Detective Benson exited her apartment building walking to her partner's SUV. This had been a ritual for the two detectives for years. "Good morning," she chirped.

"Hey Liv?" Elliot said grumpily. This had been his attitude since his divorce with his wife Kathy.

Liv knew he was having a tough time, but she was getting tired of his dour mood and him shutting her out. It seemed like they never talked to each except about cases and what they wanted to get to eat.

Elliot started to drive to the precinct in silence. "Hey El, how's everything been going?"

"Fine." He answered quickly.

Then she knew that he would open up a little if she asked her next question, "How are your kids doing?"

"They are doing ok. It was my weekend and we had some fun." He smirked from the thought of the weekend.

"Oh really, like what," she smiled. She was finally getting him to talk some.

"We went to the park played some ball, got some ice cream, and went to the movies."

"Sounds fun."

"Ya, it really was."

"I'm sorry El that you haven't been able to spend that much time with them, but you know that you are a very good father."

He gave out a huge sigh as he pulled up to the precinct, "Let's not talk about this anymore."

The two detectives entered the building with the sound of telephones ringing and papers shuffling.

Just as they were about to sit down they heard Cragen yell from across the room, "Don't get to comfortable detective, our favorite serial rapist and killer has come out of hiding and did his handy work on the new victim." Olivia and Elliot were not happy with how this case was going. The guy seemed to have no motive. The only connection between the victims was that they were single women with thriving careers and had traces of the banned drug incrystalline.

Incrystalline was a drug that the rapist used so he could over power his victims. The drug temporally paralyzed they whole body. His MO portrays him as a misogynist psycho-rapist and killer.

It had been a month since his last crime, probably because they found a large amount of blood at the scene of the last crime that didn't belong to the victim. Unfortunately the guy wasn't in the system.

Olivia sighed heavily. Elliot noticed how much this case got under her skin just as it did his. "Don't worry Liv; we'll catch the son of bitch this time."

The two detectives burst onto the crime scene with Detective Stabler first. Someone from CSU approached him quickly, "Detective Stabler, I need to talk to you."

"I'm all ears," Elliot responded.

"I need to talk to you alone and it's best if your partner wait to enter the crime scene."

"What's this about," Elliot said as they started to walk off. He gave Olivia a nod to just do what the officer asked.

"I thought it would be best if you told your partner that the perp left a note for her."

"What!" Immediate concern filled Elliot's face.

"He left some photos behind too. He's been stalking. He said that he became intrigued with her when she was working on the case." The officer from CSU gave Elliot the pictures. There was at least a dozen. One of her on the crime scene, one of her walking into the precinct, one of her entering her apartment building, one of Elliot and her eating a late dinner, and the one that really made his skin crawl was one of her in a towel pulling the blinds down after getting out of the shower. The others were just pictures of either her walking alone or with Elliot.

"We already dusted for prints and there wasn't even a smudge," the CSU officer said.

Elliot looked over at his partner. She caught his glance and started to tap on her watch. He started to walk over to her. He put his hand on her shoulder and took her into the empty hallway.

"Liv, I don't know how else to tell you this, but this guy has been stalking you. He left you a note at the crime scene."

Olivia's jaw dropped. She didn't know what to say except, "Can I see the note?"

"Ya sure," he said taking his hand off her shoulder. The Stabler and Benson walked up to the crime scene and saw the woman naked on the floor with blood surrounding her. Elliot was then handed the note. He took a glance at it and passed to Olivia.

Dear Detective Olivia Benson,

I have become intrigued with you for the past few months. As you have figured out, I was greatly injured from my last victim. Time has passed and I've healed, unfortunately for my victim, she never will. I'll get to the point. Women like you need to be broken and put back into your place. You should feel honored that I'm writing you this letter. I've never contacted my victims in advance before. See you around.

Yours Truly

"Great, he's a gentleman. He writes formal letters," Olivia said sarcastically.