A Forbidden Dance

Disclaimer: Sorry, but if we OWNED Inu-yasha, we wouldn't be writing this… because we'd be chillin' in TOKYO! Dances like crazy people Oh… wait… we ARE crazy people!

Chapter 1


Kagome walked from her apartment, with her brother Souta. They were going to a job interview, for both of them.

(A/I- They're twins! Back to the story!)

They continued to walk, until they saw the studio, where they had applied for the job at. It was a modeling agency.

"Ready?" Kagome asked her twin.

"As I'll ever be…" Souta said.

"At least one of us is…" Kagome mumbled.

As they walked in, they saw the long line of appliers. Kagome sighed. It was going to be a long day.

After about an hour, they finally got to go in.

"Okay… Ms. Higurashi and Mr. Higurashi. Married?" Mrs. Sakura asked.

"NO!" They both yelled together, making Mrs. Sakura jump.

"Sorry. Brother and sister? " She asked.

"Yeah…" They said, together again.

"Follow me…" She said, as she sighed.

They followed, and found out she was giving them a tour.

"Are we hired?" They asked each other, getting a shrug from the other.

"No… now you have to meet the owner." She said, as she walked farther, them following.

She led them into a giant room, with a desk in the middle.

"Just down the hall, to the right." Mrs. Sakura said, as she walked to her desk.

They walked down the hall and looked at every door on the right.

"Maybe this is it…"Souta said, looking at two doors, that said 'Lord Sesshomaru Tashio.'

"Well…If this company is called 'Tashio Modeling' then DUH!" Kagome said.

"Okay, Okay jeez." Souta said, giving her a sideways glance.

Kagome just looked at him before knocking.

"Come in!" they heard someone yell. They walked into see Mr. Tashio and a model talking.

"Yes?" Asked Mr. Tashio.

"We were told to come by today at 2:30…I am Higurashi, Kagome and this is Higurashi, Souta." Kagome said.

"Ahh…Yes…I forgot there for a minute. I am Tashio, Sesshomaru and this is Tashio, Inu-Yasha." Sesshomaru said.

"Hello." Kagome and Souta said, bowing.

"Feh." Inu-Yasha said.

'That voice sounds familiar…' Kagome thought.

"That's no way to greet our new models…" Sesshomaru said.

"Whatever…" Inu-Yasha said.

"Hey." He said as he turned around, but stopped on his tracks when he saw Kagome.

'I remember her from somewhere…' Inu-yasha thought, as he looked at Kagome's face more closely, then BAM! It hit him like a brick. He remembered when and where he had met her, all at once.


A 10-year-old Inu-yasha stood in his front yard, watching the cars, and people go by.

"Such beautiful things happen around here… I miss Aunt Kaede…" Inu-yasha said to himself, not knowing he would be seeing his Aunt sooner then he thought.

"Inu-yasha!" He heard a voice yell.

"Aunt Kaede!" He yelled, as he lunged for his Aunt, getting a hug from her.

(A/I- Sorry if this is confusing. Kaede isn't really Inu-yasha's Aunt. She's a close friend of his mothers.)

"Inu-yasha, I would like you to meet someone." Kaede said, as she pulled a shy girl from behind her.

"I would like you to meet, my niece… Kagome!" Kaede shouted, as the small girl waved shyly. Inu-yasha smiled brightly.

"Hi! Aunt Kaede… is this my cousin?" He asked, dumbly.

Kaede smiled.

"No, see, I'm not really your Aunt. I'm one of your moms' best friends'. You two aren't related." She said, as she smiled more.

He looked shocked. He had thought Kaede was his Aunt the whole time, but she wasn't. He got over it real fast, because Kagome threw the ball at his face.

'A pretty girl, with a mean attitude!' Inu-yasha noted, as he threw the ball back at her. She caught it with ease. She drilled him in the stomach again, and he whimpered.

She went over and bent down. She looked at his necklace, and pulled it off. He grew fangs, claws, and ears at the top of his head. His hair instantly turned white. Kagome screamed.

"MONSTER!" She yelled, as she took off into the house, to Kaede.

"What's the matter sweetie?" Kaede asked.

"Inu-yasha's a monster!" The girl yelled.

Kaede looked down to see Inu-yasha's necklace in Kagome's hands.

"Oh boy…" Kaede said, as she threw the necklace out the window, to Inu-yasha. She then took Kagome home.

End Flashback

Inu-yasha smirked, then looked at Kagome.

"Hey, Kagome." He said, as he went over to her.

"Huh?" She asked, looking at him directly.

"Wanna go on a date?" He asked.

"Um… uh… I… don't know… you…" She said, as she searched her memory frantically.

"What! You don't remember me? My Aunt Kaede introduced us ten years ago…Well, she's not really my aunt…but she is yours…" InuYasha said.

"Wha? Aunt Kaede?" Kagome said.

"Oh I remember her now! …She…died…seven years ago…' Kagome added as she looked down, trying to hide her tears.

"Oh…" Inu-yasha mumbled, as he looked down. The room began to get awkwardly silent, as no one spoke. Being too quiet, Sesshomaru decided to break it.

"Well then, I can't hire you two without a reason can I?" Sesshomaru asked.

"No sir!" Souta yelled, as he began to explain a reason for them to work.

" My family needs the money, and we were spotted by one of your talent scouts…they told us to come by to get interviewed…so are we hired?" Souta asked, flashing Sesshomaru a smile that could melt a young girls heart, and Kagome giving him a face that would win any boys heart.

"I'll leave the decision up to Inuyasha…" Sesshomaru said before he walked out.

"WHAT?" Inu-yasha yelled, watching his brother leave.

"Ok then… are we hired?" Souta and Kagome asked, gleaming eyes upon Inu-yasha. He sighed, and then smirked.

"I guess…" He said, while Kagome started the victory dance, Souta joining. Kagome ran up to Inu-yasha's sitting frame, and hugged him, causing him, to blush a light pink blush. Realizing what she was doing, she stopped, then rejoined Souta for the victory dance.

As they walked out…

"Why doesn't she remember me? What happened to her after she left?" Inu-yasha mumbled to himself, calling a few people, not noticing the figure approaching his office…


"INU-YASHA!" The figure screamed, running up in her pink high-heals, giving the black haired boy a kiss on the lips.

"Kiko? What the hell do you want?" InuYasha asked.

"Inu-Baby! Don't be like that! You told me that you loved me!" Kiko said, as she tried to kiss him again, but was pulled back by someone who pushed her up against the wall.

"What are you doing to my Fiancé?" asked the woman, who pointed to InuYasha.

"Kagome? What are you doing here?" InuYasha asked.

"Fiancé?" Kiko shouted, enraged.

"Yes…Fiancé." Kagome said, as she walked over to InuYasha, and slipped her arm around his neck and gave him a light kiss.

"I didn't expect to see you here this early darling." InuYasha said, returning the kiss.

"Well…I thought I'd pay you a small visit." Kagome said as she gave him one of her heart capturing smiles.

"How long can you stay?" he asked.

"As long as you'd like…" she said, some seriousness in her voice.

"Great! Head into my office, I'll be in after I tell Kiko that I DON'T love her, and to leave me alone." Ha said as he let her go, and watch her walk into his office.

"What do you mean you don't love me? That's what you told me two years ago!" Kiko yelled.

"That was before you left me for Naraku, and before I found Kagome." InuYasha said, and he meant every word. "Now leave me alone, or I'll press charges!" He said before he walked into his office to find Kagome laughing her head off.

"That was fun! When do you think she'll be back?" she said, still smiling.

"Probably tomorrow…" he said, walking to his desk, (which she was sitting on…) and sat down.

"I'll be sure to be here!" Kagome said as she got up and started to walk towards the door.

"Kagome! Wait!" InuYasha said, jumping up and grabbing her arm.

"Wha? What do you want?" Kagome said, a little startled.

"Why did you help me, I mean, why did you kiss me?" InuYasha asked.

She walked out the door, but her followed. She turned around and said "I remember…"

DUM, DUM, DUM! What do you think she'll do now? Well….We must leave it here, or we'll have nothing to keep you reading!

Ja Ne!

dancergirlcf and sessishot2005!