Chapter 1: I wish there was another way

In this crazy world some one will find out. Hermione thought to her self. She had to leave. She had to escape. Why wasn't she confronting her fears? Why was she just running away from her problems? So much for being a brave Gryffindor.

With every insult she could think of about her self she kept on feeling awful and started to cry. I'm so stupid! Hermione was currently in her dormitory alone. In fact this was the most alone she had ever felt in her life. She suddenly heard noises in the common room. She instantly keyed into the voices she knew so well. Harry and Ron were joking around. Joking! How can they be so ignorant of life? How can I do this to them...Her thoughts were racing.

They had just come back from lunch which Hermione had decided to skip. She soon realized that they were probably coming to find her. She sat with out moving, not making even the slightest noise. She didn't want them around her right now. She didn't want anyone around her right now. She desperately wanted to leave, but she quite suddenly burst into tears, even catching herself by surprise. Obviously, Ron and Harry heard her, and invited them selves in to the girl's dormitory. They both sat on either side of Hermione.

"What's wrong?!" Harry asked frantically. This was not his Hermione and he was worrying about his girlfriend.

"Leave!" Sob. "Get out!" Sob. "I don't want to say bye, so just leave!" Sob. Hermione was so emotional. She didn't want to hurt her best friend and her boyfriend in one swoop. She just couldn't get the memories out of her head. She was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Bye? Why would we say bye? Remember, we're best friends until the end?" Ron was trying to comfort her, and get the problem out. Hermione wished that was true. Best friends until the end. That sentence would haunt her every night for the rest of her life. She started shaking and Harry put his arms around her.

"Bye." Hermione suddenly stood up. It stung, Harry's touch leaving like that. She grabbed the necessities, she would get the rest later, and walked out. She was walking down the hall crying her heart out. She couldn't believe it. She was pregnant. How sad can I get. I'm so stupid! She heard Harry behind her. Her heart sped, she wanted to just leave. She tried running, but was unsuccessful. She fell to the floor, but as soon as Harry was in a foot of her she stood back up and kept walking. She was heading for the train and she wanted to leave as soon as possible. Harry closed the distance between them easily. He touched her on the shoulder and scared her terrifically.

"Idiot! Get off of me," For some reason she had assumed it wasn't Harry, realizing her mistake when she turned around. "Oh, sorry! Just another stupid mistake, thats me. The huge mistake. Harry, I said bye and I don't want to make this harder for either of us." She was much closer to the train now.

"Why? Why are you leaving me? Why are you leaving Ron? Why are you leaving Hogwarts?" Harry was concerned. His love was about to go MIA.

"If it's about me I should know." Harry said trying to catch his breath. His eyes starting to fill with tears. He needed answers and he needed them now.

" You want to know why?" Hermione was trying to speak between her salty tears. "Because of a huge mistake! I don't blame you I blame my self. If you want to know so bad... Here!" She handed him a note. " You don't tell a single soul or I'll never come back Harry! NEVER!" The train had arrived.

She got on sobbing like no other Right before she fully entered the train she turned around and saw Harry pain stricken face. "I really don't blame you Harry." She whispered and gave a sincere smile. . Harry wanted to get on so bad but his legs stay firmly placed on the ground. He hadn't even opened the note. He just stood there still as he let his true love slip out of his reach. He gripped the note as hard as he could making sure nothing would happen to it. He feel to his knees when the train left cry. Ron came up behind him and gave him a hug.

Ron helped Harry back to their dorm and let Harry be alone. As soon as Ron left Harry made sure there was no one around. He opened the note carefully. It was simple an straight to the point.

Dear Harry,

I'm sorry to inform you that our actions have caused me to get pregnant with your child. Yes it's your child and there is no doubt about it. Feel free to shred this note just in case people see it. For this reason I didn't sign. You know who I am and I know you. You will always stay in my memories, but I will probably never see you again. I never wanted to cause harm to your life, and I don't want to ruin what's going for you with the child.

He couldn't believe it. He stood there with shock. He soon heard Ron knocking on the door. With out realizing that he was crying he wiped away his tears and yelled "Come in!" Harry quickly folded the note and put it in his pocket. Ron came in with a sad look his face. He had gotten some food from the kitchens, men needed to eat. Especially two previously crying men with red on both of their faces.

They sat in silence for about 15 minutes when Ron blurted out.

"Where is she?" Ron was about to cry again just thinking about her.

"On a train to...Get away, I'm guessing." Harry answered a little to quickly.

"You saw her get on the train! Why didn't you stop her?" Ron asked like they were in an argument.

"She wanted to leave. I couldn't stop her." Harry started crying. They both fell asleep not knowing what would happen tomorrow. Not knowing what would happen to the rest of there life.