Esore ran though the collapsing building trying to get out before she was buried under it. She knew the way out, the Force had told her, and she was going to get there even if it killed her.

She no longer cared about Sith, Jedi, or her friends. She didn't even care about her own life. The only thing she cared about was the thing she was carring.

"I will get us out of here," she told it. "I will. I promise." She saw the way out head of her. "There!"

Suddenly the way out began to collapse. "Oh no, it's not!"

She threw herself onto the floor and slid under the entrance just before it cave in all the way. Now she was outside. She saw her star ship far below. A loud rumble rose up behind her as things began to fall down.

She only had one choice.

Holding her Master close she took a deep breath and jumped.

Jay, Maya, and Rie who held the injured and dying Dorian ran to their star ship. The found it totally destroyed.

"How did this happen?" Maya asked staring at the ruined ship.

"I think some of those driods we ran into might have done this," Jay said.

"What are we going to do now?" Rie asked. "Dorian needs medical attention badly."

"You could take him back to the Temple on ours," a voice said behind them.

Startled the Padawans turned around.

Obi-Wan Kenobi and another man stood behind them. The other man had grayish hair, a beard, and a very nice face.

"Obi-Wan?" they said too shocked to be respective.

The Jedi Master looked around. "Where's Esore?" he asked.

"She's still in that building we think," Maya replied.

"Well we can't leave without her or Master Yoda," he said.

"But what about Dorian?" Rie asked who still had him draped over her right shoudler. "He was stabbed by a Sith ligthsaber and might be dying."

"I'll take him back to the ship and see what I can do," the other man offered.

"Okay," the Twi'lek said handing him over.

"Thank you," the man said. He headed back to the ship.

"Now," Obi-Wan said when the man was gone. "Let's get Esore and Master Yoda."

The Force rose up in Esore and the fall became lighter and slower. She landed easily on the ground and ran out of the way before she was flattened by what was left of the colisium. When she was far enough away she leaned against a rock and panted heavily. "We made it," she said. "We're not dead." The girl looked down at Master Yoda. He smiled up at her tiredly. "Saved us you have," he said. 'Thank you."

She just smiled back.

"Esore!" a voice called to her.

The girl looked up. She saw Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Padawans Rie Secure, Jay indigo, and Maya Ixten running up to her. "Master Kenobi?" she said shocked to see him on the planet. "How did you know where we were?"

"A friend told me," he replied.


"Really." He walked up to her. "Let's go," he said noticing the long burn mark on Yoda's left side. "What happened?"

"I'll explain when we get out of here," Esore told him. "Master Yods needs medical attention."

Once everyone was on the starship Yoda was taken to the infirmary. Esore stayed behind with her three firends, Obi-wan, and his un-named friend to explain what had happened.

Obi-wan couldn't believe what he was hearing. he and his friend exchanged glances.

When she was done she asked. "So what now?"

"We'll have to take Master Yoda and Padawan Dorian back to Coruscant first of all," Obi-Wan said.


"Then we'll discuss what to do next," the other man replied. "Until then; we can't do anything."

Jay asked. "What that really Darth Sidious from the Old Republic?"

Obi-Wan nodded. "By your description it definatly was," he replied. "And if Luke Skywalker is his new apprentise we're in big trouble."

"What should we do?' Maya asked.

Obi-wan looked at nothing for a moment. "I don't know..."

"You couldn't kill him?" Palpatine asked his voice full of rage. "Why couldn't you?"

Luke didn't look up. He didn't want to stare at his new Master's face. "I'm sorry," he said. "His Padawan-"

"That girl? That girl!" The Sith exploded. 'Don't tell me you couldn't beat a girl! And a Padawan at that!"

"I-I'm sorry."

Palpatine calmed down. "It's...okay," he said slowly. "You tried."


The Sith put a hand around the younger man's shoulders. "Come with me," he said. 'There's something I want to show you."

Luke looked at the older man curiusly "What?"

"You'll see."

Luke followed his new Master deeper into the cavern. (They'd escaped the colapse of the colasium and gotten to a cave somewhere else on the same planet) Sidious led him into a dark room.

Luke saw something in the shadows near the far wall and came to a stop. He stared at it a moment not believing what he was seeing.

This can't be real! How? It's not possible

"F... Father?"

Esore and the other three Padawans went to the infirmary to check on Dorian and Master Yoda.

Obi-Wan Kenobi and the other Jedi were glad. Now they'd have time to talk alone. They discust what Esore had told them.

"So what should we do?" Qui-Gon Jin asked Obi-Wan.

"I don't know," the other Jedi said. "I can't think of anything right now."


"I know something, though. Something's going to happen. Something we all have to be ready for."

"I believe you. When it happens us and the Padawan's and most of all Padawan Esore have to be ready."

Obi-Wan nodded. "Yes, Master Qui-Gon, I know..."

Cue ending theme



HAHAHAHAHA! I'm finally finished with this! Yes! After all that typing It's finally done! But what a way to finish. A cliff hanger ending.. Too bad I'm not making a sequeal. All well. I might eventually but for now I have to take a break from this kind of story line work. I still have a lot of stories I never finished yet that I have to. Well that's it. Sorry for any spelling grammer or chaarcter personallity errors.

Hope you liked it and thanks for the reviews.