyes…" Sango sang, Finishing up the song, after doing her own little dance.

"We'll sing another song in about fifteen minutes… Okay?" Sango said/asked

"Sure...Whatever.." said the crowd before doing their own thing.

Sango motioned for the girls to follow her towards the Bathroom, which happened to be near the entrance.

"Girls look..." Sango said, pointing towards the door.

Standing there was Miroku, Sesshomaru, The club owner Koga, and InuYasha.

"Crap! What are we gonna do now?" Kagome asked.

"What's the big deal Kag's? Oh… my... god... You like one of them... don't you!" Mokie said.

"It better not be Koga!"

"Don't worry! It's not Koga... I don't like anyone!" Kagome said, as she turned around and walked into someone.

"OH! I'm sorry!" Kagome said as she looked up.

(A/I- Kagome walked a few feet away..)

"Oh! Hey Kagome!" InuYasha said, as he smiled and waved.

"Oh...Uh...Hi InuYasha..." Kagome said as she looked at the man she secretly admired, and blushed.

"InuYasha! Where did you go?" Miroku, Sesshomaru, and Koga asked, while walking over to him.

"I was talking to Kagome… Go talk to your girlfriends over there..." He said, as he pointed towards Sango, Gizzi, and Mokie.

"Only in my dreams..." Miroku said, with a sigh.

"I wish..." Koga said, while hanging his head.

"..." Sesshomaru had no reply, which caused the four to look at him puzzled.


"No comment Sesshomaru?" InuYasha asked.

"Gizzi is mine for a fact...I'm going to ask her once I get her somewhere quiet..." Sesshomaru said.

"Hi Sesshomaru!" Someone said, from behind Koga, who was behind Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru turned around, to see Gizzi standing there, smiling at him.

"Gizzi... Uh... Hi! Can I talk to you for a minute?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Sure!" Gizzi said, following him to a corner table. They began to talk, and before you knew it, Gizzi squealed out of sheer happiness.

"I totally accept!" Gizzi squealed, jumping into his arms, and kissing him. Sesshomaru was surprised, but he returned the kiss.

Koga turned around to see Hakaku and Ginta, flirting with the bar tenders.

"Hakaku! Ginta! What in the hell do you two think you're doing?" Koga exclaimed.

"Nothing!" They yelled, and ran to the back, to hide.

"I thought so!" Koga shouted.

"Ayame! Rin! I'm sorry they bothered you two. For putting up with their crap, you two will get a raise in your paychecks. Pick them up tonight, and you'll see 1,000 dollars on them, ok?" Koga asked, smiling.

"Wow! Thank you so much! I need to hurry and finish working! I need that money to help my sister! Thank you Mr. Hibiki! Thank you!" Rin squealed, before seeing Gizzi with Sesshomaru, kissing him. Rin scowled, and walked over to Sesshomaru, tapping his shoulder, pushing out her stomach, making her look like she was pregnant.

"Huh?" Sesshomaru asked, as he turned around, receiving a sharp smack on his left cheek.

"How could you leave me for her? With a baby too! How do you do that to someone you claim to love! How can you? You're so cruel to everything!" Rin sobbed, as she smacked him again, and ran away, fake crying.

"What!" Gizzi yelled.

"What, what? I never had sex with her! I don't even know who she is! Wait, I do know who she is, but I've never been around her! At all! Gizzi, you have to believe me!" Sesshomaru exclaimed.

"I… don't know… what… to say… I mean… I don't know if you're lying or not…" Gizzi trailed, looking at the floor of the club. The dance section was in another room, but this room, with the bar, was quiet.

"How could you not know what to say? Just say you believe me and that's that!" Sesshomaru exclaimed again.

With Kiko:

"How in the hell could he do that? TO ME? God! When I get my small hands around that girls' neck, I swear, I will kill her!" Kiko yelled, as she walked down the dark street.

She turned a corner, and was jerked around, by a old pervert.

"You're out of high school right? I know a hotel we could visit, and I'll buy you some clothes, alright? Lets' go…" He said, pulling her towards a hotel.

"Excuse me! You can't just buy me Mr.! I AM MARRIED!" She yelled, karate chopping his hand, where it connected with her arm. His hand dropped, and she kneed his in the groin, kicked him in the back of his knees, and poked his eyes' with her fingers.

"Pervert!" She yelled, before running down the street, and running into the 'Demon's Den'.

Kagome, Sango, Mokie, and Gizzi went back to finish singing.

"Okay…. It's time to finish the last two song's before we take another break…" Gizzi said, her eyes a light red, from crying.

"I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut…

My weakness is, that I care too much…

And my scars remind me, that the past is real…

I tear my heart open just to feel…" Mokie sang.

"I'm drunk and I'm feeling down,

And I just wanna be alone,

I'm pissed cause you came around,

Why don't you just go home?

Cause you channeled all your pain,

And I can't help you fix yourself,

You're making me insane,

All I can say is..." Gizzi sang

"I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut…

And my weakness is, that I care too much…

And our scars remind us, that the past is real…

I tear my heart open just to feel…" Sango sang, trying to find Miroku.

"I tried to help you once,

Against my own advice,

I saw you going down,

But you never realized,

That you're drowning in the water,

So I offered you my hand,

Compassion's in my nature,

Tonight is our last stand!" Kagome sang, looking for InuYasha's eyes.

"I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut…

And my weakness is, that I care too much…

And our scars remind us, that the past is real….

I tear my heart open just to feel…" Mokie sang, looking for Koga.

"I'm drunk and I'm feeling down!

And I just wanna be alone!

You should've never come around!

Why don't you just go home?

Cause you're drowning in the water,

And I tried to grab your hand,

I left my heart open,

But you didn't understand…

But you didn't understand…

Go fix yourself!" Gizzi sang, looking for Sesshomaru, but was failing miserably…

"I can't help you fix yourself…

But at least I can say I tried…

I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life…

I can't help you fix yourself…

But at least I can say I tried…

I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life!" Sango sang, looking for Miroku.

"I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut…

And my weakness is, that I care too much….

And our scars remind us, that the past is real….

I tear my heart open just to feel…" Kagome sang, finding InuYasha, sitting at a table, watching her sing.

"I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut…

And my weakness is. That I care too much…

And our scars remind us. That the past is real…

I tear my heart open just to feel…" Sango sang, finding Miroku, flirting with some girls in the audience.

"Our next song is a surprise! But be sure to listen carefully! It is an awesome song!" Mokie shouted.

"WOOOOOO!" The audience yelled.

"There you go,

You're always so right!

It's all a big show!

It's all about you!

You think you know,

What everyone needs,

You always take time to criticize me!" Kagome sang, going down to the floor, in a split.

"It seems like everyday,

I make mistakes!

I just can't get it right!

It's like I'm the one,

You love to hate,

But not today..." Sango sang, as she did the same as Kagome did, except back bending too, the crowd clapping.

"So shut up, shut up, shut up!

Don't want to hear IT!

Get out, get out, get out!

Get out of my WAY!

Step UP, step UP, step UP!

You'll never stop me!

Nothing you say today!

Is gonna bring me down!" They all sang.

"There you go!

You never ask why!

It's all a big lie!

Whatever you do!

You think your special!" Mokie sang, doing the same as Sango and Kagome.

"But I know & I know & I know & we know!

That you're not!

You're always there to point out my mistakes!

And shove them in my face!

It's like I'm the one you love to hate!

But not today!" Gizzi sang, as she went down like Mokie.

"So shut up, shut up, shut up!

Don't want to hear IT!

Get out, get out, get out!

Get out of my WAY!

Step UP, step UP, step UP!

You'll never stop me!

Nothing you say today!

Is gonna bring me down!" They sang, doing flips to get up.

"(Shut up, shut up, shut up)

Is gonna bring me down!

(Shut up, shut up, shut up)

You'll never bring me down!" They sang together, free styling.

"Don't tell me who I should be..

(Don't tell me who I should be)

And don't try to tell me what's right for me…

And don't tell me what I should do!

I don't want to waste my time!

I'll watch you fade away…" Kagome sang, flipping in a complete circle, and falling into a split.

"So shut up, shut up, shut up!

Don't wanna hear IT!

Get out, get out, get out!

Get out of my WAY!

Step UP, step UP, step UP!

You'll never stop me!

Nothing you say today!

Is gonna bring me down!" Sango sang, flipping like Kagome, except for dancing instead of going into a split.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!

Don't wanna hear IT!

Get out, get out, get out!

Get out of my WAY!

Step UP, step UP, step UP!

You'll never stop me!

Nothing you say TODAY!

Is gonna bring me down!" Mokie sang, as she flipped, then did a weird, but awesome dance.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!

Don't wanna hear IT!

Get out, get out, get out!

Get out of my WAY!

Step up, step up, step up!

You'll never stop me!

Nothing you say TODAY!

Is gonna bring me down!" Gizzi sang, going into a split, then jumping up, free styling.

"Bring me down!

(Shut up, shut up, shut up)

Won't bring me down!

Bring me down!

(Shut up, shut up, shut up)

Won't bring me down!" Kagome sang, as she free styled, then jumped into Gizzi's arms, as well as Mokie's and Sango's, which they held out, for her to lay straight. They threw her into the air, her coming down, landing in a straddle in front of Sango, Mokie, and Gizzi, who were sitting down, in a split..

Shut up, shut up, shut up!" The four finished, getting screams for more throughout the crowd. The bowed, and walked off stage.

"Kagome… That was awesome! I didn't know you had a band! Why didn't you tell me?" InuYasha asked/said.

"Um… about that… well, yeah, WE do…" Kagome said, sighing.

"Oh…" Inu-yasha said, looking at Kagome puzzled.

"Can we talk?" Mokie asked Kagome.

"Um… yeah… hold on a minute Inu-yasha…" Kagome trailed, being pulled over to the bar.

"It's Inu-yasha isn't it! You like Inu-yasha don't you?" Mokie shouted silently, smiling.

"Um…" Kagome couldn't find words at the moment.

'Drat! How does she figure me out!' Kagome thought, frantically.

"No! Never him! Not any of them! I don't like any of them! I swear!" Kagome shouted, whisper like.

"Sure…" Mokie said, as she went back over to the stage that was now, crowded with people, dancing and moving their bodies to the music. She joined, and everyone cleared the floor, to watch the hot, sexy, girl dance. She twisted her hips to the rhythm, and did a back flip to the music, the song that was playing, was their own, which was recorded by somebody…

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!

Don't wanna hear IT!

Get out, get out, get out!

Get out of my WAY!

Step UP, step UP, step UP!

You'll never stop me!

Nothing you say TODAY!

Is gonna bring me down!

Shut up, shut up, shut up!

Don't wanna hear IT!

Get out, get out, get out!

Get out of my WAY!

Step up, step up, step up!

You'll never stop me!

Nothing you say TODAY!

Is gonna bring me down!

Bring me down!

(Shut up, shut up, shut up)

Won't bring me down!

Bring me down!

(Shut up, shut up, shut up)

Won't bring me down!

Shut up, shut up, shut up!" The song ended; as Mokie landed in a straddle, jumping up, and finishing with a back flip, tuck under, front flip, cartwheel.

"WOOOOOOO!" The crowd shouted, clapping loudly, cheering for Mokie, who walked off the stage, turned around, and made a 'peace' sign, signifying she had fun.

"Mokie!" Kagome shouted.

"Yeah?" Mokie yelled, shocked.

"You show off!" Kagome exclaimed.

"No, I just wanted to dance. The people dancing around me moved so I could have more 'get your groove on' space!" Mokie said, as she walked into the bar room, and sat at a table, Koga sitting on the opposite side of her.

"What?" Mokie asked, noticing Koga's stare.

"I don't know. Can't I stare at a beautiful person?" Koga asked, watching Mokie blush slightly. Gizzi sat at a table, Sesshomaru sitting at it as well.

"What do YOU want?" Sesshomaru asked, as he drank more of his 'triple crown' drink.

"Listen… that's all I ask of you…" Gizzi said, slowly, scared for her life.

"…" Sesshomaru didn't say, as he waved for another 'triple crown'.

"I don't believe that girl… I believe you. I had Sango tell me about that girl. She said her name was Rin, and that she lied to get everything she wants. But if you never want to talk to me again… that's okay… I'll leave and never come back if you'd like…" Gizzi said, as she got up, and walked out of the room. Sesshomaru jumped out of his seat, and ran out of the room, following Gizzi.

Gizzi had made it out of the club, and into the parking lot, where she walked over to the sidewalk, and sat, holding her knees, crying.

"I hate this. I tell him the truth, and then I say I'd leave. How can I do that? I love him." Gizzi mumbled. Some one tapped on her shoulder. She looked up, to see the face of Sesshomaru, who smiled at her softly. Gizzi jumped up, and hugged him tightly, while he hugged her back.

"I love you Gizzi." Sesshomaru said, while he breathed in her hair's scent. Gizzi blushed, and gasped, feeling happy to have someone to love.

'Strawberries…' Sesshomaru thought, while he tightened his hug, not knowing someone was watching, who was incredibly jealous.

With Mokie and Koga:

Mokie's blush got heavier while Koga watched her with a big smirk on his face. Mokie turned a darker shade of red, before she got up, and walked over to the bar, getting a 'Green Apple Schnapps''.

"You shouldn't drink." Koga said, while he sat down beside her, ordering a ginger ale.

"Why do yo-" Was all she got out, before Koga kissed her. She stopped thinking for a moment, and kissed back. They separated, and Koga popped the question,

"Will you go out with me?"


CLIFFHANGER! We'll update again A.S.A.P!



Ja Ne!

L8r days!